The Forgotten Omega

The Forgotten Omega

By:  Ms. Jynx  Completed
Language: English
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Omega Nathalia, burdened by a deep-rooted fear of other wolves since her youth, has lived a life overshadowed by unfortunate events that led her and her mother to be labeled as rogues. They were sternly warned to remain unseen and unheard until they could find refuge within the “Arctic Paw Pack,” her grandparents' pack. However, as Nathalia embarks on the treacherous journey towards her grandparents' pack, she soon realizes that the path ahead is riddled with unspeakable horrors that test her strength and resilience. Will she possess the fortitude to endure the agonizing pain that awaits her, or will she succumb to overwhelming despair and reunite with her mother once more? Amidst these uncertainties, Nathalia finds herself questioning whether she will forever be forgotten and whether she will be able to triumph where her mother had failed.

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Loved it!!! What a wonderful alpha!!!
2023-11-22 04:31:43
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Mistress of the West
Great book, storyline is great, very well written and extremely relatable
2023-11-03 11:50:08
39 Chapters
My precious daughter Nathalia, our journey together has been a tumultuous one, filled with unexpected twists and turns that have tested our strength and resilience. When I discovered that I was carrying you, my heart swelled with both joy and fear. Joy, because you were a precious life growing within me, and fear, because I knew the challenges we would face as a result. Your father's pack, driven by archaic beliefs and traditions, rejected me when they learned that you, their future alpha, would be born as a female omega. It was a devastating blow, as I had hoped for their acceptance and support during this vulnerable time. But their narrow-mindedness and prejudice prevailed, leaving me to navigate this journey alone. Despite the hardships we have faced, my only goal has always been to keep you safe from the dangers that surround us. I have fought tooth and nail to shield you from the harsh realities of a world that often fails to understand or accept those who are different. I have
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Chapter One
Looking around my room, I am immediately struck by the sight of the small bed that is neatly made up on the floor. It is a humble space where my mother and I had to huddle together to ward off the biting cold in this broken down hut. Holes riddle the roof, and cracked windows allow the elements to seep in. I am filled with gratitude that my mother was able to discover this place for us, despite its crumbling condition and far location. However, as I eagerly expect her return from her tireless efforts to secure our next meal, a feeling of anxiety begins to go through me. The passing time only increases my worry, as she should have returned by nowThe sensation in my stomach continues, refusing to leave, urging me to leave the safety of the cabin in search of my mother. While walking straight from the cabin door, I hear a cry. Without a moment's hesitation, I find myself sprinting towards the piercing sounds of her distress, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation. Ho
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Chapter Two
As a small town appears in the distance, my attention is abruptly turned to my right by a sudden noise. The sharp and piercing sound, cuts through the calm atmosphere like a knife. Despite my best efforts, I struggle to identify the source of the sound, my ears straining to catch any clue that will help unravel the mystery. Was it a branch snapping under the weight of an animal? Or perhaps the rustling of leaves caused by a gust of wind? The uncertainty gnaws at me, filling me with a sense of unease. Shaking off the distraction, I continue my journey towards the town, determined to reach my destination. But just as I begin to regain my focus, a loud noise to my right startles me once again. This time, it was unmistakable – a deep growl that echoes through the air, sending shivers down my spine. My heart races, pounding against my chest like a wild animal desperate to escape its cage. With a mix of curiosity and dread, I turn to face the source of the disturbance, my eyes widening in
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Chapter Three
As I regain consciousness, I am immediately confronted with the stark truth of my environment. The biting cold air mercilessly penetrates my weak frame, leaving me trembling uncontrollably. It is as if I have been trapped in an icy void, where each exhale materializes as a reminder of where I am. Instantly, I become aware of the presence of Sir, his imposing figure casting a shadow over me; his body language is a blend of anger and unwavering authority. With a commanding gesture, he puts a drink to my lips and a small portion of food, offering me the vital nourishment that I so desperately need.As I gratefully accept his offering, I am fully aware of the hidden cost that comes with it. The taste of the liquid on my parched lips brings a fleeting sense of relief, as if something momentarily lights a spark of energy within me. The nourishment, although meager, offers a glimmer of hope in the midst of this bleak existence. However, with each bite and sip that I swallow, an unsettling fe
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Chapter Four
