Marrying My Handsome Doctor

Marrying My Handsome Doctor

By:  Dilan  Completed
Language: English
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Calvin walked unsteadily towards Emily with a sly grin. A faint smile remained on his lips until Calvin stood right in front of Emily. "Is there something wrong if I change clothes in my own room?" Calvin stopped right in front of Hasna without breaking their eye contact at all. "After all, we are husband and wife, it's fine for me to be naked in front of you, right?" Calvin teased as he pried open Emily's hands which were still covering her face. "I'm not ready yet, Calvin, will you shut up your finches first?" Emily demanded, still keeping both hands covering her eyes. "Hahaha, this is Emily's eagle, not a finch," Calvin corrected because he felt insulted if the heirloom weapon he had carefully guarded for 29 years was called a finch. "Come on, open it! Take a look at my eagle!"

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159 Chapters
1. Not a Bad Wedding
For your frozen heart, I am the shard of feelings that always longs. Pleading to be answered by time. Nourishing hope in the embrace of the merciful. *** Emily remained silent after successfully unraveling her shoulder-length hair and wiping off the makeup on her face. Her hand reached behind, trying to reach the neatly lined buttons on her back. "Ugh, it's so difficult!" Emily complained as her fingers failed to reach the buttons on her back. She tried again and again, but her fingers only managed to undo a few buttons. Emily tried to pull the dress down, successfully slipping it down to her chest, revealing her two beautiful mounds that appeared prominent due to the pressure of her wedding dress. Emily took a deep breath and held it for a moment. Soon, a rough exhale escaped, accompanied by the only sound in the room, the rhythm of a lone machine. Even the cooling machine couldn't prevent sweat from beginning to cover Emily's body due to her fruitless efforts. Emily remained sti
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2. Display Bride
Give me just a small opening in your heart, so I can know how much I should fight to heal the wounds of your past. *** Emily had just finished her delicious meal when Calvin emerged from the bathroom. Calvin could only stare at Emily in annoyance as she got up from her seat, displaying the silhouette of her almost bare body. Calvin took a deep breath, held it briefly, and closed his eyes. Again and again, the heat coursed through his entire body as his composure began to waver. Calvin had to stay in control, making sure not to rush over and succumb to the tempting challenge presented by the seductive girl before him. Emily, seemingly oblivious to Calvin's irritation, walked toward their bridal bed. She was undeniably exhausted from standing to welcome guests for most of the day. Her full stomach naturally induced a sense of drowsiness that was hard to resist. However, just as Emily was about to lie down, the voice of the man who had been watching her since he came out of the bathroo
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3. Display Bride 2
You and I are like the moon and stars, imprisoned in the night. We revolve on the same axis but impossible to be together. *** If he didn't remember his ego and the self-respect he held high, he would have undressed Emily since last night and enjoyed their wedding night. But for a high-egoed doctor like Calvin, he wouldn't spit on his own decisions. He would never jeopardize his credibility in front of that sharp-tongued girl. Never. Seeing Emily shivering from the room's air conditioning, Calvin quickly covered her with the blanket again. Then, he swiftly grabbed a towel that he had carelessly left on the nightstand the previous night and headed to the bathroom to relieve his pent-up desires. "Because of that feisty girl, I had to play solo. Damn it!" Calvin cursed to himself as he enjoyed the release of pent-up desires. Ironically, the girl he was cursing was now the one haunting his thoughts, becoming the object of his wild fantasies. After completing his mandatory morning ritu
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4. Me and You
Allow me to delve into your wounds as deeply as I can, so I can learn how to win your heart and ensure that all that's left of your heart has surrendered to my affection. *** "You shouldn't expect anything from this marriage!" Calvin said firmly, gripping Emily's arm tightly, causing her to wince. Ignoring Emily's pained expression, Calvin continued to fix his sharp gaze on her, piercing deep into her eyes. "What should I expect from a cold and rough man like you?" Emily retorted, matching Calvin's piercing gaze without flinching despite the pain in her arm. "You're the one who started all of this. From the beginning, I gave you a choice. Just so you know, you're not the kind of girl I'd go for, so don't expect your efforts to seduce me to work. Even if you were naked in front of me, it wouldn't make me willing to touch you!" Calvin sneered before forcefully pushing Emily, making her fall to the edge of the bed. "Well, just so you know. I accepted this marriage reluctantly. Beside
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5. Peace in Feelings
The best way to predict the future is by loving you. *** Only the sound of the car engine accompanied the newlyweds, who were currently grappling with their problems. Both of them seemed preoccupied with their own thoughts, contemplating the fate of their marriage, which was hanging by a thread, even in this new chapter of their lives that had just begun. It's truly unfortunate because their marriage was not even two days old, yet the word "farewell" already seemed to be trailing their steps. With earphones comfortably in both of Emily's ears, she appeared relaxed and composed, even though it couldn't be denied that her heart was shattered into pieces. The hope of giving her entire heart and life to her husband was now nothing but a mirage. Since last night, she had decided not to open her heart to the cold man beside her. Emily didn't want to experience heartbreak for the second time. Meanwhile, Calvin, who had been seemingly focused on driving, was actually bothered by the silenc
