



"THE TRUCK IS all packed up," I called in a loud voice.

I heard Lorna stumble and curse from inside her house before she yelled "Coming,"

"She will be out in a minute, sir," I said to the truck driver. He nodded at me through the sideview mirror.

Lorna stumbled out of the door and came towards me. Her face was red and she flashed me a bright smile. "Why. Hello, Anna," she said. "Hope you didn't wait for me long."

I chuckled. Lorna was a terrible late goer to anything. She climbed into the passenger seat, when I started to get in behind her, she shook her head. "No no," she closed the door tightly. "You are not going anywhere today. Not with your condition,"

"What? You can't do that to me," My condition. I laughed. My condition being my sharply protruding belly. "This is one of the few chances I have to actually go and see the market fair."

"There'll be another one next year, darling," She said sweetly.

Next year. Would I be here next year? I often wondered.


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