
Final Audition

Chapter 62

(Final Audition)

~Dung Town~

Elsa’s POV

“Elsa…we got a delivery to make” The head chef muttered, as I silently thanked my stars. I feel tired from answering these annoying customers and leaving here for a while will ease my brain. The customers that came in today are just so annoying.

“Ok Ma’am….already on it.” I yelled. I picked up the packaged food and went towards the garage to pick a delivery bike. I ignited it to life and rode off towards the direction of the address with me. It took me few minutes to arrive the location as I went into the quiet compound. It look neat and well kept compared to other houses here in the slum, though it doesn’t look like it hold much luxury, but it’s still a cool place to stay. I climbed the few steps and knocked on the door, patiently waiting for the house owner to open.

“Who is there?” I heard a voice spoke from within

“A delivery girl…” I replied in the same manner she asked, with a smile on my face. The door opened as my eyes locked with a pretty young lady’s eyes. My smile vanished and became replaced with shock

“Huhn nnn”

Flora’s POV

Just after our talk, I decided to have my bath and prepare to leave. I called Karl earlier and told him about my reasons for leaving that way, pleading with him for not picking up his calls; though I didn’t go into details, but he was fine with, but sounded sad. I changed my mind from staying here any longer and decided to go back to Cape Town. I kind of miss him too, which i believe he also does. I will only make it a surprise for him, since he won’t be expecting me today.

Mum wanted to make lunch but I asked her not to bother, saying that I had ordered one already online. After refreshing, I heard a knock on the door and went for it after hearing the voice of a young lady stating that she is the delivery girl. Her voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place where I heard that voice. I opened the door slightly as my eyes popped out.

“Elsa” I called while she tried to comport herself

“Oh my Gosh…Elsa…” I smiled opening the door fully. She sighed

“Hi Flora…” Elsa muttered with a sad smile. My face became dull; I stretch forth my hands to collect the food, knowing why Elsa is not really excited to see me. Everyone believes that it’s my fault leaving Axel, and perhaps she has experiences his pain when she left and isn’t happy about it. Despite being a maid, Elsa has been caring to the twins and takes them like her younger ones, since she is a year older than them.

“I’m sorry Elsa…., it’s been a while, thanks for the food”

 She smiled broadly, surprising me with a hug

“Everyone have a reason for what they did, I also knew why I ran away. Although even if you hurt Axel really bad by leaving him that way, I believe you have a reason for it, and I know you to be a good girl and not a b!tch. I wasn’t expecting you to do that to him,’s ok. He his fine now” She shrug, after breaking the hug

“Thank you Elsa….thanks…I really don’t know why I feel this way, but you will be the first person not to judge me after knowing what I did. I did what I did for a reason which I regret now, but it’s ok….by the way what are you doing here” I asked, cleaning off the tears already running down from my eyes

“I work here now, it doesn’t pay like that of the mansion, but it worth working than the mansion” She stated with a sad face. I couldn’t place my hands on what might have made her leave. I only heard about it from Karl, he told me that she left and no one knows about her where about, but I can’t find myself asking her; it might be a classified reason, else she would have told me.

“Ok…that’s good, sometimes it’s good to change environment” I laughed, she chuckled

“Yes….and you”

“Oh…I errmm…came to see a know, I once live in a slum too before coming to the city”

She nodded

“Sure…you said so…ermm..please you will have to sigh here, I really need to run along” She muttered with a smile. I hurriedly sigh on the placard and she gave me a side hug before running out


Jack’s Lounge

Jack’s POV

I was busy playing a video game on my phone when a knock sounded on the door. Too lazy to get up, I yelled a come in, since the door is open. The door cracked open as a fellow stepped in. I was still focused on the game, not wanting to lose it. Perhaps it’s Jeffery, the second guy standing in the contest. Since we are the only guys left, we kinda strike a friendship and he usually come to my lounge for a video game fight.

