
Being On The Run

Chapter 61

(Being On the Run)

“That’s what everyone thinks, but Roxanne isn’t dead, she is still alive, serving her life sentence in jail….” Becky muttered as Flora’s mouth drop down.

“So you mean, she framed her death or what?” Flora asked

“She didn’t frame any death, her husband did. He is ashamed of calling her his wife and doesn’t want his daughter to know that type of mother she has. He doesn’t want his daughter to be influenced by her mother’s character; though she is serving a life sentence which Noah agreed to. He has the money to bail her if he wanted, but he doesn’t want to see her on the face of the earth again, she has done a lot to him that made him regret calling her a wife”

“That’s weird, I mean….that’s the weirdest story I have ever heard. Husband framing wife’s death just because he doesn’t want her to be known to the world as being in jail” Flora muttered with a sigh

“Yes…..Jenkins is smart, I should be in the same place too with her, but I was smarter. I will tell you all about it, but I want to really know what has been going on with you” Becky stated, intently looking at Flora.

“Sophia has been the one putting me through all this, starting from when I broke up with Axel. Thoroughly, I really did not love Axel that much, but she gingered the break up. She threatened me to do things I shouldn’t do just to leave him for her” She explained, stating the entire past event that had happened, that she has hidden from her mum. She also spoke about meeting Karl, who is really is to her and how they both ended up in bed. She was already in tears before she completed her story

“Axel called me a whore…I think I am one mum, I can’t stick to a man, I keep jumping from one to another because I feel confuse.  Thought I love Axel when he proposed to me but I was wrong, I was only tired of staying in the slum and when he promised to take me away from here I was glad, thinking I have found someone that will walk me down the aisle. He would have done that though, Axel really loves me, but it all went off when Aiden came and then Sophia came with her problems.”

“Baby…shh…hey its ok. I know how you feel, that was the way her mother, Roxanne made me her puppet. Do you want to hear the side of my story?” She asked, Flora nodded, cleaning of the tears on her face. Becky heaves a sigh as she started.

“When I was still very young, you were yet to be born then, that was after I married your father nineteen years ago. Despite the fact that we are poor, we were still so much in love; your father was not a drunkard that he later become as at then. He was strong, healthy and very handsome, but the problem was that we had no money. I found out that your dad work in a large farm owned by the Shaw as at then.

That was the same farm you also worked in, but it was still developing during my time, not like now that it is well equipped and so on, the workers only have to do few jobs now. During my time we the workers work with all our strength because there were no machines to do the major works.

 I stopped working as a maid in a certain man’s house and decided to follow your dad to work with him in the farm. One day, the owner of the farm came with his wife and friends; they met us all at our work and were happy that we were doing our work diligently. Mr. Mike Shaw and his brother Mark Shaw, with his wife Mary Shaw were the ones who came, because Mike owns the farm. Mr. Noah Jenkins who was the friend of Mike also came with his wife Roxanne, who was pregnant with Sophia as at that time, and that was where she met me…..”

“Wait…wait….mum…you said something that is confusing just now”


“The twins father’s name is Mark Shaw….not Mike Shaw…who is Mike?” She asked with furrowed brow. Becky chuckled.

“There are many secret which are buried down in the ground, if the dead could come back to life, many living will go along with them. Mr. Mike is the father of the twins, not Mark. Mark is his brother.” She stated

“What….what….I mean…how…Axel has never mentioned anything about Mike to me, I mean he should have, we don’t keep things from each other and even if he wants to keep things away from me, Aiden would have spoken about him.”

Becky let out a smile

“They were still very little when their father died. In fact Brittany their sister was still in her mother’s belly as at then. Only Mary, their mother will be able to answer questions about her late husband and why she married Mark, his brother. Mr. Noah Jenkins should also know about it, but like I said, many things are buried. I only know of the Jenkins family, I really don’t know about the Shaw, only that they are friends.”

