
New Roommate

Chapter 63

(New Roommate)

“The winner is M…Huhmn…Excuse me” Axel cleared his throat

The winner is Ariel…Skywalker!!!” He shouted, as the crowd cheered with glee. Lots of balloons were thrown into the air, including some fireworks. The judges stood to their feet, clapping their hands with smile on their faces.

“We love you Ariel….”

“You have a wonderful voice…congratulations….yee!!!!” The crowd cheered as the securities find it hard to control them. Ariel couldn’t move from the spot she stood. She felt dump folded looking at them all as they perform wonders all in the name of celebrating her. She knew she is good, but winning such a great competition was not what she will even think of wishing for, because she knew she might not make it pass the third audition; but here she is, getting the crown. She couldn’t see clearly any longer due to the amount of tears that welled up in her eyes, making her vision blurry. Mia had to walk up to her, cleaning her tears and nudging her to go forward.

“Thank you” She smiled out tears, as Mia returns the smile, almost getting emotional too

“Don’t let your emotion control you now, you need to be happy” Mia muttered. She nodded

She cleaned off the tears on her face and brightened up, going forward to meet Axel as he wore on her the winners pendant, hugging her briefly, with a genuine smile on his face. He doesn’t know why he is smiling this way, but he believes she deserves the trophy. Ever since the first day he heard her sing, and most especially, singing his song, he knew she has a talent which the whole of Cape Town needs to know about and not just this city, but also the world at large

“Thank You” She smiled at him

“You are welcome” He mouthed. The judges took turns in hugging her; Sophia only gave her a side hug with a wide evil grin, but she didn’t pay attention to her. If not that she doesn’t wanna look rude and create a scene, she won’t have hugged her. Aiden came next, hugging her for a long time as the crowd cheered before releasing her. He actually wanted to propose to her that moment, but he feels like rushing things won’t be good for her. And whereas, the shock will be too much; he only hold her hands and placed a soft peck on it. The crowd cheered loudly again, as Ariel gasp in shock, she wasn’t expecting any romantic moment with him on stage, but here he is doing the opposite.

She also took her time to hug her friend and other contestant.

“You made it dear..i know you will…I had faith in you” Mia winked as Ariel gave her a tight hug

“Thank you so much Mia….i …don’t know what to say right now…I’m…I”

“Hey cry baby, it’s ok to get emotional, but now is not the time. The cameras are waiting to capture your pretty face and you will have to speak to the crowd” She pecked her cheek, patting her back. Jack and Jeffery also gave her a congratulatory hug.

“And…erm….sorry for cutting the celebration short..but I will also need to call the first and second runner. Just like the way we do it year after year, the first and second runner up will be given prizes too; but this year things seem to be different. We are also gonna give consolation prizes to the participants, but there will be a third runner up and that will be Jeffery Woodson” He muttered as Jeffery steed forward.

“And we will be offering him a gift prize of 15 millions USD and a modeling contract…congratulation Jeffery” Axel shook hands with him, giving him the pendant.  

“The second runner up is no one but the pretty pop princess, Mia Whitney!!!” Mia walks up the stage with an amazing smile.

“And we are offering her a gift prize of 20 Millions US dollar and a modeling contract for the Hybrid Company” He stated, as her and cheered her name

“We love you Mia” They screamed, as she blew them k**ses

“The first runner up is your handsome JJ boy, Jack Jordan!!!”

“Jack!!!!” The ladies screamed his name as he winked at them

“He is just so cute” A lady whined

“We are offering him a gift prize of 30 Million USD, a Hyundia Kona car and a free access to join the Triple Boy’s band”

The judges took their turns to shook hands with him just like the way they had done with the other three.

“Oh…I think I forgot something….was do you think that is” He asked the crowd as they made a hell of noise, he not able to grab any word from them

“Oh..yea…the gift for the winner right?” Axel muttered as they crowd yelled. Ariel’s heart began to thumb hard. They weren’t told about the prize they will be given this year since they decided to make it a surprise to the whole of Cape Town. This year many things were adjusted, unlike the way the contest was usually done years back. Although, everyone knows about the winner going home with tons of money and other gift, but this year’s prizes were concealed until now. And if they could give such large amount to the other runner ups, then what will be her prizes. Her dreams are just a step ahead of her, she is almost there, she thought with tears already threatening to leave her eyes socket.

“Owkay…Ariel please step forward…ermm…the gift prize for the winner of this year’s contest is a sum of 50 Million USD, free opportunity to join the Triple girl’s band, a well designed apartment at Lake City, modeling contract and a Hyundia Santa Fe….whoop” He smiled, as Ariel couldn’t control her tears any longer. She couldn’t believe all these are for her; she remembered her life when she was still living in the slum. Who will believe that her coming here to another man’s country will change her life?  


“That girl really deserves the prize, she has a good voice and she is just so beautiful” A young girl was telling her mother, referring to Ariel who was shown on TV. They are actually in the restaurant where Elsa works, as they eat and watch the live performance from the Tv.

“I heard she is African, do Africans have perfect voices like hers” The little girl pestered. Her mother shrug


“Then I will make all the Africans in my school my friends then…” The girl cheered. Elsa who had been watching them smiled out. She looked at the screen as her smile broadens; she feels happy for Ariel, though they didn’t get to stay together for long, but she reminds her of Brittany when Brit was still the innocent girl she used to be when she was little.

“I’m gonna make her my role model this time…do you agree with that mum” The girl pouted. Elsa laughed

“Yea dear, come on let’s eat before our food get cold” The woman muttered.

