
Sophia's Mum

Chapter 60

(Sophia’s Mum~)

Axel’s lounge

Axel went back to his room after having a little exercise that morning; he wasn’t expecting anyone but to his surprise he met his twin on the couch, sipping from a glass of wine. He frowns slightly, walking in fully. Aiden noticed his presence when he stepped in

“Welcome brother” he muttered but Axel didn’t return the greeting. He simply rolled his eyes and went into the shower for a brief bath. He freshens up and changed into new wears before joining Aiden, who wasn’t bothered about his earlier reaction. He knew Axel well and his snobbish attitude isn’t something new to him.

“What are you doing here” Axel asked coldly

“Huhf, can’t I visit my Lil brother any longer” Aiden scoffs, going to pick up a pack of popcorn as he stuffs it into his mouth. Axel was furious, not because he came in here without his permission and start eating his food, nope; they are used to doing that. But his effrontery of doing that, when he knows that they haven’t been in good terms for a while now is pissing him off.

“I’m not you Lil brother, I’m your twin, get that” Axel snapped, going to drag the popcorn from his as he dropped it on the table.

“Can we just get to why you are here and stop messing around, I wanna have a nap” He stated. Aiden sigh

“Fine, I’m actually here to talk with on our recent cold shoulders to each other” He explained. Axel rolled his eyes and took a seat opposite him. He knew Aiden will wanna talk about it, so he has no choice but to listen. Despite the fact that they are having a brief misunderstanding, they will still create time to talk and perhaps sort out their difference.

“You know, when I walked into the studio that day, I wanted to discuss something with you….about the last party we had at my place, how Flora got you angry and all that. But meeting you in that position with Ariel pissed me off. I thought you wanted to get back at me for what I didn’t know about. Even if Flora likes me, fine, but that shouldn’t make you to be angry with me”

“I wasn’t angry with you, I was only pissed” Axel mumbled

“But you didn’t speak to me for a while, and when I tried to sort things out that same day, you short me off saying you don’t wanna talk about it. And to be sincere I didn’t know anything about her having feelings for me until that day”

“I didn’t wanna talk about it because I was trying to calm my anger. If truly she loves you, that mean she has loved you ever since when we were still together, and you being a playboy then might have noticed it, but never wanna speak about it. I know you Aiden; you are quick in knowing girls who have a thing for you without them telling you, why didn’t you notice Flora too?” Axel snapped

“That’s because she was good in keeping her feelings, she didn’t show it at all through her actions, and even if she does, I will never have thought about that for my brother’s girlfriend. Flora acts like she loves you a lot then, so I will never have thought about her liking me too”

“Whatever, that was then. It’s in the past already and I’m no more piss, in fact I shouldn’t have been though. It actually caught me off balance hearing her confession, and I couldn’t control my anger; I still love her and she isn’t ready to come back to me. If she wants anyone now it’s either you or someone else” Axel frown, standing up to pick a drink from the fridge. He poured it into a glass while Aiden watch him with a sad face

“You know…I love Ariel….and seeing you both in that position actually pissed me off. I’m sorry for yelling at you. I know that you both do not get along well, so seeing her in tears made me think you hurt her” Aiden mumbled. Axel scoffs loudly, returning to his seat with the drink in his hand

“That wasn’t care you portrayed that day, that was jealously, you thought I was gonna take her away from you. Come on, she actually came there and hugged me, crying her eyes out, I tried petting her but it wasn’t working, not until you came in. And the last time I checked, you used to be a playboy, what happened to ‘I’m not gonna get a girlfriend, I don’t want another heartbreak’” Axel laughed mimicking Aiden

“That was then, I truly don’t want this relationship stuff, take a look at what is happening to you now, I’m not indirectly mocking you…”

“I know….” Axel shrug

“Yea….that’s exactly why I don’t wanna go into it, but since the day I met Ariel, my heart beats for her and I can’t think about any other girl but her.” Aiden muttered, pressing his lips together. Axel nodded, staring at Aiden who had his head in his palm. He raised his head up and his eyes lock with that of Axel, but he looked away immediately, sighing

“You look bothered, what’s the matter” Axel asked, sensing that Aiden is not in his usual self. Aiden didn’t reply for some seconds. He cleared his throat and look at Axel in the eyes

