
Two Hundred and fifty two

Chapter 252

"So, you're gonna install all those CCTVs in my house?" Erick confirmed. He looked at the oversized plastic on the sofa, then at Alicia. "You spent a lot of money just for these cameras? Like, really?"

Alicia chuckled and walked over to Erick. Tapping him on the shoulder, Alicia said, "I just need your permission to install all this CCTV. I'll install some cameras here, and some cameras will be installed in my house." Alicia looked at Mrs. Thompson who was hugging herself, warming herself in her thick knit sweater. "Can I do that?"

Mrs. Thompson saw no ill will from Alicia. So, the old woman had no reason to refuse. Mrs. Thompson glanced at Erick, Erick seemed to have no problem with Alicia's request, and then they both agreed coincidentally.

"I don't think it's a big deal. You can do that, darling," Mrs. Thompson said, she looked out the window and looked anxiously at Alicia. "Are you going to set up the camera when it snows? I think it will be very cold outside."

"I have to do it before it gets dark," Alicia said with determination. "Can I borrow a ladder?"

"Of course." Mrs. Thompson pointed outside, "It's on the west side of the door, right by the garden."

Erick took the initiative. He moved the tires on the wheelchair he was sitting in, he moved over to Alicia, and said, "I'll show you the way."


Unable to stand up from his wheelchair, Erick could only help Alicia hold the plastic bags containing the items Alicia had bought at the store. The man saw Alicia set up the CCTV cameras in her house. Erick noticed that Alicia was focusing the camera's direction on her house, which was right across from Erick's house. Just as Alicia had said, she had the goal of catching the stalker and the person making a scene in front of Mrs. Thompson's house with those cameras.

While climbing the stairs, Alicia was busy arranging the cables and positioning the CCTV. Alicia set up the camera, then observed the CCTV results using her cell phone. This was done repeatedly until Alicia was happy with the results. Erick waited patiently, as it was the only thing he could do to help. If only he wasn't sick, Erick would have gotten up from his wheelchair to help Alicia hold the stairs. But Erick couldn't do anything. He could only encourage Alicia, giving her a small warning to be careful when standing on the small, high step.

Seeing Alicia coming down the stairs, Erick became cautious. He backed up the wheels on her wheelchair and said, "Be careful, Alicia."


Erick waited until Alicia's feet were on the ground, she looked fine and that made Erick breathe a sigh of relief. The young man smiled and backed up his wheelchair. "You seem to be an expert at installing CCTV, huh?"

"Tsk, that sounds like a compliment," Alicia said.

And those words made Erick chuckle.

Before the conversation could continue, Mrs. Thompson came out of the house, approaching Alicia and Erick who were still standing under the CCTV camera. "Kids, you'd better get into the house now! It's so cold outside, it looks like it's going to snow again."

Alicia and Erick exchanged glances. They nodded in unison.

"I'll put this ladder back in place," Alicia said, and Erick nodded his head for Alicia.

The two of them finally entered the house after finishing their business in the garden. Alicia patted her snow-soaked coat and sat down in the living room. Erick turned on the heating to help Alicia feel better, then he joined her in the living room.

"If you felt someone was following you, why didn't you report it to the detective?" Erick looked curious. He rubbed the surface of his hands in the cold, then covered his wheelchair-bound body with a blanket. "Looks like you bought a lot of stuff to protect yourself."

Alicia mumbled, trying to find the right words to answer Erick's question. She was also considering whether or not she should talk about Ace to Mrs. Thompson's family.

But in the midst of heavy deliberation, Mrs. Thompson's voice caught their attention. "Hot drinks for both of you," she said enthusiastically, as she placed cups of tea on the table. One cup for Alicia, the other for Erick. Mrs. Thompson then smiled. "These drinks should warm you up."

"Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Thompson." Alicia picked up the teacup and drank from it.

"Are you going to complete your goal?" Erick asked.

And Alicia nodded her head. She looked at the two people who were now sitting across from her. "I'm going to install CCTV that leads to the street, so your house will also be captured by the CCTV if a bad situation occurs. It's good in case any criminals come."

After resting, Alicia prepared to go home. She took the rest of the plastic with the CCTV and thanked Erick and Mrs. Thompson for helping and accompanying her.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Thompson!"

Alicia ran to cross the street in front of her flat, before entering and starting to install the CCTV cameras in several corners. Alicia checked one by one the cameras that had been installed through the linked cell phone. The girl nodded in satisfaction, at least she had bought a good item without having to lose money. The images produced by the CCTV cameras Alicia bought were clear, the coverage was wide and Alicia could see the license plates of the cars parked some distance away from the position of the CCTV cameras.

"Everything has gone according to plan, now it's time to put things away to protect myself."

Alicia took out the remaining items from the plastic. The first item was pepper spray. The girl looked at the pepper spray for a while, she seemed to be thinking, then she nodded her head and muttered, "I'll keep this in the back pants pocket. I'd better use pants with pockets from now on."

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