“Ok…perhaps you continue with your story”

“When Roxanna saw me working in the farm that day, she spoke to her husband about wanting me to become a maid in their house. She saw the way I work and believe I will be really strong, due to the numbers of loads I carry while working. She proposed the offer to me, while I relay it to your dad. Surprisingly, your dad accepted, since the pay was really good. I didn’t want to go but I needed the money too. I took up the offer and started working in her mansion while your dad continued working in the farm.

I was only allowed to go back during weekends and return the following week. The pay was really good that I found it hard, quitting the job. I never knew that Roxanne had her hidden motive; she doesn’t like Noah one bit, despite having a child with him. I heard that he didn’t marry her before she took in, the pregnancy actually made him marry her. She used to be a stripper at a club party where he went and had a one night stand with her. She took in and forced the pregnancy on him, because he was rich; she doesn’t want him, she needed the money.

She forced me to seduce him and have sex with him so that she can record it and frame him with it, ordering for a divorce, which will make him share part of his properties to her. I couldn’t do it at first, but she threatened me. I never wanted to cheat on my husband, but had to do it. Noah didn’t fall for the plan though and that saved me. He said that he will not fall for my tricks and make out with me even if his wife is pregnant and couldn’t satisfy him as that time. He claimed to be a man of dignity and wouldn’t rub it in the mud by lying with his maid.

She made me commit all sort of havoc all in the name of I am a maid, and should listen to her as the boss. Roxanne tried to kill Noah, using the kidnapping method, poisoning his food and all sort, but it wasn’t working. Noah will always escape those means either miraculously or perhaps knowing the plans before we carry it out. I later found out that one of the workers in the house sold us out. She doesn’t like me when Roxanne brought me in, and when she found out about our secret plans to eliminate Noah, she took it upon herself to start videoing and recording our conversation, without our knowledge.

“Roxanne is really wicked, no wonder her daughter took after her…blood is thicker than water” Flora mouthed. Becky nodded

“Two months after she gave birth to Sophia I found out that I was pregnant with you. Your dad didn’t know about it because I was planning to tell him when next I visit home, but I never got the chance. The following day, a woman came to the house looking furious and angry at Roxanna for trying to kill her son. She was Noah’s mother, his only surviving family. She said that Noah knows of all her plans to kill him and has been escaping while she was being a fool. She told Roxanne to pack out of the house that day, shouting at her and following her round the house. I was the only maid around that day and the woman went into Roxanne’s room, bringing out all her cloth. Roxanna became angry and slapped her hard. The woman gave a loud cry and I had to run towards the scene. She suddenly began to seizure, gasping for breath, but I never knew what was wrong with her.

Roxanne asked me to hold her tight while she took off her pants and forced the woman to lick her pu$$y. I couldn’t do it, but she threatened me, saying that she will blow off my head with a gun if did not hold her still. I knew she meant what she said, because I have seen her kill someone before on one of our missions. I held the shaking woman while she brought her legs to her face, opening it wide and rubbing it mixed with her juice on the woman’s face. It later became dawn on me that Noah’s mother was suffering from asthma and was shaking, gasping for breath but I was too dump to notice. I couldn’t leave her to get her inhaler; Roxanne might kill me, because the gun was just few meters away from where we are.   

Roxanne moans loudly, picking up her pant as she tucked it into the woman’s mouth. I was already in tears, I begged her to leave the woman alone and allow me to get her inhaler, but she gave me an angry glare, I remembered the gun and kept shut. Not long after struggling, the woman shook vigorously and gave up the ghost right in my arms. Suddenly, a surge of fear came upon Roxanne as she acts like the demon that once possessed her has left her body.