“Axel…..erm….do…you by any mean….like her too” he drag his words. Axel arched his brows

“Who” He asked with a frown


Axel scoffs

“What sort of question is that?” He asked. Aiden shrug

“Just wanna know”

“But what will make you wanna know about such, I mean, you said it yourself, we don’t used to be in good terms; ever since she broke my favorite frame, I was pissed with her but that was then. I have forgiven her and let go of it. But this question is odd” Axel replied already getting pissed at his brother

“It’s just a harmless question….anyway, sorry for asking such though” Aiden muttered getting on his feet. He was planning on leaving when Axel called his name, walking closer to him. He went ahead and stand in front of him.

“Aiden, something is bothering you…is there something you ain’t telling me…because I know you” Axel muttered and Aiden’s heart suddenly skip a beat. He knew his guilty conscience was at it again, accusing him of what he did with Flora. He felt uneasy looking at Axel in the eyes because he suddenly remembers the scene of him making out with Flora.

Should he tell Axel? What if he become angry for falling so cheaply to s*x his Ex. Axel’s anger isn’t something he want to generate this period; the last time he got really angry, things weren’t good, it even affected their career a bit. Axel got angry on hearing that Flora loves him, how will he feel if he hears about their unholy scene. He knew he will tell him about it someday, but that will be later in the future, when Axel has finally learns how to tame his anger and find someone who will love him back.

“You ain’t saying anything…and that just conclude my assumption. There is something you are keeping away from me, what is it?” Axel asked again, and it became dawn on Aiden that he had zoned out which he shouldn’t have done.

“I’m not keeping anything….just stressed out” He muttered and left the lounge before Axel can make up what he said. Axel sinks his hand into his curly hair, sighing as he sank into the couch. He knew that Aiden might be keeping something from him, else he wouldn’t have behaved that way; but what could be bothering him, he thought. His mind flashed back to the question Aiden asked.

“Do I really love Ariel?”He asked himself, touching his chest. He sighed frustratingly when he couldn’t get an answer to his question.


~Dung Town~

“Flora…ain’t you gonna pick up your call; this is the third time the person will be calling today” Flora’s mum shouted from the living room. The phone continued to ring, meaning Flora isn’t ready to pick it up, just what she has been doing for the past two days. Flora came home sulkily making her worried thinking she might be facing some problems or so, but Flora won’t admit it. She stated that she was just stressed and decided to take a week leave from work. Ever since she arrived, she has decided not to pick calls from work or anyone, and this is pissing her off.  She stood up and went into her room.

Flora was sitting on her bed, working on her laptop. The phone kept on ringing beside her, with Flora not paying any attention to it; she plucked in an ear pod in her ears preventing her from hearing the annoying sound produced by the phone.

Flora’s mum glances at the caller and saw the name ‘Karl’. He has been the one calling her for the past two days she has been here, but she is not ready to respond to his call. Is he someone important to her or less important?

“Darling….what’s wrong” She tapped Flora who signed. She was only playing a video game on her system but her mind wasn’t in it. Karl has been calling for two days now, but she hasn’t been picking his calls. She knew she was doing bad, but she has no choice. If she tells him where she is, he will wanna come looking for her. She doesn’t wanna pressurize him with her problems, he has his work to look after, but it seem that Karl is not backing out soon, his missed calls has filled her phone to the brim.

“Who is Karl to you” Her mother asked, after the phone stop ringing

“Is he your boss?”

“No….just a friend” She muttered, but deep down, she knows that Karl isn’t just a friend but a secret lover to her; she is beginning to feel for him and she believes he does the same for her. Ever since she encountered Sophia she has been down; she doesn’t know what to do than to come here and clear her head. If Sophia dare to release that video then it won’t just ruin her career this time, it will also create a rift between the two brothers, because she knows Axel really well, he won’t take it likely.

