
Chapter 5: panic

“I won't be able to head Jason’s company anymore and for that, I will officially appoint my granddaughter Avery as the new CEO.” his words resonate in my ear. 

I was thrilled that he believed in me to pass down this huge responsibility to me. The cheering from the guests boomed. I squatted down and placed a kiss on his forehead, whispering to his ear that I wouldn't disappoint him. Smiling at the guest, I made a strong promise to drive the company to a greater height, not wanting to let him down now. When I glanced at my uncle's direction, the look on his face was murderous before he zoomed out but I didn't fidget a bit. I noticed that Jeffery who stood beside him was no longer there.

Coward, he couldn't even stand my gut. He might have thought I was still that lonely orphan with no identity. I smiled to myself waving at Tobias whose face was glinting in glee. 

The party was finally over and the whole mansion was silent as everyone reclined to their various rooms. You would never guess it was the same mansion that minutes ago had held the laughter and joy of different people. I had to stay back and ensure that everything went well. When it was finally time to leave, I dashed to my kids’ room in my grandfather's mansion to get them.

“Hello buddies, it's time to go.”

“But mummy, I want to spend time with grandfather,” David grumbled. 

“Baby that should be on weekends,” I persuaded him, as he tried to drag his request. 

I glanced around but couldn't find Daniel. They were both always together, never leaving each other's sight for minutes. 

“Where is Daniel?” my voice tinged with a hint of panic.

David stared at me confused.

“Baby! Where is your brother?" I didn't want to believe whatever my heart was telling me, so I stood up and scoured the room looking for him.

My heart thumped even louder and my palms became numb and cold as I searched the whole room and found no trace of him



Jeffery POV

I stormed out of the party in a rage, I couldn't just believe that she denied knowing who I was, I knew she was pretending. The moment I set my eye on her a chill creeped up my spine. I froze the minute I saw her, she was draped in a silky gossamer dress, sprinkled with sparkles, she looked like a fairy. The look was completed with the wings spread behind, and a crown made with flowers, twisted together with silver jewelry but her expression shrieked fury, her gaze filled with disgust the minute our gaze met. I knew I had hurt her feelings in the past but denying knowing me was absurd. I wasn't expecting her to welcome me with her hand wide open after what happened in the past. 

“But embracing that man in my present to spite me, show off,” I bluffed. 

I was restless, the urge to walk back to the party and confront her welled in me. But on second thought I messed up. For the past four years, I have been searching for her, it is all my fault our relationship ended the way it did. I accepted my parents' proposal to go into a contract marriage with Danielle to form an ally with her father's company but Avery ended up attending the wedding and ruined everything. How would I have known that Danielle's Father was her boss? The marriage was supposed to be hidden from her. I would just get what my family wanted and walk back to her. 


On that very day when I hurried back to the mansion to talk things through with her, not even her shadow was seen. I underestimated her, I thought she was infatuated and I didn't expect her to rise to her feet so quickly. Not only was she now the CEO of Jason’s company, but held the approval of the only company that held the ticket to my company's expansion. I groaned in agony tossing my phone on the car seat but it came down on a heap of the leather jacket, where a howl of a tiny voice came out. Frightened, I raised the Jacket but was stunned to see a little boy under it.

“What the hell!” The word came out of my lip and he hastily gripped the jacket from my hand to shield his face.

“Why would you let a child into my car?” I yelled at my chauffeur.

“Sir, I did not let a child into the car.”

“Are you joking with me? Do you want to lose your Job?”

“Sir, believe me, I did not allow any child into the car. I don't know how he got in,” He pleaded almost to the point of tears. I could feel the sincerity in his response. 

“How did he get into the car?” I wondered, Gently I raised the jacket and quickly tossed it to the other side of the car, revealing the cute face of a little boy but I was baffled seeing the miniature of me. It was as if I was staring at my younger self. 


“How did you get in here little boy?” I held his hands trying to soothe him as his face pouted. I wasn't good at putting up with children but I was drowned by this little boy. I could feel a strange connection between us. Still gazing at him, he had the same gray eyes as I do. 


“What is your name and where are your parents?” 

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