
chapter 51

Chapter 51

Rachel’s POV

The morning was so bright, and the sun shone brightly too. It was also a Sunday, and I love Sundays. I stretched out and stood up from bed, and then I realized David was here last night.

Maybe he noticed as I slept off, and then he left. I laughed because it looked funny from the way I imagined it to be.

I walked into the bathroom, quickly washed up, and stepped out.

Oh, today is Luna’s birthday! Happy birthday to her! I smiled.

I bought her a little boxed gift. It was a golden bracelet I got for her; I used all my savings for this because she deserves it.

I needed to change and go downstairs, so when I was done, I headed downstairs.

And moved to Luna’s chambers.

I noticed the Alpha was there, and I was about to move out when my name was called.

I gasped; it was now a normal thing for me to gasp when my name was called by the Alpha.

I walked in hurriedly and greeted them both, and they responded. Luna’s face looked so bright.

“Happy birthday, Luna. I wish you
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