
Promise 23

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting.

Sung Yoon: Yes, thank you. Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

Author: Exactly.

Sung Yoon: But, you can prefer not to if you feel lazy to do so.

Author: Shut up! Please don't listen to her.

Sung Yoon: Tsk! This is one of the many reasons why I hate you.

Author: Glory be to the creator of the world because I don't like you either.

Sung Yoon: Tsk!, So annoying, always talking back.


Morning ⛅ (Around 9am)

Hae Jin spent the night in one of the bedrooms.

The poor guy couldn't sleep all night even though he was very tired.

He needed rest, energy as he felt weak and tired yet he couldn't sleep at all.

All night he lay on the bed (Which was also covered with a white cloth) staring at the wooden ceiling in trance, thinking about his fight with Sung Yoon and what she said.

About the two people in his memories.

In fact, Hae Jin has been thinking about these two issues all night. No matter how much he tried to forget everything and get some rest, he just couldn't.

He was so busy, thinking about his fight with Sung Yoon and the two people that, he forgot what day today was and the plans they had.

Today was supposed to be the day they make arrangements to celebrate Tae Jin's belated birthday yet he has totally forgotten about it.

Thinking about Sung Yoon and their first fight, he didn't know what to do.

He didn't know if Sung Yoon was up yet, where she slept, or if she was even in the house.

Yesterday, he said some pretty bad sh***t about her which he didn't even mean.

He said all those things in anger and he regret them all, not just now, but the moment he said those words.

What should he do? He was too ashamed to go downstairs, find Sung Yoon and apologize.

He meant, it was simple. Everything can be solve easily if he just went up to Sung Yoon and apologize. Yet, he can't because he was ashamed.

He can't bring himself to look Sung Yoon in the eyes because he was pretty sure everything he said will come rushing back in mind.

Yes! The memories of their fight yesterday was still playing in mind but, he thought it will be a lot worst if he was to face Sung Yoon.

*Sign, heavens, what has he done? He just hope Sung Yoon hasn't left and was still around.

Ashamed, worried and angry with himself, Hae Jin sat up on the bed. Sighing, he ran his hand through his light blue hair in frustration.

Right at that moment Hae Jin was blaming himself, scolding himself and thinking about what to do next, a knock sounded out.

Surprised, he looked at the direction of the door, eyes widened in shock.

It was her.

It was definitely Sung Yoon.

"Hae Jin, are you up" And the voice that came through confirmed. It was Sung Yoon. 

What was she here for? Okay, he's talking as if he didn't like the fact that she was here.

He was glad, happy Sung Yoon came around but, he was also ashamed to show his face to her.

"Listen, I don't know if you're up or not but I'll say what I want to. I have something for you as well" Sung Yoon said, her tone sounding sad (When she spoke the last sentence) which worried Hae Jin a lot.

What was going on? Why did she sound sad? 

"I'm really sorry about what I said last night. I said some pretty harsh words and...... I didn't try to understand your point of view. I'm really sorry"

No! Why was she apologizing? Sung Yoon was just caring for him. True, what she said hurt him a lot but it wasn't like she was wrong.

He should be the one to apologize.

Hae Jin rushed off from the bedroom and went straight to the door, opening it, he found Sung Yoon, head facing down with a sad expression on her face.

"I'm really sorry" she apologized again, this time, looking up at Hae Jin with that same sad and sorry look.

"No!, Is not your fault. I started it. I'm....... I'm really sorry. Everything you said, you were right"

"Still, I shouldn't have said such hurtful words" 

"Yeah, you hurt me a lot" Hae Jin said in a low tone but Sung Yoon heard loud and clear which made her feel even more guilty. It wasn't her intentions to hurt Hae Jin mentally or emotionally. She said everything in anger and she regret it.

After hearing my (Author) sensible and wise words, she understood Hae Jin.

And If she could turn back time, which she can't, she would have never said those hurtful and harsh words.

She would have never started the fight. She still think she started the fight.

"Hae Jin, I promise, from now onwards, I will try my best to understand you and I will stay by your side until you recover all your memories and decide what to do next. I will stay by your side until you tell me not to or you cross over" Sung Yoon said sincerely and Hae Jin smiled at her.

Looking happy to hear what she just said.

"Great, I also promise to keep your words in mind and act on them. I promise to listen to everything you say"

"Good!" Sung Yoon exclaimed happily and they stared at each other, smiling.

Seconds later, Sung Yoon broke the happy, grateful (That they reconciled) atmosphere with her next words. As she recalled the other reason why she was here.

One can even say, this was the real reason why she rushed up to see Hae Jin.

"I have something for you" she said sadly, surprising and confusing Hae Jin. Why was she sad again?

Wasn't she sad earlier because of the situation they both put themselves in? They've already reconciled so what made her sad again?

Wait....... Did she just say she had something for him? What could it be? And he guess, whatever Sung Yoon had for him was the reason why she looked so sad, so...... depressed?.

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