
Never meet again 25

😄Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting. Please continue to journey with us through out this book. Comment and rate the book if you like it.

😟Sung Yoon: Tae Jin is gone, I feel so sorry for Hae Jin. He really loved the kid.

😒Author: Yeah, as his own.

😕Sung Yoon: Is there a problem with that? Cause you sound like there is 

😡Author: There's no problem! Shut up and leave!

😠Sung Yoon: Hey, hey, hey, I haven't been rude, don't start.

😑Author: I'm sorry, let's just continue.

😠Sung Yoon: Good decision.


Night 🌌 (Around 8 to 9)

Back in the living room, Sung Yoon stared worriedly at her friend who lay on the couch, staring at the poor wooden ceiling with a blank expression.

Once again, she couldn't read him at all. What was he thinking about?

Certainly, it had to do with the kid's moving.

*Sigh, she was right, Tae Jin was going to be a big problem for Hae Jin.

Even though he was his special one, he was still a big problem for him.

Being a problem now.......what will happen when is time for Hae Jin to cross over? She just hope Hae Jin won't decide to be greedy and stay because that's also one of the reasons why a ghost can turn into an evil one.


Wait a minute!, this can't be the reason why Hae Jin wants to be a hunter of evil ghosts right?

She meant, the benefits of being a hunter of evil ghosts includes getting the privilege to stay in this world for as long as you want.

This......... Tae Jin can't be the reason why he wants to stay right?

"He said he will come back for me" Hae Jin said, smiling sarcastically.

Could she be right?

"How stupid. He will forget all about me when he grows up. And......., did he not think I might not be living here anymore when he grows up?" Yeah, didn't Tae Jin think about that. He said he was leaving the house (When Tae Jin asked why all the furnishings were covered with white cloths)

Tae Jin thought he was human so how come he didn't think about it?

Oh well, then again, he's a child.

"Are you that hurt that he's gone?"

"I am, but I'll get over it" Hae Jin replied and silence took over. Seconds later, he spoke again,

"Is just that, I never thought we will part ways this soon. I mean, it hasn't even been a month since we met"

"Yeah, you're right"

"But you know, this must be for the best. Until we meet again huh?, We will never meet again"

"But you're holding onto it, right? You do want to meet again right?"

Hae Jin smiled sadly, looking at Sung Yoon, "But that will never happen" he answered back and went back to staring at the ceiling.

Sung Yoon didn't know what to say anymore and she could also see Hae Jin didn't know what to say as well.

Right then, a question poped in mind and she decided to ask. To start a conversation once again.

"Hae Jin, why do you want to be a hunter of evil ghosts?" She really wanted to know the answer to this.

Hae Jin looked at her direction with a questioning look.

"Why are you asking?" He asked and Sung Yoon replied, "Just answer me"

"Okay, fine. Because........ I know that's the only way I'll be independent. I don't want to rely on my special one to find out my past"

"I see, you're not wrong there" *Sigh, what a relief. At least now she knows Hae Jin won't turn evil.

"Yeah, but I can't even leave the house and I don't know how I can do this (Becoming a hunter of evil ghosts). Wait, do you think I can leave the house using my powers"


"I don't think so. I don't know how you can leave the house" but I believe your special one can help. However, you don't want your special one. And he,...... already left as well. That's nothing that can be done. You missed your chance.

Sung Yoon thought but didn't dare vioce out because she didn't want to upset Hae Jin anymore than he already was.

The poor guy might be covering it up but Sung Yoon can see.

"So, what now? You know we can't just stay in the house doing nothing" she said. Sung Yoon really didn't want to stay in the house doing nothing.

It was boring!

The same routine, sleeping and getting up just to come back to staying in the living room and staring at the ceiling was just so boring!

"We won't be doing nothing. I will practice using my powers" Right.

"and you......"

"What about me?"

"Find something better to do. You can......, go kill time. Or, you can just watch me practice "

"Well, I can't just kill time. And anyways, we can't plan the years ahead of us without knowing what will happen "

"I was planning this year" Seriously?

"Don't, let's just wait. Take it step by step. We don't plan let's just let the day tell us what to do"

"You asked what was next"

"Yeah, well, forget my question "

"Wait, is it because........"

"Shut up! Say no more" Sung Yoon yelled, irritated while Hae Jin was smiling amusingly.

Looking away from Sung Yoon's direction, he looked back at the wooden ceiling as he lost himself in thought again.

What's next. Tae Jin was already gone or was on his way, whatever the case was, he was no longer coming around.

What now? Practice using his powers? Yes, that was the plan.

However, Hae Jin wanted nothing more but to try leaving the house. He wanted to be a hunter of evil ghosts.

More importantly, he wanted to find out about his past, those two people in his memories.

Who they were, what they were to him and how he died.

He wanted to find all these out. But, can he do it alone? Without the help of his special one?

Can he make it?

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