


"Omg, it's 7:30 am! I am going to be late for work today" I said to no one in particular.

Not even spending my time sitting and wishing the day away, I rushed out of my bed and into the room faster than lightning. I dashed out of the bathroom, eyeing my mug on the nightstand and rushing for a sip of coffee without waiting to be cooled. The scorching coffee seemed to penetrate right through my tongue like a hot poker.

Now the familiar voice of Jasmin came in through the phone, her tone full of concern and urgency. "Varya, where the hell are you?" she demanded, her words punctuated after I took the call that had been ringing so persistently.

"I'm actually at the office already, Jas. Took a taxi instead of my usual stroll, so calm down," I reassured her, my breath coming in short gasps as I hastily gathered my belongings and highlighted from the taxi.

"The director's already in the building," Dora said, her concern evident in every word. "Oh, man! What the hell were you up to that made you oversleep?" Jasmin's voice pierced through.

In heels and skirts, the sense of discomfort gnawed at my insides as I sprinted towards the elevator with my heart pounding in my chest. I came face to face with an unending wall of resistance, causing me to lose balance and move back a few steps.

"I'm so sorry", I said, looking at that moment in the eyes of a striking young man in front of me with my head hanging in shame. His eyes were defined in brown color, He was tall and imposing, with broad shoulders and a strong jawline, and was dressed in a well-tailored blue-striped suit and tie

He portrayed a pricey life, evidenced by wealth and affluence.

Continuing to face the danger of scarlet haze, I realized how distractingly handsome and cold the other guy could be, like the icy sensation passing my skin as he stayed quiet, his mannerisms as frozen as the elevator's steel walls. I quickly straightened up and retreated to a corner, hoping to disappear into the shadows until the elevator reached its destination.

With each agonizing second that ticked by, I prayed the elevator move faster, my heart racing as if I were running for my life. At last, with a soft dingdong, the doors slid open and I bolted out into the corridor, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

The sense of urgency that had griped me moments ago only intensified as I raced towards my office, the pounding of my footsteps echoing off the walls. I finally settled in my seat.

“You are expected to follow the rules in the contract accordingly, Miss Varya Luther,” the lady in front of me said, looking elegant.” I have carefully written down all that is needed, and once you accept and sign the contract, the money will be sent to your account immediately.”

She is the secretary to the man whom I am about to marry for money. What do I call myself at this point? I have lived all my life struggling to take care of my sick mother. This one call is not something I should miss in the name of dignity.

But how did I end up in this situation? Just hours ago, I met the director Kylo for the first time in the elevator, yet now I'm on the verge of agreeing to spend a year and a half of my life as his wife.

Today has been a whirlwind of unexpected twists. When it was announced that the new director was on his way to our department, we all quickly stood up to welcome him.

As he stepped in with an authoritative aura, a jolt of recognition shot through me like lightning. It was him—the man I had collided within the elevator. “He was the Director?" I said yelling inwardly.

"I am Kylo Cassian, the new director," his voice echoed through the room, commanding attention with its depth and authority. "The marketing team is a vital part of our operations, and I trust we can all collaborate smoothly and diligently."

As Kylo spoke, I couldn't help but notice the mesmerized glances from the single ladies in the room. Their eyes sparkled with admiration, but I couldn't muster even a flicker of interest. "Tch!" I muttered under my breath, turning away to take a call that I had been dreading.

"Hello, Miss Varya," the nurse's voice on the other end pierced through the hallway's hustle and bustle. "Your mother had a seizure earlier. We recommend settling the bills so we can begin treatment."

Dread washed over me like a tidal wave. £200,000 in just a few days? Where in this damn city was I supposed to find that kind of money?

I was down on the chilly ground of the corridor, tears flowing freely like a river. Feeling all alone and burdened by my situations.

"Hey, Varya, isn't it?" A recognized voice broke through my misery, and I raised my head to see the director in front of me.

"I heard what you were talking about, and I have an offer for you," he said with a stern expression that didn't waver.

He continued. "I need a wife for a year and six months. Marry me for this period, and all your financial needs will be settled."

I blinked in disbelief, I wondered at the sudden turn of events. "Does he joke like this with such a serious face?" I wondered silently.

But as if he read my mind, he spoke again, his tone firm. "I'm not joking. I don't say words I don't mean," he said, his gaze steady.

"My grandfather will only grant me full control of the company if I return home with a wife. And of all the ladies I've encountered, you're the only one who hasn't been swayed by my looks or wealth."

I couldn't help but scoff inwardly at his arrogance. "What a cocky bastard," I muttered under my breath, my thoughts racing. "Now he's letting me know he's aware of his charms, huh?"

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