
Them Again 21

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting. Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

Sung Yoon: Even if you hate.

Author: Exactly! And tell us why you do. Please continue to journey with us through out this book. Thank you.

Sung Yoon: Hae Jin is not feeling well. Oh, you said 'Us' you finally added without being told to.

Author: Is that important right now?

Sung Yoon: Ah, no. Hae Jin is not feeling well.

Author: I know.

Sung Yoon: Is he going to be alright?

Author: We'll see.

Sung Yoon: What kind of answer is that?



"Hae Jin" oh, is them again. He could tell by their voices. Once again, Hae Jin can't see them. Everywhere and everything is dark and once again, he can see the bright light.

Is the two of them. He can see them in the bright light, just like the second time he experienced this.......... He didn't even know what to call this strange experience of suffering from headaches and passing out, not to forget, falling asleep and seeing these memories.

Though it only happened once (Falling asleep and seeing his past memories) but the headache,....and.... and passing out has happened twice. What does this mean?

What should he call it?

Wait,....... Hae Jin thought confusingly, everything was changing now. That too, in the fastest way.

Hae Jin could feel but he couldn't see it and this scared him.

He watched as the figures of the two familiar people in the bright light drew away from him. Going farther and farther until they were no more in sight.

Now, it was all dark. Hae Jin was surrounded by 'thick' darkness and he has never been this afraid.

The second experience couldn't even match up to this moment.

He was very afraid and for a moment, he wished those two will come again with the bright light even though he knew, felt, that he did not want to see them.

The anger, pain, regret and betrayal he felt was still there, in his heart and he knew it will get even more worst if he saw them. Yet, the fear of being in this darkness was greater than the anger, pain, regret, disgust and the betrayal he felt.

He wanted them back, not because he wanted to see them.

No, but because they brought the light he desperately needed.

"Come Back!!!!" Hae Jin cried out, closing his eyes in fear as he went on his knees.

All of a sudden, the dark place changed. A bed and a door appearing.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere and surrounds, Hae Jin opened his eyes, getting up.

"Where am I?" He asked himself, scanning around. There was nothing but a door, bed and a bulb up. Hanging on darkness while switched on.

This felt like a scene in a horror movie, albeit, he doesn't remember watching one (A horror movie)

What was all this about?

He could tell. Even though everything wasn't in complete perfection, he could still feel the familiarity, tell, that he was in a hospital room. A VIP room.

However, he couldn't remember if he has been to one before.

Watching attentively on the hospital bed, he was taken by surprised when suddenly, something unexplainable happened.

A man suddenly appeared on the left side of the bed, looking happy as he stared at someone on the bed.

Immediately, Hae Jin focused on the bed, wanting a view of the person the man stared happily at.

It was a woman on the hospital bed, leaning against the bedframe with a baby in her arms.

Right away, Hae Jin knew these two were the people he saw in the bright light.

And this time as well, their faces were blurry and he couldn't see them.

Even the face of the baby was blurry.

Hae Jin was so focused on these three people, so much that he didn't pay attention on the cloths they wore.

"What should we name him?" The man asked and Hae Jin could see a happy smile on his lips.

They were both literally beaming with happiness. And at that moment, Hae Jin felt so much hatred for both of them.

Why? Who were they to him?

The woman sighed sadly, stating, "You know before anything else, Hae Jin have to know about this" Hae Jin's eyes flew opened in shock. Frozen in place. 

His name was just mentioned.

What did he have to know? About the baby? Or something else.

And at that moment, the door to the room slide opened. Still in shock and confused, so many questions running in mind, Hae Jin turned to the door just like those two did the moment the door opened.

And what he saw shocked him to the core.

It was himself.

Hae Jin.

And he looked at those two with so much anger, hatred, disgust. Feeling betrayed.

The other him felt betrayed by these two why?

And at that moment, everything chose to disappear. Everything became dark again.


Sung Yoon sat worriedly on the couch beside the one Hae Jin lay on.

She didn't know what Hae Jin was dreaming about but she guess it was something sad because as he lied down on the couch, dreaming about the unknown, tears were streaming down from his eyes.

Sung Yoon was taking by surprised when Hae Jin opened his eyes and gently sat up on the couch.

He looked everything else but in his right mind. He was staring at nothing, zoomed out.

Definitely out if this world. Out of reality.

Hae Jin was lost in thought, thinking about what he just saw while Sung Yoon looked at her friend, happy to see he was awake even though he didn't look good.

Hae Jin looked sad, angry, disappointed and he was drained in sweat as well. Almost forgot to mention that.

Sung Yoon watched her friend, feeling sad for him. She witnessed as time reversed and Hae Jin's t-shirt dried again.

She was right before, Hae Jin's t-shirt dried before because time reversed back to its perfect state.

She guess her theory was right.

"Hae Jin...."

"I'm so sad Sung Yoon. I'm sad, angry and I feel betrayed. I'm disappointed!" Hae Jin looked at his friend, his eyes spelling so much sadness and anger as more tears streamed down (From his eyes)

This was just like when he first saw those two. But right now, Hae Jin was in a worst state than before.

What happened? What did he see this time?

Sung Yoon was pretty saw he saw his past memories.

Memories from his past life.

It really is sad being a lonely ghost. Might be better if you cross over, left your love ones and this world.

At least, you will find peace and comfort in heaven.

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