“Hey Jeff, I ain’t gonna leave this game and stare at you, so kindly leave the doorpost and close the door” I muttered, loud enough for him to hear. But the voice I got in reply made me end the game, not minding if I lose or not

“Seriously?” Mia spoke, banging the door as she walks in fully

“Oh….i..ermm..never knew you were the one” I smiled, but changed it to a frown, remembering the fact that we have not settled our fight.

“What do you want” I asked coldly, sitting upright on the couch, whole she takes the other.

“Ermm….just came here to say hi” She shrug, biting her lips nervously. I scoff

“Really…I don’t believe you” I muttered, trying to act angry

“I’m serious Jack…fine I know I hurt you a lot with my words, but let by gone be bye gone.” She pouted. If I wasn’t trying my best to keep a straight face, I would have laughed at her expression.

“Fine…so what do you suggest we become now”

“Friends….that’s what you have always wanted right” She grinned. I frown, getting up on my feet as I walk to seat beside her

“You and I know that that’s not what I want. I love you Mia” I gruff. She rolled her eyes and sigh

“Stop making things hard for me…I know. But we have to start from somewhere”

“I have been longing to have you as my girl for a long time. Right from when we were in high school, do you know how long that is? That’s about five to six years ago”

“You were a jerk then…you could have told me about your feelings…I loved you but just couldn’t tell you because you were a bully” She snapped

“And you were a chicken then…you…wait, did you just say that you loved me then” I furrowed my brows. She gasps, covering her mouth

“Fine…yea…but I really don’t know if it was love or lust, considering the fact that you bullied me a lot” She rolled her eyes, folding her arm. I grinned, wriggling my brows this time. It feels good to know that the girl I love also once felt that way for me

“Ok…I’m really sorry for the past, let’s start all over, you know…just like the song Johnny Drille and one girl like that sang…”

“Niniola….that’s her name”

“Whatever…I don’t know those foreign musicians, but ‘start all over’ is one of my best songs. So my dear Cinderella, give me a chance to make up for the past” I beamed

“Friends?” She muttered, stretching forth her hands for a hand shake. I shook it and placed a soft k*ss on the back of her palm.

“I want something else” I stated, looking intently into her eyes

Mia’s POV

“What do you want” I ask him, as he gazes back at me, piercing holes into my face

“A k*ss” He whispered into my ears, blowing hot air, as he winks at me. A surge of butterflies filled my stomach as sparks ran down my spine. It took me few seconds to regain my composure, as his smirk brought me back to reality. I pushed him slightly away from my body, preventing him from doing what he wanted.

“Erm….that’s not what we agreed on. Just friends for now” I stated, and stood on my feet. The room was already intense, because we both know what we want, but don’t want to admit it. I walk towards the door but find out that it was locked

“The door is broken; my ex-roommate spoilt it when he was still here, I just couldn’t find time to complain about it and get it fixed. It locked up when you banged it earlier” he explained, coming closer to open it. I stepped back for him a little, but our hands still brush slightly causing another spark; this time it took over my whole body. He looked at me, with a eyes filled with lust, holding my hand in his palm

“Mia….” He whispered softly, as my heart beat accelerate. I felt his breath coming closer to my face, while I didn’t make any move to resist him again. Few seconds pass; I felt his lips on mine as I didn’t hesitate to reciprocate. I k**sed him back with passion and ecstasy, loving the sweet sparks that erupt in my stomach, as I raise my hand to his neck, caressing it upward, sticking my hand into his silky soft hair, and mo@ning as he fondles my bre@st.

He bits my lips a bit as I gave him entrance; our tongue making an exciting rhythm as our body longs for a touch. He trailed k**ses down the nape of my neck, giving it love bite as we landed on the couch

“I love you Mia….” He whispered into my ear, placing a kiss on it. He planted a k**s on my eyebrows down to my eyes, my nose, and back to my lips.

