
Two Hundred and sixty one


Nicholas and Noel are now taking apart the car in front of them using the tools they have. They both removed the license plate attached to the car and took pictures of it. After that, they also checked the inside of the car. Of course, they used complete protection to avoid leaving their fingerprints inside.

Nicholas checked the driver's seat, and he swept through the upholstery, hoping to find anything that could be checked in the lab to prove that the driver was Ace.

While Noel was still busy with the luminol in his hand, he checked the back of the car and checked if there was any blood left in the car.

Noel's focus finally broke when he heard Nicholas shout, "Noel, I found it!"

Noel got up. He walked over to Nicholas. Nicholas came out with a strand of hair in his hand. Noel had to furrow his brow to see it.

"Your eyes are very sharp, Nick."

The compliment made Nicholas grin proudly. He put the tiny strand of hair into a small transparent plastic bag. It was zip plastic and Nicholas quickly closed it.

"We'll take this to the lab and make sure that Acelah is the driver."

Noel nodded in agreement. A cell phone rang suddenly from Noel's pants pocket. He took off his latex gloves and picked up the call.

"Hello, Elden?"

[We found the address of the driver you're looking for, sir!]

"So, these two license plates are actually registered?" Noel was a little incredulous, he walked over with his cell phone to his ear. He picked up the two-vehicle license plates that had been put into the evidence plastic and took them. "He used two different numbers for the front and back."

[But both are registered with the police. They are official license plates. There is an owner profile registered with the civil registry. It's a car that was bought legally and the documents are complete."]

Noel's eyebrows furrowed, Nicholas gave him a curious look, so Noel immediately ended his conversation with Elden as he said, "Alright. Please send me the profile and address you have. Is Peter already on his way?"

[Yes, Chief. He left thirty minutes ago. He came with the traffic team in a tow truck."]

Noel nodded his head, agreeing with Elden's words even though Elden couldn't see him. "OK. Thank you, Elden."


The call was finally ended. Nicholas, who had been waiting for the conversation to end, immediately opened his voice.

"What happened? Did Elden tell you something?"

Noel nodded, he put his phone in his pants pocket and then his hand pointed to the license plate in his other hand while explaining, "This car was bought legally. There are documents and the identity of the buyer. Elden will send you the official address soon."

After waiting for a while, Peter, who came with a team from the traffic division, approached Nicholas and Noel. They discussed for a while, before finally towing the driverless black car to the police station. The car would be used as evidence to add to the evidence in the cases being handled by Nicholas.

"We're leaving now, Chief!"

Nicholas patted Peter on the shoulder, and nodded in agreement. "Take care."

Peter and the traffic team left with the black car behind them. Meanwhile, Noel drove straight to Nicholas. "Come on up, Nick! Elden has sent the address."


Nicholas jumped into his own car, putting on his seat belt as a form of formal self-protection. He looked at the cell phone that Noel had placed in front of him, on the tripod provided in Nicholas' car. Nicholas' eyebrows furrowed as he realized that the face on the screen looked familiar.


Noel glanced at Nicholas, then refocused on the road in front of him. Incidentally, the road shown on the maps was one that Noel often drove on, so the man didn't have to bother following the route using his phone.

Nicholas pointed to Selena's profile on Noel's phone screen. "I remember this girl!"

"You know her?"

"You don't remember her?" Nicholas asked back in an incredulous tone. "Selena... she was one of the students at Golden High School. We interrogated her once too, Noel!"

Hearing Nicholas' words made Noel flinch. He also turned his gaze to the screen. One hand tried to zoom in on the screen, right at Selena's face which was much more mature than in high school. Noel seemed to remember, she was familiar with that face, but Noel didn't realize that it was the same Selena.

Noel looked at Nicholas for a moment, then moved to the street in front of her again. A murmur sounded from Noel, she finally said, "I really didn't notice."

Meanwhile, Nicholas was busy scrolling up and down the screen. He observed the legal documents recorded on the government's digital data that Elden had managed to obtain. "He has two license plates, he has two different cars. If Ace is using this car, where is the other car? Are we heading to Selena's house now?"

Noel nodded. "I guess so. It's a registered address, so it must be her home address. Unless she turned her house into a shop like Jason's."

Upon arriving at the location, Nicholas and Noel were both surprised that the view of the house that had filled their heads did not match the reality. It wasn't a house, it was a boutique. And there was a 'closed' sign on the front door. Nicholas and Noel exchanged glances, before finally going downstairs and checking.

Nicholas pushed the door, but the boutique door was locked. "She closed the boutique?"

Noel looked around, he looked around. But there was only one entrance. He shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and said, "Maybe she's off today. How about trying again tomorrow?"

But before Nicholas could answer, a woman with her dog approached the two of them. "Do you want to buy clothes at this boutique?"

"Ah, no, ma'am. We're both looking for the owner," Noel said.

The woman nodded her head. "It seems like a lot of people are looking for the owner these days."

"There are a lot of people looking for her?" Nicholas asked.

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