
Why Now? 22

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting me.

Sung Yoon: You said me again.

Author: *Sigh, am sick and tired of this. Yes I did. So what? This isn't the first time and won't be last.

Sung Yoon: Picking a fight with me? Cause am ready for it. 

Author: I'm not ready leave me alone.


"Why? Why now? Is it because I was rude to the author? Is this my punishment?"

Author: Heavens, please leave me out of this.

"You know this author is ruthless"

Author: Leave me alone!!

"But seriously, why now? Why am I remembering something now? For the past six years I've been here, nothing like has ever happened"

Oh, Sung Yoon had a pretty good idea on why he was remembering something now but she wasn't entirely sure. 

"Maybe today is a special day for you. Maybe is your birthday day or something" That can also be the case

"No, I don't think today is my birthday. But I do know today marks the six years that I've been here" Today can be his death anniversary for all he knows. The same day as Tae Jin's birthday. 


"What the f****k? When were you going to say something?" Sung Yoon said annoyingly.

"I wasn't hiding it. But you know, every time it marked the year I've been living as a ghost, something like this never happen. I've never have flashbacks of my past. This is the first time"

"I see, I'm so confuse"

"I don't know what to do either" And they sit quietly, each of them thinking.

"But...... Hae Jin, are you pretty sure those two are from your memories of the past?" She just had to ask. Cause, Hae Jin could be misunderstanding everything.

"Yes! Because this time, I saw something, something different. Something that felt familiar, real. Like it happened!"

"I see"

"And...... I saw myself"

"Huh?" Sung Yoon exclaimed in shock. How could this be? Hae Jin didn't even know what he looked like so, how come he's sure he saw himself?

Heavens, she was so confuse!

"I saw those two but this time, the woman had a baby with her. They both looked so happy. And then, when the man asked what name should be given to the baby, the woman replied that they should first inform me. They mentioned my name Sung Yoon! And.... And then.... Right then a door opened and I saw myself enter., emitted so much sadness, anger and hatred for both of them. I.... I was so confuse but I didn't get answers because I was forced to wake up"

"Okay" Gosh, she didn't have the heart to question if it really was him (Hae Jin) who entered the room. Hae Jin seemed so certain of it.

And like Hae Jin could read her mind, he said "It really was me. Sure I don't know what I look but it was me. I could feel it"

No questions.

No arguments.

She was not going to convince him otherwise either. It was better this way cause knowing Hae Jin, he'll not accept (That it wasn't him who entered the room) and they might even end up fighting.

Worst, he might end up in a bad mood again.

"This..... This really do prove that those two are from your past" it was better to accept what he saw, what he felt. He knew be right for all she knew.

"Yes, and I don't think they're my family members. I don't know if they're my friends either. The me I saw, was so sad, so angry, he felt betrayed. I felt betrayed" All these emotions he felt on seeing them, the one he saw in his 'memories' and was so sure that to was him, felt the same.

Didn't this proof enough that it was him?

"I..... I don't know what to say. I'm currently loss for words" Hmm, she really had nothing to say. Not when she still didn't fully trust his words.

"I want to find out about who they are. What they did to me and how I died"

Oh, this was good news. This was great news! Sung Yoon thought scarastically.

Was this weirdo forgetting something?

He refuse to accept his special one (Which she strongly believe is Tae Jin even though there's no proof yet)

A ghost who can't use his powers and refuses to accept his special one wants to find out his past.

How was he going to do that?

Heavens! He can't even get out of this forsaken house.


"You know, I am really tired of reminding you this again and again"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Hae Jin, are you serious about this? You can't use your powers and you refuse to accept the help of your special one. Moreover, you can't even step out of this house!"

"Did you have to put it this way? I know the situation am in right now. You don't have to remind me every time! I'm so f***king sick of you?!"

"Oh, you take that back" Sung Yoon said, already angry.

"I won't and that's the truth. You keep nagging as if you're my mother! Guess what? You're not! You're not even my real friend!"

Oh, shit, Hae Jin thought in regret. What has he done?

Quiet, atmosphere emitting regret, anger. The quietness was driven way, left with regret and anger the moment, Sung Yoon spoke,

"I see, so that's what you think you of me. Good because am also sick and tired of you! Because of you I can't even leave this house"

And now regret is also out of the picture. Anger is now the king or queen of this moment.

