
False Witnesses

Chapter 58

(False Witnesses)

Mia’s POV

“I think that’s all for today, let’s go have our rest and prepare for the afternoon rehearsal” One of the spectator stated. We just finished out morning exercise, and it’s felt kinda weird being just four on the field. We started as twelve, eight are gone, and in few days now the winner will be chosen. After our last performance, I don’t think I will make it, Ariel got all the skills which none of us possess, if she wins, it won’t be a surprise. Sometimes I wonder if it is not the same rehearsal we all do and practice we take part in, but she seem to be good in all than us.

I went forward to pick my water bottle and headed for my lounge. My eyes met with Jack but he looked away with a sad look, it landed on Ariel as she walks closer. She smiled briefly at me, but I don’t know if I should return the smile or not. I feel bad inside and smiling back might just be a hypocrisy; I hurriedly picked up the bottle and left.

On getting to my room, I didn’t hesitate to take a shower, washing away the sticky sweat that glued to my body. The bath was refreshing and it calmed me down a bit. Just after dressing up, a message popped up in my phone as it reads;

Dear Contestant, you are needed now at the studio for a brief message to be passed across, sorry for the incontinences, thanks.


  I quickly pick up my shoes, force my legs into it and headed for the studio. On getting there, I noticed the door wasn’t wide open like it used to be whenever we have rehearsals. Perhaps they forgot to put it open, I thought and pushed the door, going into the room. I was surprised not to meet anyone there, it was empty of human life and I began to think if I had been fool by someone else. I brought out my phone and check the message recipient; it wasn’t the company that sent the message, it was an unknown number.

I think someone is playing a prank on me, I thought and turned to leave but stopped on seeing someone at the entrance

“Harrgg” I gasp when he comes closer. Aiden!

“Hi Mia” He greeted with a smiled, his hands tucked in his pockets

“Humm….hi..” I nervously replied. I should be happy seeing him this close again, I should have screamed his name, run to hug him and do the crazy things I have in mind, but why am I feeling weird and strange.

“Were you shocked at my entrance?” He asked, going to pick two seats for us

“Oh…erm…yea…I was expecting the other contestant here but couldn’t find anyone when I came in, I thought I was prank?”

“I sent the message; sorry I had to put it that way. If I had sent it to you directly, you might have different thoughts coming here, or you might not come at all, thinking someone is pranking you using my name” he smiled and ushered me to seat which I happily did

“Hummm….so….why am I here” I fidgeted on my words after few minutes that he didn’t say anything but kept staring at me. He picked up my hand and held it in his

“Mia…. I will just go straight to the point, because I don’t wanna waste your time here; I know how you feel about me, and how you felt when you saw me with Ariel then. Although I wasn’t expecting your reaction, because you should have known about my feelings for Ariel, but even so, I now you will be really hurt, perhaps because she didn’t tell you about it. Well, that’s because she doesn’t also know about it. I think you misunderstood Ariel here.

The other day you caught us in the act was the first day Ariel will make a move in k**sing me; well, I know we might have done it on different occasions, but that will be me making the move and not her. What I can’t say about her is if she has feelings for me or not, but her actions that day proved it. But what I need you to know is that, I appreciate your loving me, but I can’t return it, I’m sorry, I love Ariel so much. But I’m also pleading with you; please forgive her for whatever wrong she has done to you, and continue to be the lovely friends you both used to be.” He squeezed my hand a bit


At the time he finished his speech I was already in tears

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for being so selfish, I know I was a bad friend all this while, I shouldn’t have given her such attitudes, I only cared about my own feelings and not hers, I didn’t care if she is hurt or not….I used to be her only friend, she told me about it, and now…I’m nothing different from those people who taunts her in her country. I’m just so stupid” I cried loudly. He taps my shoulder

“Hey, it’s ok” He cooed

“Will she ever forgive me for what I did” I hiccup

“Yes she will; she has been longing to speak with you. Clean your tears okay” he smiled.

“Now smile for me” He stated, it was more like an enchantment because I found myself smiling

“I will try to bury my feelings for you” I mouthed, he nodded

“And I pray you find someone better than me”

“Thanks” I replied


~Red Fox Clan~

“I will be given you the last time to defend yourself Brittany. But remember that this is a clan and not a court room, if you are found guilty then considers yourself dead.” Macho spoke coldly

They are actually in an open hall where cases are being judge in the clan, and execution being passed. The false witnesses Clara paid had already given their report, while Clara gave a proof of the bracelet and Brittany not being in her room at the that time of the night was also a solid evidence

“So Brittany, I will ask you for the last time, were you at the clinic like they predicted, because it’s not confirmed yet that you killed Nora.” Macho asked, and Clara was shocked at his last statement. He shouldn’t be saying that after hearing the reports of the witnesses, she thought. Brittany didn’t give her reply in time; she stared furiously into Macho’s eyes that didn’t flinch a bit. Her eyes moved round the room, scrutinizing their faces, it landed on Clara and she gave a smirk

“Yes” Brittany replied unshakably, as loud gasp erupt from the mouth of some members that were present. Macho was burning with fury; he wouldn’t be himself if Brittany is actually the betrayer of the clan who they have been looking for. Clara smirk grew bigger, her works were working perfectly, but what is baffling her is the fact that Brittany is not showing any sign of fear or anxiety, what’s is under her sleeves, she thought

“What were you doing at the clinic at that time; you should be sleeping at that time?” Macho asked angrily

“I went on a personal mission”

“To kill Nora? Huhnn” Dragon chipped in. She gave him an angry glare

“No…..” She replied coldly

“Shut the f**k up idiot, are you saying that this witnesses are lying, I have a proof Brit” Clara spat

“Really…oh….cool. now tell me” Brittany muttered, going closer to stand before Clara who was boiling with rage as at the way the matter was going.

