
My Possessive Alpha Wants Me Back
My Possessive Alpha Wants Me Back
Author: Sunny Leah




"To Alpha Hades, and his beloved Luna, Jasmine."

While the toast sounds pleasant and well-intentioned, it feels like a bunch of empty harsh words to me.

Today marks three years of my marriage with Hades, the all-rounder powerful Alpha of the Silvermist pack, my husband—My mate.

To the public eyes, we’re this perfect couple.

The couple everyone wants to be like.

But behind the curtains, I am nothing to Hades, just an orphan who he was forced to marry by the Council, which felt like the most difficult task he had to complete.

He just needs me to be the perfect Luna by his side. and this wedding anniversary dinner is only playing a part in deceiving public eyes and ears.

"Look at how happy Luna is now. Who would have thought that she was a dirty and lowly omega before?"I hear someone mumble behind me.

These words sting me. It turns out that in people’s eyes, I am just a lowly and pitiful omega wearing Luna's clothing.

"Yes. If I were Alpha, I would never agree to marry such a useless orphan. Our Alpha is too generous and great. I completely admire him."

Although it is harsh, I have to admit that what they’re saying  is right. Of course, Hades didn't want to marry me, marry such a shame. But he took this as an opportunity to establish a positive image of himself.

An Alpha who is broad-minded, has no prejudice, and loves every member of the pack.

And I became a tool to set off his greatness.

What's even more tragic is that even though I clearly know that all of Hades's tenderness towards me is just a show, I’m still hopelessly obsessed with this fake bond and hopelessly in love with him.

"At that time, Alpha was still with the daughter of the former Beta. What was her name, Alison? They were a perfect match and we all believed they were meant to be together. Who knew that fate would play such a big joke on them?" 

How they mention the name I least want to hear in my life.

"Yes! Alison! Oh my dear Miss Alison Welsh. She is so perfect, beautiful, kind and energetic. I had the honour of chatting with her before. She came to our hospital to give us gifts, and I told her that I hope she and Alpha can have a baby soon. Alpha must have mustered up a lot of courage to choose this Luna. If it were me, I would never give up perfect Alison."

Well, compared to Alison, I am nothing but a joke.

This name hurts me deeply, constantly reminding me how ridiculous I am.

No one could bear to give up Alison and marry me, but Hades did it. Because he is great, generous, and selfless.

I try not to pay anymore attention to guests' cruel discussions and turn my attention to Hades.

"A toast." Hades begins with a smile that instantly cheers everyone.

His cheeks are slightly flushed and his dark brown eyes are warm.

So warm, that any sane woman would like to be buried in them.

Hades continues. "I want to make a toast to my lovely wife Jasmine,"

His simple words send multiple wishful eyes at me.

"To three years of wholesomeness with Jasmine, My amazing wife, and more years to come. I asked for a partner and the moon goddess gave me all three in one. A wife, a mate and a best friend. I would never trade her for another."

Hades turns to me and ends his speech with a dashing smile thrown at me.

Just as I think the moment has passed, the guests around the table erupt in a chorus of catcalls and cheers, urging Hades and I  to kiss.

My heart skips a beat as the room falls silent, all eyes fixed on us, and I feel a flush rise to my cheeks.

Hades turns to me, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

I know he doesn’t fancy me and I get this feeling he won’t do it.

He has never kissed me.

In a move that catches me completely off guard, he slowly wraps his arms around me. My heart races as our faces draw closer, and before I can even process what's happening, his lips press against mine in a soft, sweet kiss.

As he kisses me, I feel a flutter in my heart, a flutter of warmth and anxiety. I’ve always craved for this and now that it is happening, I can’t get a grip.

As I try to balance my hands on his shoulders, I impulsively throw my arms around him, forgetting the glass of wine still clutched in my hand.

The crimson liquid spills all over his crisp white shirt, which breaks our kiss and I gasp in horror.

I expect the worst expression from Hades, but instead, he just laughs and gestures towards everyone who looks frightened.

"Please, do not let this little incident be a bother. I’ll wipe this off like it never happened" Hades says with a smile, and the table sweeps with ease among the guests.

"I’ll come with you to wipe it off" I offer and Hades just nods at me before trailing to the restroom, where I follow behind him.

In the restroom, I try to help him clean up the stain, but he shoves me away where my hand grazes across the wall, his expression darkening.

"How dare you embarrass me in front of all those people," he growls, his voice low and menacing.

I gulp.

How the sweetness of his mouth from earlier has turned venomous, leaving me breathless.

I feel unsettled.

Just now in front of the guest, he was this perfect devoted husband pretending to adore his Luna. Now he’s as bitter as a gull. His eyes blazing with anger and irritation.

"I’m sorry" I apologise gently.

"Sorry? Sorry doesn’t cut it for such an important occasion Jasmine. Always use that little brain of yours" He snarls.

"I’ll wipe the stain off immediately" I rush my words and start to wipe his shirt with my handkerchief but he catches my hand and pulls me close.

With his towering height, he looks down at me, his eyes glinting with mockery.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He asks.

I gawk at him. "What?"

"Do not lie. You’ve been longing for it for three years. I bet, a kiss that would make you knock another wine out" He takes a step closer, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Well tonight’s your lucky night, I'll satisfy you once and for all."

My heart skips a beat as he leans in, his lips inches from mine.

Whatever is going on, I don’t want him to stop.

I close my eyes, anticipation building, my lips quivering for his lip, but nothing happens.

No kisses.

Instead, he bursts out laughing, his voice gleaming with amusement.

I open my eyes and my heart falls into my stomach.

"Get a grip" 

As he seethes with anger, shoving me away, and causing me to stumble backward, where my back collides with the bathroom door.

My hand scrapes against the doorknob, causing a stinging burn that spreads across my skin.

"You're so gullible. You really thought I would kiss you?" he taunts, his voice dripping with condescension.  "This is why I’ll keep reminding you to use that head of yours  Jasmine. Never forget who you are."

I'm mute, unable to voice my thoughts, and instead, I'm trapped, listening to his mocks, my heart searing with pain.

My gullibility is nothing more than a source of entertainment for him. What a heartless man.

All I ever want is even the tiniest bit of attention from him, but all I get is this?

"You" He scoffs. "Know how to read a room and don’t make a fool out of yourself"

My stomach feels pinched and my heart slowly shreds into pieces, with tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

His laughter is still echoing in my mind, a cruel reminder of my vulnerability.

He continues talking, shattering my world completely.

"Do not dare to dream that you can do silly things like this Jasmine. I do not fancy you and you know that so well, I never will, not when Alison has returned.  Get ready."

And with that, he leaves the bathroom.

My legs go weak and my breath hitches.


Alison Welsh!!? 

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