
Two Hundred and fifty eight


Alicia stopped her steps when she arrived at the cemetery. She looked at the large sign above the cemetery gate and burst into tears.

"Damn, why am I crying again?" Alicia wiped away the tears with one hand, as her other hand was busy carrying a bouquet of roses. Alicia looked around, she felt embarrassed that some of the visitors had noticed her crying. "This is embarrassing."

After catching her breath and drying her tear-dampened cheeks, Alicia continued on her way. She entered the cemetery in daylight. The snow was not too heavy that day. She could still step on the stepping stones provided by the cemetery staff in the city cemetery. Alicia passed other graves, before finally reaching her parents' grave.

Alicia let out a long breath, making the steam from her cold mouth visible. The air was still cold, and the grave with Michelle's name on it was covered in snow.

This winter, Alicia had cried a lot. The girl didn't think that her sadness in previous years was any sadder than the reality and sadness of this year. This was the saddest Christmas Alicia had ever had.

"Hey, Mom? How are you?"

The sound of the wind hitting Alicia's ears, she felt cold and warm at the same time, as she imagined her mother standing there, returning her greeting.

Alicia tried her best to restrain herself, but the tears in her eyes eventually fell. Her cheeks were wet again and it was like they didn't want to stop. They continued to fall freely from Alicia's blue eyes. Her eyes radiated a deep sadness, and Alicia couldn't hold it in anymore.

Alicia's body fell to the ground in front of Michelle's grave. One hand reached for the gravestone with Michelle's name on it. Another tightness filled her chest. This was the death she least expected.

"Why didn't you ever tell me before, Mom? Why... did you let yourself suffer alone all this time?"

Alicia's fingers ran over the tombboard that was partially covered with snow. Alicia let the cold greet her palms that were not using anything. Alicia let her hands touch the beautifully carved wood, with Michelle's name on it.

"Mom, why did you leave me at the orphanage? You never even explained it to me all this time. I want to know, I want... I want to hear everything from you, Mom."

Alicia's sobs sounded even more painful. All the pain that Alicia had been enduring, finally spilled out. Tears streamed down her innocent face. While the wind hit her already wet face, making it feel even colder to the touch.

Alicia placed a bouquet of roses on the grave of her mother, Michelle. She cleared the snow off her mother's grave with great care and patience. Alicia didn't care that her hands were freezing from the cold. She could only cry, and... regret everything.

"Mom...I want to hug you one more time. I want to... feel the love that you give, Mom."

Alicia's tears began to subside. Cleaning Michelle's grave had a good effect on her. She began to regulate her own feelings. The tears on her cheeks began to dry up. She was feeling much better than a moment ago, and when Alicia arranged the bouquet of roses on Michelle's grave, she was able to stand up straight again.

Alicia took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. She let the air carry her breath, which was full of burden and sadness. Now Alicia's heart was filled with more ambition and determination than ever before. Stroking Michella's gravestone, Alicia murmured, "I'll find whoever killed you, Mom. I... won't let him live in peace after making you like this."

After that, Alicia turned around. She strengthened her heart. She intended to search for her parents' murderer to the ends of the earth. No matter when, no matter where, Alicia would pursue the murderer.

Alicia hailed a taxi, got in and sat in the back. Her face was staring straight ahead like a living corpse and that made the taxi driver quite worried.

"Are you alright, Miss?"

Alicia didn't answer the question. She said, "Could you move faster, I need to get to Uncle Chuck's as soon as possible."

"Oh, sure."

And after a while of traveling through New York City, Alicia arrived at her destination. She paid with cash and went inside her favorite ice cream parlor. Uncle Chuck's ice cream parlor. It was pretty quiet, so Alicia didn't have to wait in line. Ethan greeted her as soon as they saw each other.

"Hey, Al! Your face is so pale, are you okay?"

Alicia was heartbroken, but she tried to hold herself together. She smiled and replied to Ethan. "Well, I'm not feeling well. This cold air is making me uncomfortable lately."

Ethan frowned. "Maybe you should rest, Alicia. But by the way... if you're feeling sick, why did you come to the ice cream shop? You didn't intend to buy that caramel ice to wet your throat, did you?"

"Tsk, of course not." Alicia took out a piece of paper that she had written on from inside her coat. She handed the paper to Ethan. "Here."

Ethan noticed Alicia's reddened hand and restrained Alicia's hand. "What happened to you? Are you okay?"

Alicia smiled, then withdrew her hand from Ethan. She didn't want to attract Ethan's attention, or anyone else's. Shrugging her shoulders, Alicia said, "I'm fine. It only turned red because I touched a lot of snow at my mom's funeral."

"What's this by the way? You gave me an address?"

The girl immediately nodded her head and explained, "If the woman who was looking for me comes again, tell her that it's the address where I live."

"This is your home address and you want to give it to her?" Ethan looked at Alicia in disbelief. "She's crazy, Alicia. What if he makes a scene and messes up your house?"

Alicia chuckled amusedly, then pointed at the paper Ethan was holding. "I have to meet him, so don't forget to give that to the woman who's looking for me. OK?"

Ethan just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fine, if you ask me like that."

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