
Chapter 47: Brother

Charlotte’s pov

“Well father always said that you would grow up into a very beautiful young woman. He lied” the really strange and yet familiar voice said.

His voice had changed over time, it could be puberty, but it somehow still sounded the same.

“Brother” was the only word that could come out of me looking at thus miracle in front of me.

I didn’t know what else to do, because honestly I don’t know whether he is here to kill me or not.

But If his face is the last thing I see then I think I would die at peace.

It would be as if I saw my father and brother before my death because he looks so much like our father.

“Give me a hug and stop crying, you know tears make me uncomfortable” he said, and I chuckled.

“But you are crying as well” I said pointing and his eyes that are now filled with tears.

I hugged him and we just stayed like that for what seemed like forever.

When I let go I realized that there were now two men behind him looking at us with suspicion.

“Come on in, all of you” added the last part so I can introduce them to my little brother.

“I am so happy to see you” I said holding his hand as we went in, and he smiled.

“Yeah, I have been looking for you for so long” he said making me look down.

“Do you resent me? I broke up our family” I said, and he shook his head.

“You didn’t break up our family, mom did, she should have taken your side and we could have been a family” he answered.

“So, you expect us to believe that you are not siding with your mother?” Sebastian asked him clearly suspicious of him.

“I don’t expect you to believe anything, you are nothing to me. But my sister is everything to me, now she is the only family I have left” he answered making me smile.

He then looked at me and gave me his most beautiful smile.

“I never said anything” he said, and I looked at him confused.

“Did you say something? I didn’t hear a thing” I replied, and we both smiled.

I gave both Logan and Sebastian looks that told them to stay out of this and they got the message.

I quickly got up and took the letter and also USB drive with the video in it.

“Dad wanted you to see this” I said, and he nodded opening the letter.

He started tearing up the moment his eyes landed on our father’s terrible handwriting.

We always spoke about how he should have been a doctor with that writing.

It is terrible but when I read the letter he left for me it was beautiful.

Actually, it was the most beautiful handwriting, written by the most beautiful person with the most beautiful words.

I can tell you that letter by heart, I know it word for word, but it still tears me up.

I read it every time when I feel like giving up because it gives me the power I need.

Our father always taught me the courage of stars.

He would remind me how rare and beautiful it is that we exist.

I wish all the reincarnation of Scarlet had that.

I feel like if they all had a father who was as supportive as mine they would have had courage to carry on.

His sobs became even louder as he read deeper, and he couldn’t stop smiling.

I guess it is a bittersweet moment knowing how much dad missed him every day.

How even though he didn’t spend as much time with him he still feels close to him.

“That old man always had a way with words” he said and then looked at me.

“Mom has changed and turned into a complete monster. I don’t know why but she seems to be this person hell bent on killing. It is as if something in her was awakened” he said shaking his head.

“Is It that really terrible?” I asked him and he nodded.

“And how did you find her?” Sebastian asked and Dave smiled.

“I grew up with her, I knew that you would want to open a restaurant. Mom never paid attention to your dreams that’s why she hasn’t found you so far” he replied.

“I just turned 18 years a few months ago, I have been getting yours and dad’s gifts. When dad’s gifts stopped I knew something bad had happened, but I am here sister. We will find a solution together” he said and then looked at the two men in my life.

“One of you is the Alpha Prince and the Vampire King, will one of you help us?” he asked them.

They seemed surprised that he even asked for their help.

“They already are” Alexa said, and he looked at her for a few seconds before shaking his head.

“Not with the curse, with hiding you. I found you, they are also getting closer to finding you that you think. You need to run sister, you have about maybe 3 days ahead before they get to this City” he explained.

“But that doesn’t matter, we have been in the same city as them before and we never had any problems” Alexa informed him.

“But now something is different, something has changed, and I don’t know what” he said shaking his head.

“They have a spell, so powerful that it can trace any sort of magic” he added.

“What? Have they been working on this for years now?” Sebastian asked him and he shook his head.

“Not that I know of, its so weird how the spell came out of nowhere” Dave said, and I shook my head.

“Its probably not the spell that came out of nowhere, the only thing that would make sense is if some mysterious person started helping them” I said.

My brother and I know how much my mother likes to brag, if she came up with a new spell the entire world would know.

Then who is this new person helping her and why?

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