The Blood Alpha’s Mate

The Blood Alpha’s Mate

에:  Whitney Savage  연재 중
언어: English
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Born to the leaders of a powerful coven, Elly was born with an important destiny. But when her parents are betrayed by their own coven they discover the great destiny that was in store for their beloved child is to be a sacrifice. Instead, they give their lives to keep her safe and entrust their only child with people they hope will protect her. Instead, they keep her hidden and use her for every drop of magic she can produce. Elly spends her life on the run and in hiding. Her magic tells her she needs to find someone or something. But what? When she runs out of places to hide she gets stuck between the family that has spent her life abusing her for her powers, the coven of witches that want to sacrifice her in order to attain power and enslave the creatures around them, and the creatures that want her dead to stop that from happening. After his father made a foolish deal with a coven of witches, Rowan was left to clean up the mess. They gave the pack the power to win a bloody war at the cost of the pack’s freedom and Rowan’s future mate. Now must find a way to free his people from being the witches’ slaves and save his future mate.

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It's not lucky for Elly to be born with magic. Because of her magic, the nightmare of her whole life begins. Since her parents were murdered by greedy and evil covens, she has lost protection and was abused by them for her magic. They hope to take advantage of her power to enslave creatures, while creatures without any power just want the war to end as soon as possible no matter whether she dies. You can learn about how a girl born with great destiny change her miserable fate with wisdom and talents.