She quickly run to her wardrobe, brought out some cloth and set them in her box. She told me to do the same, or I will be arrested and go to jail for killing someone. I told her I didn’t kill anyone and won’t be arrested  but she laughed out loud like a mad woman, saying that no one will believe me, my finger print is all over the woman, and the only option is have now is to escape. I had no choice, I was angry and scared at the same time. I am poor and have nothing to defend myself. We were done packing and were about leaving the house when Noah walked in through the gate with two of his friends who were in the police force. They caught us holding our boxes ready to leave; I was busy shivering and couldn’t move. Roxanne tried to stay calm

Flash Back

Nineteen Years Ago

Becky’s POV

“Where are you both going to” Noah asked as Roxanna let out a smile

“Well….you see…I wanted to tell you about it, but you weren’t around you know…I want to go on a vacation to Hawaii with my maid” She smiled. Noah furrowed his brow and looked at me. My look betrayed me, because he could see the glint of tears in my eyes and how I was shivering

“Where is my mum” His cold voice rings into my ears. Roxanne froze

“Ermm….oh..she told you that she was coming?” Roxanne asked, foolishly

“Yes….where is she” He asked again, this time the atmosphere was getting intense

“She is inside, I need to go now, come on Becky, let’s leave” She ordered, but Noah blocked her way

“You will go nowhere until I see my mum” He muttered. He signaled to his two friends to hold us while he goes in to check for her. I started crying immediately, regretting the fact that I came to work here.

“I am pregnant…..I’m pregnant, you b!tch…now I will have to go to jail with it” I yelled at Roxanne. He gave me an angry glare telling me to shut up

“What are you talking about….who is going to jail” One of Noah’s friend asked, already getting interested in what I was saying.

“She killed her….she she….” I was still speaking when Noah came out. He sank to his knees, holding his head.

“Harrgggg” he screamed loud, as tears run down his cheeks. No soothsayer will have to tell us that he has seen her dead body. But my inner man right now is telling me about how my remaining days will be in jail.

“Lock up…those b!tches… killed my mother Roxanne…you b!tch” He yelled in rage and slapped her across her cheek

“No I didn’t…he is lying…” She resorted trying to hit him back, but was held. We were handcuffed immediately and dragged into the car, heading for the station where we will meet out fate.

End of Flash Back

That was how I landed in jail, alongside Roxanne. She became the lord of criminals in jail while we became enemies. Your dad was disappointed in me when he heard the news, I explained to him about being framed, but he was still not happy that I didn’t tell him about what I was going through. When I heard about the pregnancy he fell into depression. I promise to keep you safe even if I will be in jail till I give birth. I gave birth to you and he came for you, taking you away. I cried a lot the day officials gave you to him and that was the last time I saw you, until after a year when I escaped from jail with other inmates.

I went back home to meet your dad and we ran away to somewhere safe. You grew to know me as a mother before I left again. And that was when you were five years; I was on the run for five years, and when I was leaving, you thought I wanted to leave you, you thought I wanted to leave your dad alone. But that was wrong; I was running away from the law. I ran away just to spend some time with my daughter.  As at that time, the policemen were already capturing those that escape that year with me. I was also their target; if I haven’t leave that day, they would have captured me too and I wouldn’t be able to see you again, and many secrets which you know now wouldn’t have been known, because I will be killed immediately I’m caught.

Flora was already in tears when her mother finished her story

“I’m sorry mum….i misunderstood your purpose of leaving, I thought you left us because we were poor. I never knew you passed through all this. I’m sorry” She cried as Becky hugged her. She sniffed in

“It’s ok. Although the case has been closed, it’s been a long time and many will think I’m dead too, since they couldn’t lay their eyes on me. But if they get to know where I  am, they will come for me”

“I will protect you… mum, I will protect you with all my might…I can’t let you leave my sight this time” Flora muttered confidently. Becky smiled, caressing her cheek.

“Thank you….but do you know that I made a mistake not telling your dad about what I was passing through; you are also making that mistake dear”


“Pick up your phone and call Karl…I know you love him. When you spoke about him, I saw love in your eyes; I think he is the right guy for you. But keeping him in the dark will only make things worse. Meet up with him and explain things to him. If thoroughly he loves you, he won’t leave you for someone else after hearing your side of the story…trust me….it will be sad if he hears what happened with you and Aiden from someone else. Sophia might have drugged your drink, just like you assumed. Do the right thing my child”

“I will mum…I will”

Immediately, Karl’s call came in again. Becky signaled her to pick it, which she did. She heaves a sigh and spoke into the phone


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