The Last Werewolf

The Last Werewolf

By:  DJ  Ongoing
Language: English
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Growing up, you may have heard stories about magical creatures and other unknown beings that the grownups would tell kids to make them behave and listen better. These stories didn't start out as 'Once Upon a Time' instead would be told as a warning to not go to a place or be out past a certain time or else something would come and take them away. Most of the stories were passed on by the elders over the many generations. There is this one specific story you are about to hear, or I should say read is about a young woman by the name of Ashley who grew up hearing all kinds of these stories. She would come to find out that a certain story that she has heard many times wasn't just some made up fairy tale. Once she turns18, her will change forever.

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11 Chapters
Chapter: ONE
Ash, short for Ashley will beturning 18 in just a few days. It's been pretty normal growing up. It's just been Ash, her mother and her grandfather for as long as she can remember. Unfortunately, she don't really know much about her father. All she knows is that he stopped coming around whenshe was only maybe 6 or 7 years old. Whenever Ash wasn't in school, her grandfather would take her to a family friends place, which is a farm with so many different kinds of animals, and of course her favorites are the horses. She lerned how to care for all the animals along with caring for her very own horse Ash loves going out on long trail rides. She would go along with some of the other people and go on weekend long camping trips with their horses. They would get everything set up along with a really good camp fire, the ones with the horses would saddle up and head out for a afternoon ride. When they returned, they get the horses some food and water for the rest of the night.
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Chapter: TWO
As they are enjoying the food, Ash starts to catch wind of a odd smell that is or could be the best she has ever smelled in her entire life. 'What is that amazing smell?' She thought to herself as she looked around for the source. Pine wood forest mixed with fresh rain fall. Ash sat frozen in her seat as she watched three God-like men walk through the door to the game room. They are pretty tall and very, very muscular. The one guy caught sight of Ash looking right at her, and stopped suddenly causing his friends to almost run right into the back of him. He looked to be maybe 6'5" and in his early 20s. The other two were a bit shorter but just as good looking. Hell, even Kim and Toni were drooling over them. The taller guy leaned over to his friends and said something, but whatever that was had the other two smile. 'Nope, not creepy at all.' Ash had thought to herself again. The man's beautiful deep ocean blue eyes were starting to make Ash feel as though she might dr
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Chapter: THREE
(Rick's POV) I am the soon to be Alpha of one of the few Lycan packs in North America. The Forest Mountain Pack is located in the deep wilderness of the very beautiful state of Tennassee. Our current Alpha, Alpha Alix Morris will be passing his title to me in a few months so that he can finally retire and spend more time with his mate, our packs Luna, and also my mother, Luna Ava. As of right now, I'm on my way to meet up with my two best friends who are also my soon to be Beta and Gamma, for an evening out to chill and play a few games of pool. We have been very busy working on my mothers barn adding a few stalls so that she can ha a horse or two. Once I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed that the guys wern't here yet so I just waited here in my truck till they showed up. I can fell my Lycan, Max pacing around in my mind. "Dude! What is going on wih you?" I asked "Something is going to happen, I just have a feeling," He says while still pacing."What do you mean b
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Chapter: FOUR
"Would I be able to see you again? Ummm, I'm sorry but you haven't told me your name love." She just stands there with her mouth open, I guess she's speachless. "No dummy, you broke mate!" Max huffs. Her two friends step up beside her. "Her name is Ash, short for Ashley." The one says as they both look to her with smiles. I told her that her name is just as beautiful as she is. I write my number down on a napken and said that she can call and text at any time day or night. The whole way home, all I can do is smile. Max is still prancing around nonstop so I am hoping he will wear himeself out soon because he is driving me crazy. Once I'm back at the pack house, I go to open the door and come face to face with the most annoying she-Lycan and the least person I wanted to be dealing with right now. Our very own pack slut, Summer. "Ricky! your finally home! I missed you!" She says as she wraps her arms around my neck. I just roll my eyes. "Summer, why are you even here? I have
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Chapter: FIVE
After the conversation with my parents, I say goodnight and head off to bed. I have a feeling that I won't be getting much sleep tonight, plus with Max whining because he wants to be with Ash. All of a sudden he stops. "Human, I can go to her in a dream, I can talk withher and maybe it will be a bit easy for her and also us." "I didn't know you could do that!" He huffs and rolls his eyes. "There are some things you don't know human." "Goddess Max! you know damn well I hate it when you just call me human, I do have a name remember." I finally agree then I lay down hoping to get some sleep. (Ash's POV) Kim, Toni and I walked back home from the game room, but all I could even think about is that guy, Rick. I'm so confused as to what he sees in me, like he is totally hot as hell and I'm just. . . Well, I'm just me. I'm nothing special, even though my mother and grandfather always would tell me that I and very special, that God has a bigger plan for me when I am older.