“Hmmmm…a friend, just a friend?” She asked; Flora rolled her eyes. She knows what her mum is getting at

“Yea…though I like him, and I think he does too” She managed to say. Her mother sigh

“Then why aint you picking his calls, did you both get into a quarrel”

“No” Flora shook her head

“Then why are you looking so dull, why are you not picking his calls. Is there anything you want me to know? You have been here for the past two days, and all you tell me is that you are stressed and want to be alone, but I’m your mother and seeing you this way is making me sad. Please dear, give me a play a motherly role to you. I know I haven’t been the best mum but I can try fixing up the time that we have been apart” She pouted. Flora suddenly felt like crying, the scene of how Sophia insulted her, and told her about how she planned everything came playing in her mind. She believes sharing it with her mother will help ease her pain a little. Her mum might have a solution to this and if she doesn’t, its better someone else knows about it than keeping it all to herself.

“I’m tired mum, I’m tired of being used by Sophia, i’m tired of being her puppet. She is bent on making my life miserable. I can’t help it any longer; taking my love ones away from me is not enough, she made me commit things that I will never dream of doing. Just take a good look at me, I’m a model, a popular one at that, loved by many, but no one knows what I’m passing through. No one knows about me hiding my mother just because of some fault she did in the past that I know nothing about. Many thought I’m happy due to the way I act, but deep down, I’m really sad.

Life in the slum is still better than the life of riches with no peace of mind, no love…trouble from the richer ones who bullies you at every instance because they have the power to. I did all I did for you.. mum…I became her slave just to keep you safe” She cried more. Her mum (Becky) tried consoling her, she felt tears whaling up in her eyes too, but couldn’t fathom what Flora is talking about, and who is Sophia and what has she done.

“What did I do….I don’t understand, tell me Flora what’s wrong” She asked, cleaning her tears

  “Everything is wrong mum….have you ever imagined why I brought you to stay here in the slum?”

“Well….you are keeping me away from facing the law the second time. If I’m being caught alive, I will be taken back to jail”

“That’s not it. I’m keeping you away from the law, fine…but not really. Sophia knows about your existence, she knows that you did something bad in you past and is ready to send you back to jail except I do whatever she ask of me. I thought keeping you here will keep you away from her eyes but I was wrong, she might have kept secret spies to know my where about.

She stated that you committed murder and ran away with her father’s property which worth billions; but the truth is you never told me what really went on in the past mum…..why were you always on the run, what led you to jail? I have suffered alone keeping all this to myself by doing what she says, but you kept me in the dark all this while. Was all she said through…did you run away with her dad’s money, did you truly murder someone?

Tears were already rushing down Becky’s eyes as she watches her daughter speak; why is things not going well with her, was she cursed from birth. Now her daughter has to suffer something which she knew would have been really painful all because of her.

“Do you know anything about the Jenkins family….Sophia is the daughter of Mr. Jenkins… are we connected to them” Flora snapped, already getting pissed that her mother wasn’t ready to speak

“Mum!!!! Speak up”

“Yes…I know them…..that was when I met that b!tch, we both landed in jail, not until I escape….and be on the run up till now…I can’t start explaining things now. But please Flora, tell me,…..what did she do to you, why are you looking so down, what has she done to my daughter…stop crying baby…please” She pleaded with Flora, who calmed down a bit. She knew she shouldn’t be shock about her mum’s outburst, but her she is getting shocked. Though Sophia showed her some proof about her mum stealing some of her dad’s properties, but she just doesn’t wanna believe it.

She knew what Sophia wanted and only gave it to her because of the fear Sophia instilled in her. Sophia’s dad is damn rich and whatever accusation Sophia place on Flora will be accepted in court because they got the money, respect and fame, while she was just a starter in the model industry as at then.

She knew her mother was involved in some crimes which made her to be on the wanted list, but never knew it had to do with the Jenkins; hearing it now from her mum’s mouth is giving her goose bumps

“Sophia’s mum… her”

She nodded

“She went to jail too….i mean I don’t get this…I thought she is dead….or did she die in jail”

Becky chuckled slightly; her daughter has stopped crying, so she also has to stop. She cleaned her tears and sigh. Flora needs to know the truth now that she is ready, she won’t hide anything away from her, especially now that she has gotten into the web of that woman’s daughter.

“That’s what everyone thinks, but Roxanne isn’t dead, she is still alive, serving her life sentence in jail….” Becky muttered as Flora’s mouth drop down.

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