



The next day, Sally was midway through her breakfast as I fed her when Dax walked into the ward with Simon right on his trail and we both smiled at each other immediately our eyes met.

Clarissa had gone home to have a bath and get dressed in clean clothes for the day before returning to the hospital so it was just me and Sally in the ward.

Immediately Simon was told that Clarissa was back home, he bid us goodbye and left for our house to get her and drive her back to the hospital and I couldn't help but chuckle in amusement to myself once he was gone. They were really both whipped for each other and didn't care about being open about it.

Once Simon was gone, Dax went straight to the bed to meet Sally whose eyes had instantly brightened on seeing him and he patted his palm over her head with a softness in his eyes while he looked at her.

“I heard you fell, Sally. Did someone try to hurt you or was it while you were playing?” he asked her and I didn't miss the dan
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