
Rot In Hell

Chapter 59

(Riot In Hell)

“Play the video” She muttered. As Clara heard that, her heart dropped to the ground. The phone was connected to a projector as it was played for all to see. The video showed the figure of Clara walking towards Nora’s bed in the ward. Silent murmurs could be heard among the members as Clara faced down unable to look at the annoying eyes that were peering at her.

The video finished playing showing how she injected Nora with the syringe before leaving the ward. Everywhere was silent for a while, not until they heard Clara sobbing

“That video is fake…she..she framed me, perhaps someone make a duplicate of my face or, perhaps a makeup artist…..” A hard slap landed on her face, cutting her words short. It was Macho; he was already standing in front of her ready to pounce on her. She was shocked beyond words as the threatening tears in her eyes fall off freely

  “If that face was the work of a makeup artist, then what about the voice, was your voice also duplicated? Or will someone just try to copy the way you speak, walk and laugh…huhnnn” Macho yelled to her face. She flinched and moves backward in fear. He got pissed at her action, pulling her towards himself with her hair as she tried to free his grip for it, shouting for help; but no one is ready to stand in macho’s way, especially when he is really angry.

“Answer me b!tch…what did you gain in killing Nora, why did you do it” He yelled

“I didn’t kill h...” Another slap landed on her face, she broke down totally, crying profusely on the ground

“Tell me the f**king truth” he snapped. She stood up aggressively, wiping off her tears

“Yes…I killed her…I f**king killed her because she was a fool, a stupid b!tch who I shouldn’t have used. I knew she will sell me out, but I should have been smarter, I should have finished her off earlier if I had known that this b!tch will also visit the clinic that night” She snapped, as everyone stare at her in shock

“Why did you do this Clara, I thought you were loyal to the clan” Macho growled

“F**k the clan! Ever since this Brit step into this place and make it her home, it became a hell to me. She made me feel like a shit here, taking my place in everything. She took you (Macho) away from me; she took the respect given to me by the rest of you, she calling to be more beautiful, flaunting it here and there just to get at me. I hate her with the whole of my life, and that made me plan her death. Yes, I sent the killer that tried to kill her then at the party; but you f**king went ahead and save her, you saved her Macho….I hate you for that, why will you always come to her aid when she should have been out of the way” She yelled at him with tears gushing down her eyes

 “Am I not enough for you, am i? I loved you so much but you left me for this kid, and freaking want to have a child with her because of your selfish motives. You are such a bastard Macho…..i hate the day I know you, I also hate you Brittany, and I’m promising you that in my next life I will make sure you never cross my way, I hate you!!!! You are just too dump thinking Macho loves you” She muttered. This time Macho was already burning with fury, he felt like strangling her at the moment because his anger has gotten to its last degree, but he has a better option. He took his hand towards his pistol pocket, as everyone’s attention was focused on Clara as she displayed her insanity, acting like a young mad woman.

“You know what, he is also after your body just like he was after mine….he only wants a child with you because he…..”

“Boom!!!!!!” The sound of a gun was heard, as everyone directed their attention to where the sound came from; they saw Macho holding up a gun with smoke coming out of the hole. Before they could comprehend what just happened, Clara staggered backward, hitting her two knees to the ground, as it made a crashing sound; blood splashing out of her forehead like a rushing spring, her eyes iris, reflecting the image of Macho standing with the gun still in his hand, the once perfect atmosphere becoming intense, as her body landed to the ground, the gushing blood mixing with the dusty soil; she gave her last breath.

“Harrgh” Brittany gave a loud gasps as she stared at Macho with horror. Everyone knew that Clara will surely be executed for going against the clan rule, but no one was expecting it to be that moment; as expected she was to face tough punishment and later finished off with bullets. But their thoughts were wrong because he did the unexpected. Clara was about saying something which Brittany believes to be a secret between him and her which means Clara knows about it and even more than she does. What did she want to say before he shot her? She thought.

“Haarrgghhhh!!!!” Celine screamed silently, she dare not scream out, to save her own head. She fell to her knees, dragging her nails on the floor, as she watched her friend in horror. Rain of tears thread down her eyes, as she ran out secretly without anyone knowing

Macho dipped the gun back into the pocket not feeling a bit of remorse. He signaled some men who came forward with a bow

“Pick this body and dispose it properly” He gruff, they hurriedly carried Clara’s corpse and left the arena. He faced the whole clan members to address them.

“And as for these witnesses, take them out and finish them” he ordered his guard, who pull the three ladies out with the aid of other members their scream filled the air, as they cry their lungs out, pleading for forgiveness.

“She forced us to lie, please forgive us” one of them yelled, while the others only shout and cry

“In your next life, you will learn how to say the truth…take them out” Macho yelled as they were pulled away. In the next few seconds, they heard gun shots with a shrilling scream, which lasted for seconds and everywhere became silent.

“Now hear me all, you members of this great clan, that will be the punishment of anyone who goes against the rule of the clan, who goes against my own rule. This is a clan; we are a society and must obey whatsoever rule is laid.  The wages of sin is death. Clara has paid for her sins, she will go and riot in hell, and whoever follows her footstep will go down her path. Back to your tent all ye people, the mole has been judged.” He shouted for them to hear, dusting his coat properly before making his way to leave. His eyes locked with Brittany who gave him a frightening look. He smirk within, feeling that he had succeeded in creating some fear in her, because she wasn’t having that earlier, and all he wants is for his followers to fear and respect him.

But she wasn’t scared of his demeanor, she is only shocked at how he shot her, if she hadn’t gotten proof, would he had shoot her that way? She thought.

