
Chapter 4: The unexpected guest

It was my grandfather's birthday, Tobias's limousine pulled in front of my grandpa's magnificent mansion, and the doors were held open for us to alight by his private chauffeur. I came down first and moved aside for my two babies. They both came down too. Last was Tobias whose face was shimmering with a smile. Our hands linked, as we walked together into the ongoing party. Everyone stopped, and heads began to turn at our arrival. Most attention was on me and Tobias as he held my hands. Daniel and David on the sight of Grandpa in his wheelchair, sprinted to him and wrapped their little hands around him. He held them tightly, placing a kiss on their heads.

“Happy birthday Grandpa,” they both chorus excitedly.

“Thank you, my buddies,” he replied with a wide grin of amusement on his face.

“Happy birthday Grandpa,” I hunkered down to his level and placed a kiss on his forehead. Since the day he set his eyes on me, he has rejuvenated back to his normal self apart from the fact that he was still clenched to the wheelchair due to a stroke attack he had after he got the news of my parents’ death.

“Happy birthday Mr. Jason,'' Tobias wished him, stretching out his hands for a handshake but, He grasped him into a warm hug and whispered in his ear. 

“Thanks for taking care of my granddaughter and her sons.”

They both flashed warm smiles at each other. We presented our gift to him and he was glittering in euphoria. You could see his eyes glistening with tears, I kissed his cheek and proceeded to greet the guest leaving Daniel and David with him. Tobias stepped aside to attend to his calls. I glanced around the party and my eyes caught a glimpse of Uncle Mark, I strode towards him but he instantly turned to me with a wide grin on his face.

“Wow Avery you're finally here,” he uttered, still grinning.

“Uncle cut me that shit, what was the stunt you pulled yesterday?” My voice was cold and distant. I didn't bother greeting him. I don't feel he deserves it, he keeps underestimating me.

“Avery you need to calm yourself, the client reached out to me earlier,” his voice devoid of any trace of remorse.

“And when did clients start reaching out to you directly,” I raised an eyebrow, my expression skeptical.

“Avery it is not a big deal, stop making a mountain out of a mold hill. It's just a meeting, not like I have awarded him a contract,” he blurted. I stared at him in dismay.

“I see, consider the contract void it won't pass my approval,” I revolted. My face turned livid but I had to compose my nerves, it was my grandfather's 80th birthday. I won't want to ruin it for him or myself. 

“Talk of the client, he's right over here.” 

My Uncle's words stunned me, not only had he gone behind my back to meet with him but also invited him to my grandfather's birthday party. What nerves, I seethed.

“Hi, Mr. Mark.”

A sudden cold voice sounded catching me off guard. I turned around to behold the sight of Jeffery, still his old self, with his chiseled jawline, perfectly trimmed beard, broad chest, plump lips, and thick lashes. He hasn't changed a bit. I gulped down the lump that hung in my throat due to the shock. He froze and stared at me in disbelief. 

“Hi..h,” he stuttered, unable to produce any meaningful words. Bitterness courses through my veins. I had wished never to set my eye on Jeffery. Let alone working with him. A frozen silence enveloped the air between us.

“Seems like you guys knew each other.” My uncle's voice jolted us out of our immersed thoughts.

“Not at all,” I sneered, my voice dripping with venom. I could feel the shock on his face. Uncle Mark was about to say something when a voice came behind us.

“Hi baby, here you are, have been searching all around for you.” I heard the voice of Tobias and inches away from me. I instantly turned in his direction and wrapped my hands around him in a warm hug. I could feel the fierce gaze of Jeffrey with his mouth curled into a sullen sneer.

“Are you okay?” Tobias asked, his face arched with concern.

“Am fine,” I muttered, fighting the impulse to reminisce on my past.

“Thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate with the Jasons.” A voice on stage with a microphone interrupted. This got everyone's attention. I disengaged myself from the hug and turned to the stage to behold the sight of My grandfather whose face was radiating with so much happiness. I could feel the intense joy in his words.

“I would like to call my granddaughter, Avery Tyler Jason on stage,” he announced. The soft light illuminated my body as I marched towards the stage with a wide grin. I could feel the gaze of all the guests on me. Uncle Mark threw a dark gaze at me with a look of scorn as I stood beside my grandfather. Jeffrey's gaze was kind of bizarre. He never expected this. My Father was my grandfather's favorite child, and I think he transferred all the love he had for him to me, unlike Uncle Mark who has been rebellious to him. My grandfather's next statement threw me off balance. I held my mouth in astonishment as I gasped for air.


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