
Fifth Audition

Chapter 55

Fifth Audition

Brittany’s POV

“Hmm….so what is Clara planning to do this time” I thought, remembering the scene of last night, and how we managed to escape.

“We need to leave now, I think someone is coming” Jane whispered to me, I noticed the sound of footsteps too as my heart raced. We tried finding a secret route but the footstep was already at the doorpost, and within a second, it flipped open. Just before the door opened, we managed to force ourselves under the other bed, which was opposite that of Nora. It was really tight and uncomfortable, but we had to stay still in order not to pay with our heads.

We saw the legs of someone walking into the ward, as the feet k**sed the cold tiles on the floor. It stopped just beside our bed, perhaps looking round, making it difficult for us to see the person’s face. I noticed its closeness to where we were hiding, and with the look of things, I think the person knows about our presence in the ward, or was just trying to confirm if there was no one in. The legs looks like that of a lady, and my thought were confirmed when she bent down to have a look under the bed; our hearts were already racing but she stopped when Nora spoke up. She actually pretended to be asleep when we tried to hide, and might have noticed what the intruder was trying to do, and decided to save our butt.

“Who are you?” Nora stated; simultaneously, my phone buzzed in my pocket, I suddenly remembered bringing a phone along. Thank goodness it was on silent and didn’t ring out, perhaps a message came in.

“What are you doing” Jane whispered. I didn’t bother replying her; I brought out the phone and clicked on the videoing app, placing it in a way that will capture her.

“Who do we have here” Clara smirk going closer to Nora’s bed.

“What are you doing here, you b!tch” Nora growled, she whine in pains as she tried moving her body

“Take it easy friend..haahaa” Clara smiled. She was dressed in cleaner cloths

“Are you happy now, you can see that your wish has been fulfilled”

“No no…you are wrong, you are the fool here. We had an agreement together but your stupidity made you choose the wrong choice”

“What do you mean?”

“You gave Brittany the lotion but weren’t observant enough, perhaps she had been monitoring you, and ended up changing the cream. You see Nora, you are not smart enough compared to Brittany, so let’s say, you dug your own grave with your own hand”

At this time, Nora’s eyes was already filled with tears

“You told me it will cause rash, you never said anything about acid. Now it became a boomerang, I had to bear the pain alone; you are such a wicked witch Clara, you are a beast” Nora yelled, but it was more like a whispered, because she couldn’t shout out. Clara laughed in mockery; she brought out a syringe from her pocket to Nora’s dismay.

“What are you doing” Nora asked in pains

“Trying to end what you started. You pretended to be dumb earlier, but you could actually speak. What if you go out there and report to the world what really happened. I’m not ready to sacrifice my beautiful self because of your simple mistake”

“But…but I thought we were friends”

“Friends my foot. I only used you to fulfill my first plan, but you destroyed it with your hands. And whereas, there is no point living, your skin is damage, if you survive this, no guy will ever wanna look at you, not even your boyfriend. You will become a dog to humans, and I want to save you from that’ Clara smirked

“You will surely pay for this Clara, you will pay with your life” Nora cried

“Say your last prayer and let’s take you to the afterlife, at least when you get there, you will find peace away from all this pains, and learn to use your senses wisely. I’m being a good friend here, no one will offer you such a peaceful request. Say hi to the devil for me” She winked and stabbed her with the syringe, pouring the content into her system.

“Nooo!!!’ Nora screamed, panting softly, her breath leaving her as the poison spread across her body. I became furious and tried getting up from our hiding place to give her a good beating but Jane held me back.

“What the f**k are you doing, do you wanna get killed” She muttered with concern; I calm my anger as we waited for Clara to leave the ward. Few minutes after, we stepped out and went to the bed, Nora was still breathing, she blinked out the tears coming down from her eyes and looked at us

“I know that I haven’t been a good friend or roomie, but please, create a space in your heart to forgive me, and make sure Clara pay for what she did…make her pay…” she said her last words and gave up her last breath.

“We need to leave now” Jane stated, dragging my hand out of the ward as we find our way to the secret entrance.

Present Day

I walked down the corridor towards Macho’s suite when I saw Clara coming out of it, walking with a wide smile on her face, towards my direction. What was she doing there, I asked no one in particular. She walked towards me and purposely hit my shoulder with hers, and whines in pain, pretending to be hurt

“What was that for huhn…didn’t you see me coming, are you blind” she yelled at me, I scoff

“What do you mean; you did it, didn’t you? So why are you barking” I resorted

“You know what, you are such a b!tch who needs to be punish, who gave you that nerves to speak back at me. I’m your damn senior in this clan, who do you think you are” she growled. I didn’t flinch a bit, I know that she is finding all means for me to pick up a fight with her, and later on use it against me, but I won’t fall for her trick.

“I don’t have your time Clara, as you can see; I have somewhere to go to” I snapped. She laughed hieratically

“Look who is running away from the crime she committed” she stated. I turned to look at her

“What are you talking about?” I frown

“Don’t pretend Brit, you killed Nora and everyone in the clan has known about it. So stop pretending you this b!tchy murderer” she yelled in my face. I raised my hand to punch her, but held it back on remembering Brad’s words

“No, I won’t let you get to me….your tricks won’t work on me” I muttered with rage. I know she is trying all means to make me do what I don’t want to do, but I won’t give her a chance

“Huh…..such a weakling, come on hit me if you can; your murder case will just increase, dummy” she laughed with pride and left. My heart kept pounding to my chest, what made her say such. What is she planning against me? She has this confidence when speaking, was that why Macho sent for me” I thought and tried shrugging it off.