“Hey” Jane whispered, she turned to look at her

“Come on, let’s leave, you have been standing here looking into space when everyone is leaving, we‘ve won the case, time to celebrate.

“Yea….but I don’t think we should celebrate now, because there is nothing to celebrate when the war is just starting.” Brittany stated. Jane frown

“Ow..kay…but we need to be happy, she is gone now, no more taunting. As in, I don’t know why some people will be just so wicked to the extent of wanting to take the life of someone, all in the name of jealousy and envy.

“Hmm, I’m also baffled. But take a look at this, what if we haven’t gotten those proof, she would have made me look guilty and Macho might have just….kill me” she mumbled. Jane sighed touching her shoulder

“Thank God it wasn’t that way, now let’s get out of here, I hate the smell of her blood, hunn” Jane wriggled her nose funnily, making Brittany chuckle


~Hybrid Company~

Ariel was busy chatting with Jack at the garden, laughing her lungs out when Mia walk by. They stopped to look at her, expecting her to walk away as usual, but she did the unexpected. She walked closer to them, her fingers fondling the hem of her clothes; she seems nervous, but tries to keep calm.

 “Ermm…hi” She muttered, biting her lips

“Hi Mia” Ariel replied with a smile while Jack only rolled his eyes

“I will just leave you both to talk” He stated; he glanced briefly at Mia before leaving. Mia heaved a sigh

“I don’t know how to start this, but I think I really messed up, I’m sorry Ariel” She said, apologetically. Ariel stood up from the bench, giving her a firm hug. She couldn’t hold in the tears in her eyes any more as she let it fall freely.

“I’m also sorry Mia, sorry for keeping things from you. I should have let you know about it a long time ago; but I was also confused. I should have trusted you as the only person who accepted me as a friend, I’m so sorry too” She pleaded, embracing the hug

“Hey…you don’t need to cry, you are such a cry baby” Mia teased, she chuckled, wiping off her tears

“I believe we misunderstood each other, but now I have reasoned everything, and I am ready to let go of my feelings for Aiden, I don’t mind anymore if you want him. And whereas, he can’t return the love; what’s the point of wishing for a one-sided relationship.” She shrugs

“Hmm…. I pray that God grants us our heart desires” Ariel smiled, as She replied an ‘Amen’

“So….we are cool now right” Ariel asked

“Yes…of course” Mia replied

“Yes!!!!” She yelled, hugging her tightly.

“Come on Ariel, you are suffocating me” Mia yelled between laughter, tickling Ariel in process

“Stop that…haahaa….do you know how sad I was when you didn’t wanna speak with me. I felt like dying, gosh..please don’t do that again” Ariel pouted

“Sure I won’t. I also didn’t feel good”

“What’s up with you and Jack, I noticed your discomfort when he was here, and perhaps he noticed it too, to have left?” Ariel asked, Mia shrug

“We have an argument..and you know….”

“Oh…you might want to speak with him too, right? I think he feels bad not talking to you too”

“I think I will give him a chance” She spurted out


“Yea…he confessed his feelings to me. You see….the truth is….I used to have feelings for Jack when we were in high school, but I will just never admit it. He bullies and teased me a lot, but I still find myself falling for him; my heartbeat will always race when I lock eye with him, and my ears were always inching to hear his voice, but he would only end up teasing me, and making me feel like a fool in front of everyone. I hated him for that, and it kinda buried the love but didn’t kill the feelings, because it was still there and only resurrected when we met again here.

I tried to turn him out when he began to act sweet to me one seeing me here. I don’t want to love him back because I thought my heart was for Aiden. I don’t want those crazy feelings I had for him to come back crashing that which I have for Aiden. But they were all façade, I never love Aiden. It was just a crush and that as why when Jack came back, my heart still leapt for him, but my angry self won’t allow me to go for what I want. 

He confessed about loving me from high school but couldn’t bring himself low to tell me due to the type of person he was then. He was a proud bully, school idol and everyone’s crush. He doesn’t know how to approach me being a playboy, so he derived joy in teasing me, just to be with me all the time. He told me he felt bad when we had to leave high school, and since fate will have its way, it brought us back to meet again. He doesn’t wanna misused this opportunity; he said he has changed from his playboy lifestyle a long time ago. He wants me to give him a chance” Mia concluded, as Ariel heaves a sigh

“If you will find happiness being with him, then I give you my complete support. But to tell the truth, Jack is nice, though I don’t know his past lifestyle, but if he says that he has changed, then he has really change, just try to tell him your dos and don’ts.” Ariel smirked, earning a grin from her

“Yea…sure..I will. And about the contest….do you know that it’s coming to an end soon?”

“Yes…and I feel really nervous”

“You shouldn’t be, you are the best after all, and it won’t be a shock if you win. In fact, I will which for you to win, it has been your dream to become a singer. This is just a stepping stone” Mia muttered

“Let fate decide who wins, all I know is that we are all good, and everyone deserves a reward.”

“If you win, you will be opportune to join the Triple girl’s band, that’s if you wish by the way. And after these contest, there will also be another contest which will be between the triple members. I think they wanna choose a new leader. This time, the board of directors will be the judge, except if they wanna invite top musician from other countries to judge, and that will be after the people have given their own opinion.”

“So anyone who wins this contest will have to contest with Sophia to gain her position?”

“Yes….and being the triple girls’ leader is a huge success and opportunity to meet with other top artist across the globe. Hybrid Company holds the best boys and girls band. And not just that; you will also get to tour with Axel to places where you both will perform as a duo; that’s why many people are longing to be in that position, but Sophia is a real witch. No one has ever beaten her since she took over that position. She is such a b!tch” Mia spat as Ariel laughs

“Well, let’s hope for the best” She stated

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