
Weapon 20

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting. Chapter 20 begins now......

Sung Yoon: I want to say something.

Author: Ungrateful and rude characters are not allowed to.

Sung Yoon: This is why you don't have friends.

Author: I'm not hurt. Because I just got a first friend.

Sung Yoon: What? Who's this unlucky person who have you as a friend?

Author: Darling, anyone will be lucky to have me as a friend because I'm blessed. By God, Jesus, my angels, my love ones in heaven. Gosh! Do you know how blessed I am?

Sung Yoon: I'm loss for words.


*Sigh, Sung Yoon sighed, "Judging by that stupid look on your face you didn't understand right?"

"Excuse me, is a look of confusion caused by my very horrible teacher"

"I don't like how that sounded"

"Neither do I"

"Oh, whatever!" Sung Yoon stood up, looking frustrated. She turned to face Hae Jin who looked at her with a blank expression.

"Okay, listen well and process this information well" Hae Jin nodded like an innocent kid would and Sung Yoon smiled, "Good" she said before continuing, "Let's take this as an example. You meet an evil ghost and you can't use your powers. Let's just say, you have no powers"

"You only have your special one. Facing the evil ghost, your special one says, 'Hae Jin, get that weapon. It is now a holy sword blessed from heaven' and the next thing you know 'Boom'! The wooden or whatever object you took will turn into a holy sword from heaven just like he or she said and then, you can defeat this evil ghost with the weapon" What's this? A fantasy anime?

"I see" No, he still didn't understand but he did get what Sung Yoon was trying to say. If a ghost doesn't have powers, they can obtain a weapon to deal with an evil ghost when their special one gives them one.

So, what was up with the holy sword? Was that even real?

"You know, one can only defeat an evil ghost with a heavenly or holy weapon" So it was real after all.

"I don't know the kind of weapon used neither do I know how one acquires one"

Well, that old woman who told Sung Yoon about hunter of evil ghosts and the benefits one gets from it, did say you can only know how to defeat an evil ghost when you become a hunter of evil ghosts and you do meet one.

But wait a second, if you can only defeat an evil ghost as a hunter of an evil ghosts when you meet one then how come your special one..........

"I get the question you're asking yourself"

"Jeez! You can read minds, that's creepy"

"I heard that once"

Author: From me.

"And I did not like it"

"Anyway, this was only my theory. What the old woman told me about ghosts becoming hunter of evil ghosts were good ghosts who knew how to use to their powers. So, I thought about it and figured if some good ghosts who doesn't know how to use their powers and do have special ones, becomes hunter of evil ghosts....... well, judging by what special ones meant to their chosen ghosts, I concluded they can help defeat evil ghosts"

Well,........she confused him just now but he understood. The old woman said nothing about good ghosts (Who can't use their powers) who have special ones becoming hunter of evil ghosts. She only knew of independent ghosts (Ghosts who knows how to use their powers and don't have special ones) becoming hunter of evil ghosts.

And then she, Sung Yoon, thought about it and figured special ones can help their chosen ghosts (Who doesn't know how to use their powers) considering what special ones can do.

Sung Yoon wasn't wrong, but there was no proof she was right either. There was still an issue about evil ghosts only defeated with holy weapons. How can a special one obtain one for their chosen ghost to defeat a evil ghost?

In any case.........

Wow, Sung Yoon really was a smarta**s who said she wasn't smart?


Okay, so he thought Sung Yoon wasn't smart. So what? It was true. But she was smart when it comes to figuring out some areas considering the ghost world.

She uses her brain and always figures out the perfect theory which also makes sense in some way.

Sung Yoon was a smart girl, an intelligent girl.

He doesn't take back what he said about her being dumb. 

No, he doesn't.

"You're an amazing person" Sung Yoon looked down, smiling, her face as red as cherry plum.

"This is the face time you're saying something nice about me"

"Aww, maybe I should take it back"

Sung Yoon turned to Hae Jin's direction with a panicked expression, only to see a smile on his face.

"I was just joking. I'm not taking it. You really are amazing"

"Yeah, but, I can't be right you know. I only used the knowledge I have to conclude things. I can be wrong"

"It doesn't matter. I think, we will know when the time is right" Sung Yoon smiled at his words, "You're right. For now! Let's get something to eat, I'm starving"

Hae Jin burst out laughter, "Great idea. But you see, I'm not hungry. I feel full"

"Yeah, about that, I still think you're weird. How can you eat once a year and not feel hungry again? until the next year"

"Well, I guess am special" Sung Yoon rolled her eyes annoyingly, "Whatever, well, I'm hungry"


"Where's the rest of the food I brought?"