Elsa who had been so engross watching the TV didn’t notice the presence of the head Chef standing beside her.

“Get back to work Elsa and stop watching that celebrity whom you will never meet in this life” she scoffs. Elsa rolled her eyes. She felt like telling the woman to her face that Ariel was her friend in the mansion, but she wouldn’t believe her. It will look like she is just trying to make up a ridiculous story, and whereas she doesn’t like people knowing about those she knows. They will never find out that she once worked for the Shaws.

~Red Fox Clan~

Brittany ate the last piece of chips from the plate as she heard a knock on the door.

“Come in” She muttered, sipping her drink

“Hey baby….” Jane grinned, entering the room


“Yea…that’s me…ouch…don’t tell me you finished the chips” She pouted, Brittany chuckled

“No…I will just get you some..hold on”  She stood up to get more chips, as Jane picked up the remote, changing the station from the action movie playing to the live performance of the Hybrid Contest.

“Like seriously…I can’t believe the dark girl won…geez…..Brittany, come see the prize given to them..jesus” Jane eyes popped put, as Axel announce the gift prizes. Brittany dropped the plate filled with chips as she takes her seat beside Jane, who was grinning from ear to ear, not noticing Brittany’s change of mood.

She could see her two brothers again, looking like men that they have grown to become. She could only see how grown they are but they might not been able to recognize her except her face blow her up. They look handsome in their classic wears, wearing a lovely smile. She almost smiles in return but remembered that they were just on TV and won’t see her smile. She frown and it later become a sad look.

“Brit…Brit…Brittany” Jane called shaking her a bit before she regain consciousness

“Huhnnn” Brit replied

“What’s wrong, you zoned out…and kept staring at the TV, even after the program ended, you seem to be bothered about something” Jane asked with concern. Brittany shrugs it of

“No…nothing..just know..” She gave a fake smile

“Are you sure you are ok”

“Yes I am…come on, change the station back to what I was watching earlier, and let’s devour these before it gets really cold” She said, referring to the chips

“Yes….oh gosh….do you know that we have a new member in the clan?”

Brittany furrowed her brows

“No…a male or female?”

“Female…and she is damn hot…but I don’t know her b!tch side though, I pray she isn’t one” Jane mumbled with her mouth full of chips. Brittany shrug

“Perhaps Macho will introduce her to the clan tomorrow…”


Ariel step into the shower, allowing the water to fall freely on her body. She heaves a sigh of relief enjoying its warmth. The day’s activities had been hectic and she really needs to calm her nerves. She smiled broadly as the scene of the earlier program replayed in her mind. The cheers, banners, screams of love, the hugs, pictures and to bottle it up, the prizes. She can’t believe all these were real, she wish she wouldn’t wake up if it is actually a dream. Her body suddenly became tensed as she remembered the dream she had the day she woke up and met herself in Aiden’s room. That was the night after she ran away from the hotel, and woke up seeing herself in a luxurious room.

She dreamt about seeing herself in a perfect condition, wearing a classic dress, walking down a beautiful aisle towards a balcony. Just when she was enjoying her view, someone came from behind and gag her mouth, preventing her from screaming, placing a knife to her neck; and that was all she saw before she woke up that day. She doesn’t know what the dream is all about, but she believes it meant something that might likely come to pass in the future. She hopes it’s something she will be able to overcome when it comes.

Exhaling loudly, she stepped out of the shower and cleaned her body. A smile came up on her face as she remembered her conversation with Mr. Jenkins, just after the show before they all retire to their lounge

Flash Back

“Congratulation Ariel Skywalker…” He drags her name, arching his brow like he just remembered something

“Yes..thank you sir…I’m grateful” Ariel muttered with glee. He chuckled, as the flash came again. He doesn’t know why he is seeing her face; her smile is just the same and it’s making him crazy

“You deserved it…that’s the importance of hard work”

Yes…but the grace of God speaks more for me” Ariel smiled, as Noah’s eyes go wild, but he manages to comport himself. She is also used to saying that word, he thought

“Gina…..” He whispered. Ariel couldn’t hear him well because Sophia came shouting ‘dad’, walking closer to them

“Dad we need to go now….”

End of Flashback

Mr. Jenkins is a friendly and humble man, despite being the owner of the company, he still doesn’t mind to chat and dine with his workers and even the contestant. He speaks freely but professionally with them with giving them lumps in their throat. She wonders why Sophia doesn’t take after her dad, or was her mum hostile, she thought, shrugging

She hurriedly dress up, getting prepared to sleep when she heard a knock on the door. She went to open it only to meet him again; her heartbeat accelerated

“Axel” she gasps


Celine just finished having a quiet moment where she will spend smoking a pack of cigarette and fingering herself in the process. She does that always whenever she wants to become high, and the perfect spot for her is a garden at the far end of the clan. It has been covered with grasses though and looked like a bush more that a garden; but there is still an old bench in the center, where one can seat and do unholy stuffs.

Her eyes were already red from smoking and mourning Clara’s death. Ever since Clara was killed, she hasn’t been the cheerful Celine. She opened the door to her room, and was shocked to see how well kept it was. The last time she checked, it was a mess, who could have arranged it, she thought. Just immediately, someone came out of the bathroom. Her eyes locked with the young lady’s eyes, as the lady gave a smile

“Hi….ermm…you must be Celine…well I’m Cassandra, a new member of the clan and your new roommate” Cassie smiled

Celine scoffs 

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