
Two Hundred and fifty four


After telling Alicia about his plans, Nicholas spends the night there just in case. Ace's missing presence still makes Alicia and Nicholas uncomfortable. They have lost their sense of security since Ace became a fugitive, and came to Alicia's house.

Alicia was lying on her bed looking at the white walls of her room. There was nothing there but silence and a lamp shining its light. The girl spent the night thinking. She prepared a plan in case Ace came to her house again, attacked, and kidnapped her. But Alicia didn't sense any evil intent from Ace. Ace wanted to protect her from something. But what did Ace want to protect Alicia from?

As she continued to think about something disturbing, Alicia lost her sleep. She got out of bed and took the journal from the nightstand, reviewing the notes she had made. While crossing out some possibilities, Alicia began to write other speculations on the paper. She used her pen to write the names of people she had just met. Like Angela, Christine, Felix, and Anna Parker.

"Anna Parker." Alicia furrowed her brow.

During her time as the adopted daughter of Michelle Hathaway and Edward King, Alicia had never heard of Anna Parker. Michelle had mentioned Christine and Felix, although that was a very rare occurrence and Alicia had noticed it herself. But Anna Parker, who was she?

The girl took out Anna Parker's business card from the pocket of her coat that hung on the back of the door.

"She works at Star Corporation, an agency for professional secretaries. Let me check on the internet," Alicia said, then checked the company's name on her cell phone.

Alicia's brow furrowed when she found Anna Parker's face on Star Corporation's website.

"I never saw her, Mom never told me about her. But how could she visit Mom's very private home?"

Knock! Knock! Knock!


Nicholas' hoarse voice startled Alicia. She quickly turned off the phone screen and got out of bed.

"Yes, Nick?"

"I think you should see this."

Those words made Alicia rush from her bed. She jumped up and ran to the door, where Nicholas stood with his cell phone on.

"There's movement on Mrs. Thompson's CCTV camera," Nicholas whispered.

The man had already turned off some of the lights in Alicia's house, so when Nicholas and Alicia looked out, they would not be seen from the outside. Nicholas pointed to the screen of his cell phone which displayed the footage from the CCTV camera installed by Alicia. "This is the same car that hit Mrs. Thompson."

Alicia bit her lip and whispered, "He's back."

"Criminals always return to the crime scene."

Nicholas looked up after scanning the phone screen for a few moments. His brown eyes met Alicia's blue ones.

"Should we arrest him now?" asked Alicia, she sounded hesitant.

But Nicholas said, "No. We noted down the license plate he used. And we'll check the owner of the car, then we'll arrest him at his house. He will be caught unprepared."

According to Alicia, Nicholas had given good advice. And Alicia trusted Nicholas' decision. Alicia nodded her head, and then she muttered, "We have to keep an eye on him, he could break into this house."

"I'll keep watch here, you should sleep in your room," Nicholas said.

Alicia nodded, but she had other ideas. Then, the girl went inside her room. She watched the CCTV footage through the app she had downloaded. Nicholas didn't know that Alicia had also chosen not to sleep and was watching the movements of the black car that sat in front of Mrs. Thompson's house.

There were two possibilities, either it was watching Mrs. Thompson's house, or it was watching Alicia's house. Whoever was in there, it had to be someone with evil intentions.

The night passed with great tension. Alicia felt anxious and frightened all night, even though Nicholas stayed and kept watch for twenty-four hours without sleep. Alicia then came out of her room and met Nicholas. Alicia slept for two hours, and it was really uncomfortable.

"Hey, are you awake?"

But Nicholas could still look fresh in the living room. He had already made himself some coffee and was able to greet Alicia with a smile on his lips.

Alicia furrowed her brows, looking at Nicholas with a puzzled look. She then joined Nicholas in the living room. Squinting, Alicia asked. "You didn't sleep all night and now you look so fresh. Are you a vampire?"

Nicholas' laughter sounded melodious in Alicia's ears. The man pinched Alicia's nose and replied, "This is the work I used to do every day. No sleep, no food, no rest... it's a natural thing. You don't have to worry. And, I have good news."

"Good news?"

"I got the license plate of the car, and I sent it to Noel. He and Elden will check the vehicle documents belonging to that plate and send them to me."

Alicia shrugged, looking unconfident. "What if it's just a stranger's car?"

"Ace wouldn't take a car at random, Alicia. He's a fugitive, and even if we can't find the car's original owner, we'll find traces of it since we already have the license plate." Nicholas smiled confidently. "Today I'm going to work hard to catch up with the man who made a scene at Mrs. Thompson's house, and the man who stalked you until you bought a whole lot of pepper spray in that plastic bag."

Nicholas' index finger pointed at the plastic bag on the kitchen table. It looked like Alicia had been caught. She looked at Nicholas and smiled in embarrassment. Scratching her neck awkwardly, Alicia tried to change the subject. "I'd better go now before you tease me even more."

"Tsk, where are you going?"

"To Star Corporation, I have to meet with Anna Parker."

Nicholas arched his eyebrows, he looked regretful. "But I have to check on the car that's watching you. I can't go with you today."

"That's not a problem. I'll check on that myself. Don't worry, Nick."

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