"Oh, you mean the one you brought two days ago? They're finished and you have no one to blame but yourself"

"Ahhh" Sung Yoon screamed frustratingly at the couch, making Hae Jin laugh.

"I guess I have to get more food"

"Yes, you do. But please do come quickly and make sure you don't get caught" By those evil ghosts. They were still out there after all. 

And also humans. They can't be freaking out humans.

They still don't know the consequences of doing that after all.

"Don't worry, I know how to use my powers so people can't see just a bag packed with food hanging on air"

"Well, I'm glad to hear that" Hae Jin smiled at her and she smiled back as they shared a moment together.



Today, is Sunday. A special day for Tae Jin. Yep! You get that right. Is the kid's birthday.

Today is a special day for Tae Jin, yet he can't bring himself to be happy fully. And this was because he will not be there when the kid celebrate his birthday and also because he ..... wasn't feeling well. A ghost, not feeling well, was unheard of.


For the past days, the kid came over as usual and they chatted, played and laughed a lot, as usual. They had fun.

Of course, Sung Yoon also absent herself when Tae Jin came over. She chose to spend time in one of the bedrooms while feeding on some of the many snacks she stole

Sung Yoon: I did not steal them!

Took when she went out last time to get food. Sung Yoon never invited herself in the master bedroom because of what happened the last time she and Hae Jin slept in the room.

Though she was not affected, she still didn't stay in the room because Hae Jin will surely seek for her when Tae Jin left and she was certain her friend did not want to enter that room or stay even for a second.

For Hae Jin's sanity, she has decided to avoid that room as well.

Right now, she and Hae Jin were in the living room, again. This place was the only place Hae Jin felt more comfortable being in and that's why they were always here.

Actually, if it was up to her to choose, she would have chosen to stay in one of the rooms, of course, as long as it wasn't the master bedroom.

Being in the living room always was proving to be boring.

She meant, it was proving to be their routine. They slept in the living room, wake up and stay there.

Well, it wasn't like they did not do anything when they woke up in the morning or noon.

Truth be told, Hae Jin always woke up before Sung Yoon. And every time, she witnessed how hard Hae Jin was trying to use his powers but up til now, there has been no good results.

At the moment, she did not know if the reason why Hae Jin looked depressed more than ever was because he hasn't been able to use his powers or because he will not be part of Tae Jin's birthday celebration.

......... Maybe both. 

Ah, what should she do it?

Get him to talk, he might feel a little better.

Author: *cleared throat, sorry to interrupt. By the way, Hae Jin tried to use his powers this morning as well. And as you can see that depressed look on his face

Sung Yoo: They can't see.

Author: Please picture it well in mind. So, as I was saying, as you can see that depressed look on his face, you can guess it didn't work. He couldn't use his powers. Okay, am done now, you can continue.

"Hey, Hae Jin, are you okay?" Stupid, silly question, of course he wasn't. But it wouldn't be wise to ask right?

"I don't know Sung Yoon, I don't feel good" Hae Jin said tiredly and she can see he really wasn't feeling good. He didn't look good.

But that, doesn't make sense right? How can a ghost be sick?

Yet here Hae Jin was, looking paler and paler with every second that goes by.

"Because you can't celebrate with Tae Jin on his birthday?" That will be one of the major reasons why he'll get sick. Sadness, depression, can really make you seriously sick.

Then again, Hae Jin was a ghost. He was dead! That just doesn't make sense!

"No, is not just that, I.......I don't know but I don't feel good" Yes. She can see that.

He looked paler. Which is something to be worried about. Ghosts had colour and the only difference between a ghost and human was that, they were dead and they couldn't be seen by other people except those who have the ability to see ghosts and ghosts themselves.

Right now, Hae Jin looked sick. Okay, now she was coming to terms with the fact that, she was seeing a sick ghost for the first time.

"Hae Jin, I think......" Sung begun but did not get to finish her sentence because suddenly, Hae Jin screamed out in pain, holding his head.

"Ahhhhh!!!!, It hurts, it hurts" he yelled through pain and Sung Yoon panicked. Immediately, she got up and rushed to Hae Jin's side about to touch him when suddenly, Hae Jin passed out, falling on her lap.

Worried, confuse and not knowing what to do, Sung Yoon called out his name,

"Hae Jin!!"

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