Once I have completed my meal and drink the limited amount of water he permits. He gradually rises from his seat and ominously shifts the chair away from the icy bed. As I avert my gaze towards the distant wall, tears stream down my face. While in the background, I can hear him retrieving an item from the assortment of objects he refers to as “toys.” Suddenly, without warning, a sharp, painful sensation pierces my hip, causing me to cry out in anguish from the impact. “Let the excitement begin, little omega. I have recently administered a single dose of a potent aphrodisiac through the needle you felt. Ensuring that you will soon experience heightened sexual desire.” His laughter resonates with a sinister tone, reflecting his malicious intent. As Sir spoke, my heart raced with a mixture of fear and anticipation. The potent aphrodisiac he has given me is something I have never experienced or heard of before. And the thought of being under its influence was terrifying. Sir's twisted gr
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Chapter Five
Out of nowhere, I am taken aback by the sound of footsteps drawing near. In an instant, a wave of optimism washes over me, as I realize that finally, someone has come to my aid. As the door gradually swings open, a dazzling beam of light floods the entire room, momentarily disorienting me. As I strain my eyes to see clearly, I am startled by a group of individuals dressed in law enforcement uniforms rushing towards me. However, my initial relief quickly dissipates when I realize that these are alphas, individuals who possess a commanding level of control akin to Sir. The memories of the harrowing pain and torment I endured under Sir's supervision, along with his "Toys," flood my mind. The mere thought of enduring further mistreatment from those in positions of power fills me with an overwhelming sense of fear and apprehension. In a state of sheer panic, I let out a piercing scream “No, please don't! Just let me die” while I thrash about uncontrollably, feeling my heart racing within
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Chapter Six
“Where is our granddaughter?” A lady's voice said. “Ma’am, before I can tell you anything, I have to know who you are even talking about?” the male nurse says. “Who the hell do you think we are talking about?” The man roars. “Your hospital contacted us and said you found our granddaughter and that she was severely hurt. So where the hell is she?” A man's angry voice said. “Sir, please quit roaring at me. I am trying to do my job,” the male nurse cried. As I lay in my bed, I am enveloped by the warmth of my covers. However, my peaceful sanctuary is disrupted by the chaotic symphony outside my room. The voices, a mixture of angry shouts and urgent pleas, seem to penetrate through the walls, disturbing the tranquility of my sleepy haven. Despite my desire to remain in a state of drowsiness, each word and syllable pierces through the haze, jolting me into a state of alertness that I am not yet ready to embrace. As time passes, the commotion outside seems to intensify, as if the wa
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Chapter Seven
“Oh, my precious girl, you look so much like your mother.” Grandma cries as she slowly walks to the right side of my bed and grabs my shaky hand. With tears streaming down my face, I am overwhelmed by the sight of my family standing before me. It is a moment of disbelief, as I never thought I would see them again. The truth is, my mother could only mention me once while she was pregnant with me, as we were hiding in a dangerous forest at the time. It was not safe for her to stop and send more letters. Tragically, she was killed by an alpha during a hunting trip, while trying to provide food for us. The memory of her death still haunts me, causing me to whimper in pain. But as I look at my grandpa, I can see the deep sorrow in his eyes. Tears cascade down his face as he hears about my mother and her untimely demise. It is clear that the bond they share as a family is unbreakable, and her passing has affected them deeply. The expression of disbelief on his face also hints at the poss
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Chapter Eight
With great effort, I slowly rise from the bed, feeling the weight of the physical toll my body has endured. Every movement is accompanied by a sharp pang of agony, but I push through it, determined to make my way towards the bathroom. It is there that I hope to find solace in a warm shower and the new clothes that my grandmother had thoughtfully purchased for me. As I gingerly step into the shower, the realization hits me that it has been an indeterminable amount of time since I last experienced the soothing sensation of warm water cascading over my weary form. Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, I find myself unable to contain my sorrow. Tears mix with the comforting droplets, creating a bittersweet symphony of release. Gradually, as my sobs subside, I gather the strength to attempt washing my hair. However, the simple act proves to be a painful reminder of the toll my body has taken. Excruciating pain shoots through me, forcing me to cry out in anguish. In that moment of despair, th
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Chapter Nine
Gradually awakening from my unconscious state, I am suddenly startled and sit up straight with a cry of surprise as I realize that I am inside a moving vehicle. With a sense of urgency, my eyes quickly scan the surroundings, trying to make sense of the situation. As I take in the scene before me, a wave of relief washes over me as I realize that my beloved grandma and grandpa are by my side, providing me with a comforting presence. The fact that I am no longer confined within the sterile walls of a hospital fills me with a deep sense of safety and security. Inhaling deeply, I am greeted by the familiar and comforting scent of my grandparents' perfume and aftershave; which instantly soothes my frayed nerves. Turning towards them, I can't help but ask, "Where are we headed?" With a warm smile, my grandmother responds, "Darling, we're bringing you back home. After spending a considerable amount of time in the hospital and losing consciousness while providing crucial information to the
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