“I promise to love you forever, only if you would give me the chance..” he stated, caressing my body, as he trailed it down to my lower region. Suddenly, I pushed his hands off knowing what he was about doing……I’m not ready for that now. He noticed my discomfort and stopped, pulling me up

“I….erm….i..” I shuttered

“I understand….I’m sorry for going too far, I should have controlled myself. Just couldn’t stop” He pouted. I smiled nervously.

“It’s ok…I need to go now…thanks” I muttered and was about leaving when it called my name



“Wait..” He went into the inner room and brought out a neck scarf.. “Ermm…use it on your neck…sorry for that…” He motioned the few hickeys on my neck. I blushed, collecting it from him

“Thanks” I whispered. He smiled, giving me a peck on my lips as he squeeze my right hand

“Thank you” he winked


~Two Days Later~

Final Audition

“I feel really nervous now, I don’t know why I’m feeling this way” Ariel muttered, as Mia smiled. They are currently back stage. They just finished performing their group song; firstly, it was Mia and Ariel that sang a song as a duo, whole Jack and Jeffery did the same. Right now, they will be called to give their single performance, before the winner of the contest will be announced. The judges might have known who the winner will be, but just wants them to feed the eyes of the audience with their last songs; the people has given their votes already.

“I am too…but whoever wins is worth winning, we are all the best” Mia smiled as we hug each other

“Won’t I join the hug too” Jack asked from behind, as they allowed him to. Jeffery only watched with a smile

“We are all lucky to get to the last stage…it’s a pleasure singing with amazing people like you all. In my life I will never have dreamt of meeting with you all, but God knows the plans he has for us even before we know them “Ariel stated, Jack nodded while the other two smiled

“Yes Ariel…you are right. I will miss you all after this contest…but I will like to still keep contact” Jeffery muttered

“We can have a get-together” Jack suggested as they all agreed. Suddenly, they were called up on stage to being their performance. Ariel was called first to sing. She climbed the stage with her heart thumping hard against her chest, she suddenly felt scared but something eased her fear. She sighted lots of people holding a banner with her name inscribe on it; they raise it up for her to see, suggesting the fact that they are her fans, lover of the way she sings and handle the stage. They were more than millions; she felt loved as a glint of tear tickle down her eyes. She sniffed in and comport herself as they all cheered her name.

Her eyes caught up with the judges as each of them wore on a real smile including Axel. Her heart beat increased as he winked at her. Only Sophia was keeping a straight face; she only kept it that way so that the cameras won’t capture her angry face, because that is always how she looks; angry.

“Welcome on board Ariel…you are looking charming tonight…if I don’t have a girlfriend I would have made you my date for tonight” Theo winked as everyone gave a roar of laughter. Ariel chuckled. Nicki gave him a slight punch

“What song do you have for us tonight, remember that it’s your last song on this stage for the contest”

“Yes…I will be singing ‘A New Day’ by Celine Dion

“Ok…fire on” He muttered.

Ariel finished singing the song with a round of applause and cheers from the crowd; Jack was called next followed by Mia and Jeffery at last. After their performance, they were called to stand on stage as the winner will be announced.

The name was given to Axel, as he stands to his feet and climb on stage to give a brief speech

“Hello Cape Town” he flashed a smile

“Hi…..” Everyone screamed as the young ladies were almost dying to touch him, but the security were tight enough, preventing them from climbing the stage

“I..ermm..Just have these few things to say before announcing the winner. Every one of you has tried your best showing your talents, starting from the beginning of the contest. And I’m really glad that most of you tried to put more effort in what you were lagging behind in along the line. But mind you, we all should know that this is a contest and in every contest or game there is only one winner and other runner ups.

I believe that not being a winner doesn’t make you a failure or loser, it’s just a stepping stone for you to put more effort and do better next time. Apart from being a competition, this contest is also part of training. At the end of the whole thing, we have just one winner…..phew….everyone wanna hear the name???” He smirked. This time, the contestant hearts were beating hard out of their chest

“The winner for the Hybrid Musical Competition for the year 2018 is…….” Everyone was silent waiting for him to call the name. Some of them, where already raising their banners up

“The winner is mm…..”

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