
First Time 19

Author: Thank you for reading and for supporting. Please comment and rate the book if you like it.

Sung Yoon: You lost the original chapter 19, right?

Author: I did, please forgive me if this chapter isn't good.

Sung Yoon: The original chapter was amazing. I hope this will be a little better.

Author: I hope so too cause I don't remember what I wrote in the original chapter 19. I should have published it.

Sung Yoon: Yeah, you should have. But, don't worry, I'm here for you. Just write what we think and say.

Author: Oh! Sung Yoon, you're a savior.

Sung Yoon: Hmm, enough. There'll only be one savior in a life time and that's Jesus.

Author: Okay?

Sung Yoon: Now write!


"By the way, who taught you how to use your powers?" Hae Jin asked and Sung Yoon gave him the look that says, 'You're not getting away'.

He understood the meaning of that look and he wasn't trying to avoid using his powers, she should rest assured cause more than her, he really wanted to learn how to use his powers.

He needed it to survive.

He only wanted to know who thought her how to use her powers and......... thinking about it now, it seems like a dumb question.

The answer was obvious after all.

It was Chae Joon.

It was definitely him. He taught her how to use her powers.

"Don't change the topic and focus. You still have a table to lift up"

"I wasn't trying to" Hae Jin said, rolling his eyes, "And, why can't I just touch it?" Yeah, that sounded a little easy to accomplish.

"Are you saying you can't lift up the table using your powers, aren't you smart?" Sung Yoon asked in a teasing tone hoping deep inside Hae Jin will admit.


"Don't give me that shit! I can do it" He really can. He only thought it will be wise to learn the easy stuffs first. One step at a time right?

"Then do it"

Staring at the amused Sung Yoon, Hae Jin rolled his eyes, annoyed.

Who says he can't do it?

He thought before forcing his attention on center table.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, stretched his hands on the table and took another deep breath.

Just like Sung Yoon said, he pictured a perfect result in mind.

In mind, he pictured the table risen up, hanging in air with nothing holding it up.

He had no idea how the table was going to hang up in the air just like he pictured in mind but he believe he accomplished it.

Because just like Sung Yoon said, it was all about using your mind to create.

He had a perfect result in mind.

He did it.

"Working?" He asked with a smile, sure he pulled it off but when Sung Yoon answered, "No" everything in him scattered. Confidence, happiness (From thinking he pulled it off) you name it, he was scattered.

Completely scattered!

Disappointed and sad, he opened his eyes, dropping his hands on his sides the same time Sung Yoon added, "The table is right where is supposed to be"

She was right.

The table really was at it's original position, and for a moment while staring at the table with so much disappointment and sadness in his eyes, he felt the table was mocking him.

Mocking him for his fail attempt.

And this made him very angry.

"Why didn't it work?! I did exactly as you said!" He yelled angrily and Sung Yoon couldn't help but feel bad for him.

*Sigh, she sighed,

"Come on Hae Jin, this was bound to happen. Is your first time after all"

"First time? I did it yesterday! I pulled it off yesterday!!" Yes. He said before that this was his first time using his powers but that wasn't so! He used his powers just yesterday!

Gosh, Hae Jin looked so angry, 

"This isn't the first time!!" So disappointed. 


What should she do now? 

Explain things to him? Okay, that might work.

*Sigh, she sighed again, looking at him, she said, "Listen Hae Jin, forget about yesterday. Forget you used your powers because you weren't in your right state of mind"

"But...." Hae Jin tried to argued but she cut him off, "Listen to me. Ready to use your powers means you have a clear mind and a clear goal. Free from intense emotions like anger or sadness. Do you understand?"

"I don't!" Hae Jin yelled angrily, folding his hands on his chest. Heavens, he looked so pathetic but she won't say it out loud.

No, her friend didn't need that.

Gosh! How she wanted to mock him, make fun of him.

She actually planned to. She planned on mocking Hae Jin if he failed to use his powers but she can't even do that.

Not with that depressed mood he's in.

Karma really got him bad. We always pay for the bad actions we take. And in Hae Jin's case, the bad actions he took was mocking her too much. He's paying for it now. Karma always pays back whether you did good or bad.

He deserved it but at the same he didn't.

Hae Jin needed his powers to survive in this cruel world.

Especially with those evil ghosts on the lose.

"Okay, listen. By saying a clear mind and a clear goal. I mean, you're emotionally stable and your focus is to only master your powers. When you're overflowing with emotions you use way too much of your powers without realising, at the end, you end up exhaustng yourself, weakening yourself and then, I don't know what happens but you begin to turn invincible and before you know, you've disappeared from the lives of all the humans and ghosts who can see you. That's why you should only use your powers with a clear mind and a clear goal"

"That doesn't explain why I can't use my powers!" Exactly!

"Why can't I use my powers?! And what about evil ghosts?! Don't they use their powers filled with intense emotions?!" Oh, here we go again.

........on second thought, Hae Jin was right. Evil ghosts does use their powers filled with intense emotions. So, how come they don't turn invisible? Disappearing from the lives of humans and good ghosts who can see them?

How come he (Hae Jin who has a clear mind and a clear goal) can't use his powers? She had no idea! 



"Because is your first time" right. She should have said this before. Using your powers for the first time meant having a clear mind and a clear goal.

Afterwards,....... She had no idea!

Anyway, Hae Jin had all of these two so how come he didn't succeed?

