
Two Hundred and fourty eight


The forensic team discovered unsettling details about the victims. The bodies were strategically placed in the water, each positioned to form a cryptic symbol when viewed from above.

Nicholas opened his personal notes, then looked at Noel. "You must have guessed that it was Jason's wife and children from the testimony of one of the witnesses at the pawn shop, right?"

"That's right. Those were the last clothes they wore before leaving the pawn shop, or the day before Jason was found dead," Noel continued.

Before long, the forensic team was done with their work and met Nicholas to say goodbye. They would meet at the hospital for further investigation.

"Other than the last piece of clothing..." Noel picked up the bags of evidence, there was one plastic bag that caught Nicholas' attention. Noel picked up the same plastic bag, then took something out from inside. "There's an identity card in here."

"The woman had an ID?" Nicholas looked at Noel in confusion.

Noel shrugged. "You won't believe me, but... you have to see that!" Noel pointed to the plastic object that was placed next to the small plastic bags. "We also found a suitcase near the second entrance. I asked the officers here to help and that's what they found."

"Did you check the contents, Noel?"

"ID cards, clothes, toiletries and a family figurine. Jason, his wife and two sons on a nice vacation at the beach." Noel said that with a sad tone. "Maybe this woman named Maya Christoper was kidnapped when they were about to go to England. There were passports and visas in the suitcase."

Nicholas sighed softly, he could not understand the killer who did this to Maya. What a sad story of Jason's life with his wife and son. Nicholas massaged his head dizzily, then gave the order, "Order the field team to bring all the evidence to the police station. We will identify it."

"Yes, Nick."

As the evidence was brought to the police station, Nicholas could not shake the uneasy feeling that settled in his stomach.

Noel carefully spread out the passports and visas on the table, revealing an elaborate itinerary that was abruptly halted. The discovery of an additional set of documents, belonging to Maya Christopher, increased the puzzle surrounding her abduction.

"She was planning to go to the UK and settle there," Noel said after going through the documents.

"Did you find any cash belonging to Maya?"

Noel shook his head. "No cash, no cell phone."

"Is there a possibility that she was kidnapped, important items robbed?" That was Nicholas' question.

And Noel could only shake his head because he didn't know the obvious reason. Noel, who was wearing latex gloves, pointed to Maya's identity. "She is still married, her divorce from Jason may have been unofficial, or they may not have registered the divorce."

Nicholas nodded in agreement. "We have found the bodies of Jason's wife and children. They were murdered. And I'm pretty sure that this was all caused by Ace." Nicholas jumped to conclusions. "When will the autopsy be done?"

"The police have registered it, we'll get an appointment soon. Today at the earliest, the day after tomorrow at the latest." Noel closed all the documents and items on the table, then secured them in plastic wrap like the other evidence. He took the evidence to the evidence storage area, where he cleaned his hands which were covered in latex gloves from the start. Noel approached Nicholas. "Can we close this case as a premeditated murder committed by Ace?"

"Sure we can, but can you arrest Ace right now?" Noel rolled his eyes lazily. "We haven't managed to get Ace yet, which means this case still needs to be opened. Ace is still the most wanted fugitive in the city. If necessary, we should put Ace's face on a billboard."

Noel coughed and crossed her arms over her chest. "That's too much, Nick. We should be calling in special police, bomb squad or even the fire department to catch criminals like Ace, instead of putting Ace's face on billboards, do you think he's an artist, hm?"

Nicholas paced back and forth in his cluttered office, with the weight of an unresolved case on his shoulders. The puzzle of Maya Christopher's enigmatic kidnapping, coupled with the gruesome murder of Jason's family, creates a seemingly insurmountable web of intrigue.

As the forensic reports begin to arrive, Nicholas finds himself deep in thought, pondering the connection between Maya's planned relocation to the UK and the terrible fate that befell him and his family. The absence of cash and personal belongings suggests more than just a robbery gone wrong.

Elden, his trusted partner, entered the room with a stack of freshly printed documents. "Nick, we've scheduled the autopsy for today. Hopefully, it will shed some light on the motive behind this murder."

Nicholas nodded, a mixture of determination and frustration etched on his face. "We'd better go to the hospital now." He pointed at Elden, "Elden, tell Peter about this."

"Yes, Chief. Should I call Detective Hendrick too?"

Nicholas immediately waved his hand. "No need. We'll let him know later. Now we have to hurry."

Nicholas and Noel immediately went to the hospital to follow the autopsy process of their next victim. They both walked to the morgue, where the forensics team was waiting. The autopsy room was cold, and the hum of machinery underlined the gravity of their investigation.

As Dr. Harris revealed the grim details of the victim's death, tension filled the air. The forensic team exchanged grim glances, confirming Nicholas' suspicions about the brutality of the murder.

"No signs of coercion, Nick," Dr. Harris reported, handing the document to Nicholas and Noel.

Nicholas and Noel read the document together while studying the preliminary findings.

"It looks like they willingly followed their attacker. The killer seems to have a sinister way of organizing his crimes."

"They died because they ran out of oxygen," Dr. Harris said, he shook his head in disbelief. "If our examination is correct, then they all entered the crates voluntarily and the crates were closed, after they were not breathing, then they were put into the water."

"Damn. It's the same pattern as the other victims!" Nicholas swore.

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