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Hope the story will continue!! I don’t think I can ever sleep in peace again, if I never know the end to this.
2022-08-02 04:57:43
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Can't wait for the story to be finished!
2022-05-24 01:21:40
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Erica Chavez
The book was good but what the heck happened no new chapters in almost a year. We deserve an explanation at least as to why it was never finished
2023-03-18 14:13:28
71 챕터
Chapter 1
Elly The glamour was beginning to hurt. No, not beginning to. It was already excruciating. Or at least it would be for anyone else but at this point, Elly was used to the pain. Glamour shouldn’t be worn constantly. A quick glamour to change your eyes from blue to green. Maybe to change your hair from blonde to black. Witches did these things all the time. Elly looked down into the puddle of rainwater beneath her feet. Her stomach twisted at the old wrinkled face staring back at her. This glamour had been forced on her almost every day since she was six years old. She touched her cheek wondering what her real face looked like now. “Stop touching, you’ll distort it again.” Rebekah slapped Elly’s hand away from her face. “Just stay here and be quiet. Darren stay with Elly.” her eyes moved up and down Elly’s body giving it one last check. Elly could feel her features twist into a scowl. “Get that look off your face.” She stormed across the parking lot back toward her husband. What face?
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Chapter 2
Rebekah The ride home was long and quiet. Rebekah silenced the conversation for the time being. With all the new information, she needed time to think. Not only that, she needed her husband to focus on driving. The more turns he took the more her fears were confirmed. They were being followed. Thirty minutes later they were going down the winding dirt road to the abandoned church they were squatting in. This was the longest they stayed at any one location but Rebekah knew they couldn’t leave. Not with the girl’s birthday being so close. They pulled up and the girl was the first out of the car. She raced straight into the church and slammed the door. “I’ll get her.” Said Darren as he started after her. “Leave her.” Rebekah grabbed his shoulder. He opened his mouth to protest but she squeezed his shoulder harder. “She’s probably tired from the extra energy you siphoned from her earlier.” His cheeks flushed with color. “How did you know?” He looked down at his feet. He might be over
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Chapter 3
Elly They couldn’t get back to the church fast enough. Every sharp turn and detour Jonah took made Elly’s body scream with pain. The car was hadn’t come to a full stop before she was out the door and moving toward her room. At the back of the church in a room used for storage, she had just enough room a small bed and a chest of drawers for what few clothes she had. She closed the door behind her. Staring at it for a moment wishing it didn’t lock from the outside. She reached under her pillow and pulled out her family’s grimoire. She had been trying to piece together a plan for years. Everything she needed to know was in that book. Just like everything else in her life, the answers were just out of reach. The book was spelled to only react to Elly’s magic. Magic she could not use. She flipped through the pages hoping for something, anything. The pages remained blank aside from the drawing of herbs and their description of their uses. The only magic anyone could use regardless of how m
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Chapter 4
Rowan The map on the table was riddled with red x’s. Rowan could feel they were close. He was drawn to that portion of the map. Were it not for the fact that he was immune to magic rowan would have thought a spell or something was forcing him to look in that section of the woods. “Stare any harder and the map will catch fire.” Lucas laughed as he walked into the room. Rowan growled at his beta. He was in no mood for jokes. “If the next words out of your mouth aren’t ‘the scout has returned’ you’ll be the only thing catching fire.” Lucas sighed as he walked over to Rowan and clapped his hands on his shoulders. “Come on Rowan. You’re my best friend. My alpha. It’s killing me to see you this way.” Rowan’s wolf lurched towards the surface at his words. He grits his teeth at the force of his sudden outburst. Lucas didn’t deserve Eris’ wrath. He was only trying to help. Despite his intentions, he hit a sore spot for the two of them. “What exactly am I the alpha of?” He asked. “Come
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Chapter 5
Elly The two of them looked like deer in headlights. Elly turned her head away from them. It wasn’t the mud covering her, or the bright red mark on her face from Darren slapping her. The Hughes instilled in her the need to stay away from strangers. If the wrong one found her it would be the death of her. It would especially mean her parents died for no reason. She couldn’t have that. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya. Our coven has land not far from here. We were hoping we could get some supplies from ya.” The man stepped forward making Darren take a few steps in front of Elly blocking her from view. “Head back and get my parents.” He said over his shoulder. The words barely made it out of his mouth before Elly was jogging away, her book clutched tight to her chest. They were witches too. What if they recognized her? Elly’s mind was frantic. Rebekah was right, she wasn’t safe after all these years. As much as she hated the glamour it kept her she needed it. “Shit…they’re never going
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Chapter 6
Rowan The smell of fear and the sound of a racing heart were two of Rowan’s favorite things. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent. The little witch stared up at him. They all regarded him as a wild card because they couldn’t control him. But she looked at him with more than just fear. It could almost be mistaken for hope. Just the thought made him angry. He was a wild card because of the witches. Forever missing his other half because of them. His pack forever missing their Luna. To think any of them had the audacity to believe Rowan would take one of them as a mate was the biggest insult he could imagine. He let a claw slip out of his finger as he scratched it along the bark of the tree just above Lena’s head. “Alpha Rowan…is there something I can help you with?” Redness colored her cheeks. For a moment Rowan thought he saw her sniff him. Eris recoiled inside him, disgusted by the witch’s blatant attraction to him. “Hope so.” Rowan forced the words out. Despite the forcefulnes
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Chapter 7
Elly Heavy footsteps hammered down the hall toward Elly’s door. She barely had time to shove the bag of powder under her pillow before her bedroom door went flying open. Elly turned just in time to see Darren’s hands wrap around her throat and slam her against a wall. The pinching burning sensation rolled across her skin. The same sensation she got whenever someone other than Rebekah tried to tamper with her glamour. By now Darren was good at it. He’d done it so many times he knew exactly how to manipulate the spell. Yet every time he did it the pain was so intense it brought black spots into Elly’s field of vision. By the time he was done, she was slumped against his hands unable to hold herself up. Darren pulled his hands away letting her fall to the ground. “Get up. You just need to show your face, tell them you’re fine and get your ass back in the room.” Elly’s hands went to her throat then lightly touched her face. She did her best not to scowl at what an absolute ass he was. Wi
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Chapter 8
Elly “I’m so screwed,” Elly said to herself. Looking down at Darren with his face pressed against the floor and his ass in the air, she felt a strange mix of relief and dread. She pulled the bag out from under her pillow and frowned. In her panic, she used half the bag on him. whatever doubts she still had she had to push aside. If she were still there once Darren woke up she would be dead meat. She pulled a bag out from under her bed and shoved a handful of clothes along with her grimoire in it. She went to her bedroom door and pressed her ear against it. She wasn’t sure how long she was asleep or if anyone else was still awake. Elly held her breath as she strained to hear beyond the thin wooden door. After a few moments, she finally took a deep breath. Nausea rolled over her making it hard to move. With one last glance at the idiot on the floor, she forced herself to crack the door open and peak out. Everything was completely dark. Faint traces of moonlight filtered in from the w
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Chapter 9
Rowan Once the lust-fueled fog cleared from his mind Rowan was disgusted. His wolf receded in his mind leaving Rowan to get them out of the hole they just dug themselves into. Lena wiped her mouth and climbed to her feet. Standing on her toes she wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to kiss his lips. Rowan turned his head. “What’s wrong?” Her eyes grew wide. “Did I do something wrong?” Rowan clamped his jaw shut. Being a witch was her only crime but it was one he couldn’t look past. “I told you my wolf is out of control right now. Being with me is a death wish.” Eris snarled at him. It was technically true. “Is it the mate thing? What if I can help?” Rowan stiffened at her words? It had to be a lie. Either way, he had to focus. His pack came first. Taking a deep breath he wrapped his hands around her waist. “How can I worry about a mate when my pack is tearing itself apart. If it’s a special moon your coven can do something to help right?” She stiffened in his arms. The sm
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Chapter 10
Lillie The packhouse was full of kids from the pack that had not gotten their wolves yet. Realizing things were getting out of control once the sun started to set their parents brought them to the one place they knew they would be safe. Lillie had to call in warriors to help out despite all of them being spread thin already. A fact that Rowan would know if he had bothered to answer his phone or even respond to the mind links. His father never would have been so- Lillie cuts off the thought. That wasn’t fair. Her son didn’t need to be compared to a ghost. Least of all a ghost that made his fair share of mistakes during his lifetime. She took a deep breath and looked at the guilty look on her son’s face. “Rowan. You’ve got to do better than this.” Before she could get going Rowan held up his hands. “I don’t need a lecture right now, mom.” he shook his head but his mother’s growl silenced him. “I think you do. I know Eris is getting restless without a mate. I know it’s difficult to co
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