Well, it was his first time.

The same happened to her as well. You don't always succeed at first attempt.

Author: I wonder who it was that said, 'Smart people always succeed at first attempt'.

Well, that meant Hae Jin wasn't smart after all.

She thought with a smile, (Finding it funny and satisfying) but quickly dismissed the smile when she realized Hae Jin won't take it well if he sees it (The smile)

"You know what?" 

"Huh?" Sung Yoon asked stupidly, looking at him.

"Forget it"

'Ah, finally!' She said in mind, breathing out in relief. The interrogation filled with anger and depression was finally over!!

"You know, you're right" About what? She was right about so many things.

"I'm not smart after all"

Oh, that.

Well, she'll love to confirm that but she can't. That will, just put the poor guy in a more horrible mood.

"Come on, I didn't say that"

"But you thought about it" she did. And that was because she was very jealous. Hae Jin was a smart guy. He had no idea how smart and intelligent he was.

"You're a smart guy, so smart that am jealous of you. Cause you know, am not that smart"

"Really?" Hae Jin gave him a questioning look, waiting for the words she hated so much to say.

But, she said it anyway.

"Fine!" Sung Yoon rolled her eyes, irritated before adding, "I'm not smart. Not at all" And Hae Jin smiled, for the first time since his failed attempt to use his powers.

Seeing his enchanting smile, Sung Yoon wiped off that irritated look off her face, smiling as well.

Well, it was okay to say those words she hated the most. After all, it brought a smile on her friend's face.

Hae Jin had a beautiful pleasant smile to see and it didn't sit well when he loses that smile because of an 'awful mood'. And,...... she loved his smile as well.

Sung Yoon might seem like a bitch sometimes, but she really cared about Hae Jin and will do anything, everything for him.

"So, tell me, when was the first time you learnt how to use your powers?"

Another important conversation to have. She had nothing to hide and will gladly tell Hae Jin.

"Well,....... If I remember correctly, I think two months after my death. When I met Chae Joon and got closer to him. He was the one who taught me how to use my powers"

Well, he was right after all.

"You know, just like you, I failed at first attempt. However, I never gave up. I kept practicing and practicing until I finally did it"

Well, that made him feel relief to know and he can tell, Sung Yoon was sending him an important message as well.

'Is okay to fail at first attempt but never give up. Keep fighting until you make it'

This was the message and he got it. It didn't make him happy but he felt relief knowing it.

Sung Yoon really was a good friend.

Hae Jin smiled at his thought, looking at Sung Yoon who smiled back. He got her message after all.

"Anyway" Hae Jin cleared his throat before saying this, "Did it take long?"

Oh, here it comes. So, turns out, she really did have something to hide after all. Just the answer to this question because, Hae Jin wasn't exactly feeling well.

But, she can't hide the answer either.

"Ah, no" Sung Yoon said hesitatingly, "Took a week after my failed attempt" 


"But! I had a great teacher as well" Sung Yoon panicked to say, knowing full well what she said made him feel miserable.

Hae Jin was feeling miserable.

He felt like a loser!

For six years, for six years he was trapped in this damn house. Not knowing anything about the ghost world or what was happening in the human world.

Six bad years, trapped in this house, thinking about nothing else but how bored and lonely he was while Sung Yoon, she was learning how to use her powers!

Author: Don't forget, Sung Yoon hasn't been dead for six years.

Doesn't matter! Cause that didn't change the fact that she knew more of the ghost world and knew how to use her powers as well!


A week? Took her a week to master her powers?

A dumb person like Sung Yoon! And he, the smart one couldn't even succeed at first attempt!


Then again, she was right. She had a great teacher. Chae Joon was a teacher and she,..........

She was horrible!!

"Is okay Hae Jin"

"Is not okay! Who says is okay?!"

'Me' Sung Yoon said in mind. Quietly seated. She couldn't even dare to breathe out loud.

"How can I become a hunter of evil ghosts when I can't even use my powers! How am I going to survive?!"

"Wait, still on that?!" Seriously?

"Yes! I still want to be a hunter of evil ghosts"

"After everything I said about evil ghosts?" Sung Yoon said in shock. Was he stupid or something?

"Yes! I want all the benefits Sung Yoon. I want to find out about my past"

*Sigh, he had no plans on giving up right?

*Sigh, she sighed again,.......... Oh! Right! Sung Yoon's eyes light up as she recalled something.

"You know, you can still find out about your past without your powers. Your special one can help"

Seriously? How many times does he have to say this? He doesn't need his special one!

"Sung......" Hae Jin began but she didn't allow him to talk as she continued.

"A ghost who doesn't know how to use their powers, in other words, have no powers but have a special one can also become a hunter of evil ghosts"

"Huh?" Hae Jin exclaimed in shock. New information. How many more important informations was she keeping from him?!

"Remember I said special ones are the bosses of their chosen ghosts"

"Yes" Of course, how can he forget?

"That's it!"

"What?!" Gosh, he was confuse here! What was this bad teacher trying to say?

"I mean, special ones can act as weapons for their chosen ghosts! You don't need your powers to defeat an evil ghost. All you need is your special one!"

Okay, he was still lost here.

He didn't get it.

"So, special ones have powers?"

"No! But they have what it takes to be weapons for their chosen ghosts"




He was still confuse!

Still lost!

What's this horrible teacher saying?!

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