I walked towards Macho’s suite and knocked on the door

“Come in” I heard him say. I opened the door softly and was welcomed with the angry face of Macho. Dragon could be seen smiling behind, as other clan top members who were in the room watch me with sad look. I greeted him and the others, waiting for him to speak. He picked up something from behind, showing it to my face

“Do you recognize this” he asked. I gasp in shock. How did this get to his hand? It was my bracelet; an expensive birthday gift given to me by Aiden on my 13th birthday. He made it specially for me, and has been on my wrist ever since then, I rarely take it off except on occasion. How did it get to his hand, and why are these men here. What are they planning to do to me? I gulp down nothing and replied

“Yes” Before I could complete my statement, I felt a hard sting on my cheek. He slapped me hard, making me fall to the ground as I lose consciousness.


*Fifth Audition*

 “Hey, what’s wrong with you and Ariel” Jack asked, coming to sit beside me on the bench back stage. The judges are being called to their seat as they await their performance. This time, they are just seven in numbers; their records for the last performance will be announced and three members will be evicted. The seven of them are being nervous, not knowing who will go home that night, but try to cover up their nervousness with a bright face.

“Nothing” she muttered

“Then why are you sitting separately, you both are known to always be together. Is there something you ain’t telling me” he asked with concern

“Can you just mind your business Jack, I’m not in the mood to talk to you’ she raised her voice a bit. He was shocked at her outburst

“What’s wrong?”

“Just get lost, and don’t ruin my mood now, we will perform soon, and I don’t want to flop” She snort. Jack sighs, frustrated. He glanced at Ariel who was watching them with a sad look. He knew something might have happened between them. Since the day he saw her crying he knew something wrong must have gone wrong

“Hey pretty eyes, I’m sorry if I offend you, but just know that you are my business, I need to know what’s going on in your life. I can’t see you this way and keep calm, hmm, fine..i will just wait till after our performance. Let’s meet at the garden” he smiled touching her hand, she shrug it off and glared at him.


Ariel’s POV

I watched as Jack speaks with Mia, I know he will be talking about why we are apart. I and Mia are always sitting together, doing almost everything together. He might be surprise to not see us the way he does. I felt bad being this way; I have tried talking to her, pleading with her to hear me out but she wasn’t ready to give me listening ears; it’s either she turns me out or state that she want to be alone.

Mia has been reticent these few days, and it’s making me panic and feel really bad. I will just give her some time and later speak to her; perhaps informing Aiden about this will do, I thought as her name was called to perform. I watch her stand up from her seat and walked toward the stage. Mia is not in her best state now, I pray she doesn’t flop.

“Hi Mia’ Nicki muttered with a smile

“Hi” she replied with a fake smile, looking at her closely, you will know that she is not happy

 “So what song are you performing today?”

“‘I will always love you’ by Whitney Hudson” she stated

“Ok, ride on dear” Mia cleared her throat and started the song with a good vibe; I was tempted to cry as I watch her sing. I don’t know why she chooses that song, but it seems to talk about what is going on in her life right now. It’s damn an emotional song. It got to a stage when her voice started to quiver, but she tried to keep it steady. Only a professional in music will know that she flopped in that line; the judges surely know about it, due to the way they stared at her.

 They knew something might have happened to her to make her be that way without the usual vibe she do have, or the song is just having its way through her, but I know best. She ended the song with a round of applause from the crowd, but I saw something strange on her face when she left the stage; something I don’t want to see, I saw tears.


After the contest, I tried speaking with Mia again, but the look she gave me shut my mouth up. She walks away without a word. This time the three losers has already been evicted, remaining just four of us, which will go for the last round; I, Jack, Mia and another guy. Jack walked up to me and placed his hand softly on my shoulder

“She is gonna come around, don’t worry” he stated with a sad look. Looking at Jack, I know he really loves Mia, and even if  he used to be a playboy like Mia stated, he doesn’t look like he want to continue being that way. He might have dropped it a long time ago and is ready to settle down with her. But Mia is just too blind to see this; well let’s say we both are blind to know whom we love and who we don’t love but lust after.

I nodded with a sad look and left the auditorium running to where my legs lead me to; it led me to the studio. I don’t know why my legs like coming here, but I kind of find peace in this place; or should I say I missed him. I barge in, not caring if someone was in or not, falling to the ground as I cry my eyes out. This will be the first time I will be having a close friend like Mia, back in my country, many girls dislike me because of my look, but I was accepted here. Now the only friend I have is now turning her back on me, I feel weak, I feel stabbed in the chest. I was still engrossed in my tears when I heard his voice.

“Why are you crying” Axel muttered. He had been in the studio when I came in but didn’t move; I was too blinded by tears to have seen him. I stood up and walk towards him, this time my body was taking over. I went closer and pull him into a hug, crying on his shoulder. I felt him tense a bit, but later brought his hand up and caress my back

“Hey…it’s ok” he cooed, still allowing me to hold him. I kinda feel happy and sad at the same time. We stood that way not until the door open and Aiden walk in. I felt shocked and broke the hug. He stared at the both of us for a while and came forward to pull me away

“What happened, what did you do to her?” he asked with a bit of anger in his voice. Axel didn’t reply him; he simply walks out of the studio after glancing at me

“Hey….why is your eyes puffy, don’t tell me you were crying, what happened, did he hurt you” He rush his questions. I only shook my head, wondering why he reacted that way towards Axel, what’s wrong with them; hope it’s not what I’m thinking.

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