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Chapter: SIX
I wake up with a quick gasp and sit up in a hurry. I sit for a moment to calm myself down and to catch my breath. I can hear the birds singing and see the sun shinning through my bedroom window. I suddenly remember the weird dream. It elt so damn real. I get up and take a quick shower to get ready for the day. I noticed that we needed to get a few extra things from the store so while Kim and Toni were starting on the prep work for tomorrow. I went to the store to get the stuff thats needed. As I was loading the stuff up into the bed of Black Beauty, yes my truck has a name. Anyways, while loading the stuff up, I'm caught by suprise of a familer sexy voice coming from behind me. "Nice to see you again love." His voice rings out, causing me to jump and spin around with my hand on my chest trying to settle my poor heart Rick and his friends are trying to hold in their laughs. "What are you up to beautiful?" He asks with a wink. "I'm just picking up some things for the c
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Chapter: Seven
"Well hello there boys, were you able to find everything I needed?" My mother asked as she walked over to us woth a few Omegas to unload the stuff from my truck. I nodded to her and continued to tell her that we ran into my mate at the shop as well. She smilled and thanked us for going. The guys and I settle down for the evening after a very good dinner as always. Chris and Nate are playing video games as usual and I'm sitting here in my over sized recliner flipping through the channels when I hear my cell phone goes off with a new text. My mate had finally texted me to say that her friends are fine with me and the guys coming over and to bring trunks and change of clothes. This is going to be awesome! I thought to myself. "OH MY GODDESS!!! We're going to see mate in a swimsuit!!" Max is going crazy with excitment, zooming around while wagging his tail. "Dude! Chill out!" I say. He just huffs and slams a wall up. Nate looks back at me while I'm just sitting here with
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Chapter: EIGHT
It's about about 11AM and I suddenly start feeling very dizy. Along with a very bad headach that came out of nowhere. It feels as though there is something that is inside my head trying to scratch its way out of my skull. I don't know what the hell is going on, but ever since I had that weird dream with that wolf creature, my emotions and all my other senses are going crazy. I don't even know how to explain it. The creature said that his name is Max, and that I have already met his human side. Also that everything else will be explained to me when the time comes. Is this even possible? A person, a human changing or shifting into something else. I have so many questions, and so much to try to even figure out that I don't even know where the hell to start. I decided to talk to Paul a little bit about the dream, he really didn't seem to be worried or anything, Kim and Toni ended up hearing our conversation and they both seemed to be a little worried, like I'm over workin
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Chapter: NINE
We still had a few hours till it was time to leave, so I picked my phone up to give Ash a call. (Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring) "Hello? Ash's Phone, Toni speaking." I hear her one friend say when she answers Ash's phone. "Hello, is Ash around?" I ask "She's laying down for a little while, Is this Rick?" She asks "Yes it is, I was going to ask Ash if she didn't mind us coming over early, we can also help out if needed." I say and I can hear them in the back ground giggling. "It's alright with us, I'm sure Ash would love for you to be the one to wake her up anyways." I laugh. Toni sent me the address so the guys and I put our stuff in my truck then we headed over to the barn where I was sure to find my mother and father would be. My father was cleaning up the tack room and my mother was in one of the stalls brushing a horse that my father just brought home yesterday. I let them know that we are heading out to go to Ash's place and to link me if they need anything. I'm so exc
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Chapter: TEN
Ash looks up at me, "I had a feeling something might be going to happen, something life changing. My mother and grandfather would always tell me that I was special. I wasn't to sure what they were even talking about, I just thought it was just my very good skills working with all the horses I worked with , like they could understand me or something." She stops talking and lets out a long shaky sigh. I then notice a single tear slowly roll down her cheak. "It's like they have known that I was different from the beginning." She starts to cry more into my chest. I wrap my arms around her even tighter and just let her cry for a while. "Baby, do you remember the first time you and I saw each other? That sudden attraction we felt for each other?" She nods so I continue, "That my love is called the mate bond, it's basically like a soul mate but for my kind, OUR kind its just a little bit diffrent." She nods her head again, but doesn't say anything yet. "So, what exactly ar
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