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6. Handsome Devil
If you were to ask me to forget you, the first thing I would do is go to the local office to request a certificate of incapacity. *** "Let's grab some food first; I'm hungry," Calvin said as they had just entered the mall. "Okay, let's go!" Emily replied, her beautiful eyes scanning every corner of the crowded mall filled with visitors. It was a typical scene for a Saturday night, as people filled their weekend with friends, lovers, or their beloved families. In a metropolitan city like Jakarta, malls were one of the entertainment options for the residents. Aside from being a place for young people to gather, malls also served as an alternative place to unwind after a day of work. However, the purpose of the married couple was different. They were not here for a date but to shop for basic household necessities for the home they had just established the day before, and unfortunately, without the foundation of love. Calvin followed Emily's steps as they headed to the elevator, the f
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7. Sooty-headed Bulbul
Indeed, we have never truly hated each other; we just haven't known and understood each other yet. *** Upon arriving home, Emily immediately organized all their purchases neatly. After ensuring everything was in order and clean, she went into her room to change into her sleepwear. However, her body froze as she stood with her mouth agape, and her heart raced. It was an opportunity she couldn't afford to miss – how often could she see such a handsome, well-built man in front of her? Emily struggled to swallow her saliva as she watched droplets of water from his wet hair trickle down his broad back, disappearing into the white towel wrapped around his waist. "Oh, it must be so comfortable to lean on those broad shoulders, especially if I could cuddle," Emily's inner thoughts rambled as she watched Calvin, who only wore a towel to cover his lower body. Suddenly, her face felt hot, and her cheeks turned rosy as her imagination started running wild. Traveling everywhere. Instead of snap
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8. Queen Bee
Let love come on its own. We just need to enjoy every step of "you and me" becoming "us." *** "Calvin, you can't cross this line. Period!" Emily warned as they were about to go to bed. Calvin, who was about to sit down on the bed, quickly changed his mind. He stared at Emily sharply, with raised eyebrows, his hands folded in front of his chest, watching her as she placed two pillows vertically in the middle of the bed to act as a barrier between them. Then, he scratched his head, which had suddenly become very itchy. Calvin felt like he wanted to split open Emily's head to understand what was going on in her mind. The longer he spent with her, the stranger her behavior became. He could swear that Emily was the strangest girl he had ever met. Unfortunately, the strange girl had now become his official wife. "Fine, it's up to you! I'm tired, I want to sleep!" Calvin surrendered and lay down on the bed, refusing to engage in further argument with the childish girl beside him. At 23 ye
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9. Regards
We don't need to speak with our emotions; we only need to talk heart to heart and bring forth the feeling of wanting to possess each other. *** After breakfast, they immediately got to work on their respective tasks. Emily began by cleaning the house, while Calvin organized his workspace, which would serve as his private room. The relatively bare apartment allowed Emily to prioritize her tasks efficiently. She decided to start by soaking the dirty laundry, including Calvin's clothes. Calvin had offered to hire a maid, but Emily had declined. She was accustomed to the never-ending housework and was never one to complain. The upbringing she received from her mother, Nadila, had made Emily a diligent girl who was no stranger to household chores. Nadila ensured that her children had a fair share of responsibilities, and it wasn't that she treated Emily any harder than her brothers, but it was the belief that women were the foundation and key to a successful family. In addition to cookin
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10. Regards 2
"Should I move everything?" Emily asked as Calvin took out a few sets of clothes from the closet and laid them on the bed. "Nah, Emily, I'm just getting some of my work clothes," Calvin replied without pausing in his task of sorting through the clothes. "Are you sure you want to use the bathroom in there? Why don't you use your own bathroom, Calvin?" Emily tried to persuade him, feeling a bit uncomfortable. She felt like she was pushing Calvin out of his own room, even though she was the one staying in his apartment. "It's no problem. Put your clothes in here," Calvin instructed, pointing to Emily's suitcase, which was still in the corner of the room. Calvin was certain it was nothing compared to the clothes Emily would have delivered by her brother later. "Thank you, Calvin," Emily said, taking her suitcase. She placed it on the bed, opened it, and began putting her things into the closet. Calvin left, carrying a stack of clothes to his makeshift workspace, which he had turned in
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