
Not Coming Anymore 24

😊Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

😇Sung Yoon: Please comment and rate the book if you like it. Only if you like it.

😊Author: No, please rate even if you hate it and leave a comment on why you do so I can learn and fix my mistakes.

😮Sung Yoon: That's some sensible words.

😡Author: Hey, you still haven't thank me for talking some sense into you.

😏Sung Yoon: Come on dear, you know I will never do that.

😔Author:.........*Sigh, I'm tired, let's just continue.

😦Sung Yoon: No! Wait!

😳Author: Are you going to apologize?

😒Sung Yoon: No, I just want to say, you did a pretty good job writing chapter 19 again. It was just like the original one.

😑Author: Thank you but that's not what I want to hear.


In the room Hae Jin stayed in earlier, both he and Sung Yoon sat on the bed, facing each other.

Hae Jin supported his back against the bedframe, staring at Sung Yoon with that same confuse and curious expression on his face.

While Sung Yoon looked depressed and hesitant to hand out what she had to give him.

"Sung Yoon" Hae Jin called out her name and she sighed depressedly, making Hae Jin even more curious and worried.

"Hae Jin, you won't like what am about to say" Sung Yoon said, looking up at Hae Jin with a sympathetic look.

Why this look? Okay, Sung Yoon was beginning to scare him,

"Tell me" yet he wanted to know anyways.

*Sigh, Sung Yoon sighed before replying, "Okay" and proceeding to tell him the truth.

When she found out the news, she planned on saying nothing. She planned out hiding the truth but then, when she thought about it again.

It wasn't wise to do so. The truth always finds a way to come out and when it does, it comes in an ugly form, destroying everything.

If she doesn't tell Hae Jin the truth, the news, sooner or later, it will reveal itself and it will destroy her relationship with Hae Jin.

Sung Yoon believe he will feel disappointed, angry and will not trust her anymore as she hid something very important from him even if it was for his own good.

Is always better to come out with the truth and see where it goes rather than hiding it for the longest time.

*Sigh, but it was still so hard to tell him. She didn't want to see Hae Jin get hurt but is better this way.

Because he'll have a long period of time to get over it.

"Tae Jin came by earlier" Sung Yoon said and Hae Jin's eyes widened in shock as the realization hit him for the first time.

Today was supposed to be the day they celebrate Tae Jin's belated birthday.

Damnit! How could he have forgotten?

"Sh***t" Hae Jin ran his hand through his hair, looking frustrated and sorry.

"I forgot we were going to celebrate Tae Jin's birthday today? So stupid of me!" Was the kid angry? Disappointed? They didn't make arrangements for his birthday after all.

"Did he say he will come back? We have to decorate the house and buy a cake and..........."

"Hae Jin! Calm down" Sung Yoon said the words in a sad tone, confusing Hae Jin as he looked at her.

Gosh! She didn't want to do this! Why was she the one to break this news to him?

"He......he didn't come in. He came by saying he will not be coming here anymore and.....he left a letter" Hae Jin's eyes widened in shock and Sung Yoon felt heartbroken at the sight of hurt in Hae Jin's eyes.

Though he looked surprised, Sung Yoon could see he was also hurting, his heart was probably broken into pieces with this news.

Poor guy, she hated seeing him this way but even she knew it was inevitable to share this news with him and not see this sight.

*Sigh, anyway, yes. The message which was written on paper for Hae Jin, the so-called letter was what she had to give to Hae Jin, though she believe Tae Jin didn't write the letter himself.

The handwriting, spellings, looked too good and perfect from a 6year old kid she believe.

Yes, she read the letter. She wasn't supposed to because it wasn't meant for her, she still did because she was so curious to know what was in there.

And boy did she regret reading it. It looked more like a love letter!

Who in their right mind wrote that letter for him? Did they ask questions? Like who it was for and who this person meant to him?

Oh well, she will never find out now because the kid's gone.

"What?" Hae Jin exclaimed, (Still in shock) drawing Sung Yoon out of her thoughts as she looked at him with pity in her eyes.

So, this was it. That sad, pity, depressed look Sung Yoon had on her face all along was because of this news.

She felt bad for him. She was sharing his pain, thinking about what he will go through when she shared this news with him.

And she wasn't wrong. God, what was he going to do? Tae Jin was no longer coming around. He will no longer get to feel alive, feel like human.

And more importantly, he will not see his friend ever again.

Heavens, this hurts a lot more than he thought. Who knew, that a kid will break his poor miserable heart?

He must have really loved Tae Jin more than he thought.

Wait! Don't misunderstand! He's not a pervert. Doesn't want to get with a kid!

This love he felt for the kid was innocent, no indecent thoughts attached.

He cared about Tae Jin, loved him and wished the kid was his own or was related to him.

But no, Tae Jin was no longer coming around.

"Here, this is the letter he gave me before he left" Sung Yoon said as she reached out for her pocket, bringing out a folded paper before handing it to Hae Jin.

Hesitant yet eager to know what's written on it, Hae Jin took the letter.

Sung Yoon then got off the bed, looking at Hae Jin who was staring at the letter with a blank expression.

She couldn't figure out what Hae Jin was thinking about while staring at the letter in hand but one thing was visible.

The heartbreak he was going through was visible in his eyes.

"Then......I'll leave you to it" she said but Hae Jin did not reply. He didn't even spare her a glance, staring at the letter.

Thinking it was better to take her leave now, Sung Yoon left the room, deciding to check on him later.

Sung Yoon gone, he took some seconds, staring at the letter before finally he decided to unfold it.

Slowly, hesitant, Hae Jin unfolded the letter and began to read what was written on it.

"Hello hyung, this letter is from me, Tae Jin. I'm sorry, I didn't hand this to you personally. I don't think I can see you when am leaving. If I see you, I might decide to stay which can't happen because no one is willing to take care of me and I can't take of myself either. I'm only a kid and only six. I'm sorry we have to cancel our plans of celebrating my birthday again. I really didn't want this to happen but I have no choice. I'm leaving Seoul to stay abroad. I don't know why but my parents decided and I have no say in this. But know that, even though am far from you, I will be thinking about you. I will never forget you and I'll come back for you. This isn't goodbye but rather, until we meet again. Look forward to seeing me, of course, a grown up me. This isn't goodbye, I repeat, this isn't goodbye." Hae Jin smiled sadly after reading this part 'This isn't goodbye, I repeat, this isn't goodbye'

"Until we meet again Hyung"

This was it. This was what the letter contained and Hae Jin felt so sad, so hurt. 

Tae Jin was gone now. He will never see him again. He will never get to feel like human, feel alive again........

He said he'll come back. Should he be happy about this?

"Until we meet again my friend" Hae Jin said sadly, tears streaming down without him realizing. 

Gosh, it really hurt. Feels like he just lost his kid or something.

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