“If I wasn’t in my room that night, and probably in the clinic, carrying out my mission to murder Nora, then why weren’t you also sleeping that night, and how did you know that I was gonna head for the clinic” She smirked. Clara couldn’t utter a word, she felt like she was losing the game

“What do you mean” She snapped after few second silence

“Haahaa….listen all, Red Fox clan members, if I and Nora should have a disagreement and perhaps I wanna kill her, that would have been an easy job for someone like me to do. I and Nora are roommates, poisoning her food or drink will be an easy thing to do, and she will just die silently without the proof of me harming her. And if I wanna betray the clan, I am a silent green snake that knows how to strike. Now look at it this way, why will I wanna torment Nora by putting acid in her cream and later on go ahead to kill her; why didn’t I just silent her once and for all without making a hell of noise” She yelled, taking her time to study their expression, as they all silently watch her. The false witnesses were already getting scared, if Brittany wins over them, then they are as good as dead.

“Ok…enough of defending myself, let’s say Clara care enough for the clan, and perhaps Nora, that’s why she stalked me by checking out my room to see if I was in or not, then broke in, took my bracelet……no…let’s rewind the script. Clara stole my bracelet, pick up a friendship with Nora and strike a plan which became a boomerang, hitting Nora instead of her, and ended up buying false witnesses when she is actually the culprit” Brittany snarled

“That’s a lie, you b!tch…stop trying to put the blame on me, you murderer” Clara snapped, yelling on top of her voice

“Then tell us how you knew that I wasn’t in my room that night and how you found out that the clinic is my target, tell us if you didn’t have other plans to do in the clinic that night”

“Stop saying rubbish, I was having a severe pain in my abdomen, I heard to visit the clinic since they also do night shift. On getting in, I missed my way due to the sudden drowsiness that overwhelmed me; just as I was trying to find my way, I saw someone walk by in a nurse uniform, not paying attention to my situation. The other nurses didn’t notice my presence because they were busy chatting and so on. I tried calling the nurse that walked by but she didn’t stop, my eyes went for her wrist and I saw the bracelet which I always see on Brittany. I was shocked beyond words that I had to stay calm and see what she is up to. She walked down the aisle towards Nora’s ward and shut the door.

I struggled to go back and informed the other nurses, but they stated that no one would have passed there without them knowing. I tried to convince them that I also walked pass them and they were oblivious of it. They agreed and followed me into the ward but we couldn’t see anyone there. The pain in my stomach increased and they had to pay attention to me, it was after I was treated that we got to find the third nurse who was supposed to watch over the other wards, lying unconscious in the toilet. Brittany might have hit her and change into her cloth to fulfill her plans” Clara explained, thinking she has won, but the smirk on Brittany’s face still remain, making her feel a bit unstable

“Are the nurses among the witnesses” Macho asked

“Yes” Clara replied

“Hmmm…she just explained how she found me in the clinic, now can she tell us how she knew that I wasn’t in my room that night?” Brittany resorted

“What are you getting at Brit..huhn…you just admitted that you were at the hospital, then why saying this f**king trash” Dragon yelled, she laughed

“Because it’s fun to hear lies when you actually know that truth”

“Anyway…..enough of the blabbing, I don’t wanna waste our time here. You all wanna know what I went to do at the clinic, then listen to this.” She brought out the recorder at first and gave it to Macho. He ordered his guard to collect it

“What are we gonna do with this” He gruff

“Just listen to it”

“Play it” Macho ordered his guard, who did it with immediate effect. Nora’s voice came up as they all listen with attentiveness. Clara almost peed on her body but tried to comport herself as all eyes were on her. The audio came to an end, as they looked at her to speak.

“That freaking b!tch, I’m being framed here, all she said were lies…lies. I think they are working together, perhaps Brittany has something up in her sleeve that she doesn’t want Nora to reveal that was why she was compelled to say trash against me, and she ended up killing her. I’m saying the truth, don’t believe this smart b!tch” Clara flared, she started sniffing in, pretending to be breaking into tears. Macho seem pissed as they want to turn in into an argument zone. He glared hard at Clara who looked at him with pouted face; he returned his gaze to Brittany but she doesn’t look moved. He wondered what might have given her that courage to be this brave. He was about saying a word when Brittany spoke up

“I have another proof” She stated as everyone froze, but Clara seem to be hot inside. Her eyes shone in shock as she heard her word. What proof does she have this time, now she is beginning o think Brittany was in the clinic truly like she lied; what if her lies were true but in a different way, what does this Brittany have in stalk for her? She was still in her thought when Brittany brought out her phone

“Here, take it” she handed it to Macho’s guard, who gave it to Macho

“Play the video” She muttered. As Clara heard that, her heart dropped to the ground.

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