
Most unlikely mate
Most unlikely mate
Author: Tracey Scott

On the run

Mary turns the corner running at top speed, “Come on, I need a place to hide” she thinks to herself.

Behind her she can hear the pounding footsteps of the two men chasing after her. “Why did I have to stop in that restaurant, I didn’t need food that badly.” She thought to herself.

“Come on little lady, we just want to play.” One of the men yells out.”

“Yeah, play” chuckles the other one.

Mary picks up her speed and turns another corner looking behind her to make sure they haven’t caught up yet.

“Ouch” Mary spams into something solid and nearly falls to the ground, but a strong hand grabs her and keeps her from falling.

“Oh my god they caught me” Mary thinks in a panic and tries to pull away.

“Hey, it’s okay, I am not going to hurt you.” The voice is deep and rough and Mary feels a chill run through her body. She looks up and finds herself looking into the bluest eyes she has ever seen.

“I am sorry for running into you” she says while trying to catch her breath. “ There are two men chasing me and I need to escape while I can”. Mary can’t believe she just said this to this man, this stranger, he could be with them, or who knows he could be worse. After all Mary has seen nothing good in the male race so far in her 17 and a half years. Something tells her she can trust this man, but she is still unsure what or why.

“It’s okay love, no one will lay a hand on you while I am around.” This man’s voice was amazing, Mary felt every inch of her body shiver, it was if he held a heat that her body didn’t know it was missing. He radiated warmth and strength, and had a level of confidence she had not seen before.

“Hey buddy, get your hands off her, she’s ours” the taller of the two guys that had been chasing Mary said as they both rounded the corner finally catching up.

The man gently moved Mary behind him and smiled at her before turning to the two men.

“I can assure you, she does not belong to you, and you will never lay a finger on her. You two should rethink your plan and go home before you regret it.”

Mary can only stare at this man’s back as he confronts these two men set on doing god knows what to her.

“There are two of them and only one of him” she thinks to herself. “What can he do to stop them? I should run while I can.”

The shorter of the two men laughs, “George, hear that? We should go home, without our pirize? Who the hell does this guy think he is?”

“Dummy, no names remember?” The tall man … George apparently blurts out angrily. “Now we have to kill them both so there is no witness to id us you moron.”

“Ah shit man,” the short one replies “ I”’m sorry, I forgot. But we were going kill her anyway so what’s one more?” He retorts.

George laughs, “yeah I guess you’re right”.

The two men pull out weapons chuckling to each other. George pulled out a switch blade and the short one pulled out a gun.

“What you think you’re going to do to stop us?” The short one practically coos at the man trying to save Mary.

Mary slowly backs away preparing to run again. There is no way this man can take them both on, especially when one of them has a gun.

“I don’t wanna die” Mary thinks to herself shaking in fear.

The man removes his jacket, neatly folds it and places it on a crate side him. He then removes his shirt revealing a muscle bound body covered in the most beautiful tattoos.

“Run now” Mary thinks to herself but finds herself unable to move. This man is so beautiful and she finds herself wanting to touch him.

Mary’s trance is broken when the man starts walking towards the two men threatening them.

“I did warn you, I did give you the chance to walk away” the man said calmly.

Then to Mary’s horror she watched as the beautiful man began to change… his body sprouting hair everywhere and claws appearing where moments ago his long strong fingers were.

Mary screamed and turned and ran away.

As she ran she heard a gunshot and then another. She heard the two men screaming and crying and as they realized too late that they were in fact no match for this thing.

Mary ran as fast as she could and didn’t dare to look behind her. “Oh my god, I thought he was safe. What the hell was he? What if he finds me? I have to hide, I have to get away from here.”

Mary ran until she couldn’t run anymore. Mary had always been able to run longer and faster than anyone in her foster homes and never really got tired, so it said something that she had run to the point she had exhausted herself. When she finally felt she was far enough away and should be safe, she found a shelter and melted into the sea of homeless unwanted people, hoping to never see any of those men again.


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