What?! Now it was his fault that she was stuck in this house? Okay, now he was angry!

"Good, I'm glad we're on the same page. You know what? You can leave this damn house for all the f****k I care!"

"And with this damn attitude you still ask yourself why those two betrayed you? If I was in their shoes, I would have done the same! because you! Do not deserve loyalty or honesty"

How dare she?! How dare she say this?!

"Take that back Sung Yoon"

"I won't because that's the damn truth! The truth hurt doesn't? Then suck it up! Because you ungrateful brat deserve to be betrayed not once but a thousand times!"

Silence blew the room after Sung Yoon's last words said in anger. She was breathless, breathing heavily with so much anger and she was trying her best to calm down while waiting for Hae Jin to counter as well.

"I see how you feel now" Hae Jin said sadly and left the living room, heading upstairs.

He was hurt, disappointed and angry and if he could, he would have left the house to get some air.

Too bad, he was still stuck in this damn house!!

        ******👻👻 Bonus******

Everything is in chaos and depressing to watch. The two best friends just had a huge fight and is sad to see this.

Two lifeless souls, bored to death. Is just so sad to see this.

I'm sad and worried and so, I've decided to have a conversation with Sung Yoon.

You can choose to skip this part or you can continue to read and see how our conversation goes.

Probably with me getting insulted.

But! Is not good to jump to conclusions, so, let's see where this takes us.

So, while Hae Jin has locked himself in one of the bedrooms, thinking about the memories he saw and his fight with Sung Yoon, our dear Sung Yoon was outside. Seated on the stairs at the entrance of the front door.

She was here to get the fresh air she desperately needed to calm down her nerves but nothing was helping to calm her down.

She was still angry and her fight with Hae Jin kept playing in mind.

Okay, more like the hurtful words Hae Jin said kept playing in mind.

What Hae Jin said really hurt her to the core and she couldn't help but ask herself these questions.

Hasn't she been a good friend? Wasn't she doing her best? She was always here when Hae Jin needed her, yet, he dare say she wasn't his real friend.

Good. Maybe is better this way. She will leave and never come back.

Who cares if Hae Jin is bored to death?

Who cares if he feels lonely?

Who cares about his situation?

And who cares if he accepts his special one or not?

Author: I think you do.

Sung Yoon: Shut up, leave me alone, will you?

"Guess I wasn't wrong after all. Certainly, I'll get insulted. Sigh"

Author: Listen, you need to give Hae Jin some time. Having a special one is not easy, you know this.

Sung Yoon: I said I don't want to talk.

Author: I haven't heard that.

Sung Yoon: Well, now you have, so leave me.

Author: Listen. Special ones are not some tools created by God or from heaven for good ghosts who need them. They're also companions. They become friends. You need to understand where Hae Jin is coming from.

Sung Yoon: From a thoughtless pit hole, that's where he's coming from.

Author:..........I have no words for that. But you need to understand him. You can't treat a special one as a stranger or a tool. Sooner or later, you will care about them. You'll get attached to them. A ghost can't have a special one and not get attached to them. True, parting ways will be hard, no, is hard but you should know that, having someone who can see you, hear you, is a blessing. Why do you think some ghosts turn evil?

Is not just because they want revenge or they just want to destroy lives but also because they're lonely. They have no one to talk to and this makes them jealous when they see other ghosts having special ones. 

Sung Yoon: Will you stop talking? Because I'm not listening.

Author: I'm not done. Hae Jin doesn't want to know about his special one because he doesn't want to treat them as tools or strangers. He wants someone to talk with. Someone to spend time with, share moments with. They say losing someone and having the good memories with them is better than not having good memories at all.

Sung Yoon: You're annoying, however,......I can't say you're wrong.

Author: I am right.

(So you were listing to me after all)

Sung Yoon: Okay fine, I understand. I will stay by his side, until he's ready to accept his special one.

Author: Great!

Sung Yoon: But, that doesn't mean I've forgiven him for the hurtful words he said to me.

Author: You also said some pretty 'deleterious' words.

Sung Yoon: What's with the heavy word? But, you're right. I should apologize first. I started the fight after all.

Author: Good.

Sung Yoon:........ I must say, you can talk sensibly some times.

Author:............ I regret speaking to you now.

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