
The Luna Warrior
The Luna Warrior
Penulis: Angela Leo

Chapter 1


                                                                                          ~REGINA’S POV~

I love winter. 

Gentle snowflakes fell from the sky as bodies fell to the ground. The purity of the snow is now stained with the sin of blood and no amount of penance can ever make her clean.


Two simple words plagued my mind as I stood before the corpses of my enemies with heavy pants falling from my lips and blood dripping from my fangs and claws. It's over. We won. We won. The Blue Lily pack won!

A century-old way has come to an end and we have become the victors. We have changed history. We have done what our ancestors could not. We have won. And yet…why is the battleground so ominously quiet? and why I'm I the one being glared at like a criminal?

Before I could comprehend my next thought, I was tackled to the ground by my comrades and my body collided with the snow causing a gasp to escape from my lips. They held me to the ground by my limbs and one of them held me by my neck.

“What are you doing? Let go of me.”

They didn't listen. If anything their hold on me turned into a vice grip as they each tried to stop the blood flowing to my limbs and the air from reaching my lungs.“This is a time to celebrate and you choose to waste it by manhandling me? Have you no pride in yourselves and your accomplishments?”

Still no response from them. Just hateful glares and tons of animosity bouncing off them in waves and all thoughts of trying to reason with them perished.

Just as I was about to show them the strength I have reserved only for my enemies, a chilling voice boomed against the trees causing these fools to release me from their clutches.“Let her go.”With a smile on my face, I turned to stare into the eyes of the Alpha. The man who led our pack to victory and the mate the moon goddess blessed me with but as quickly as my happiness came, it vanished, and little did I know the hell that awaited me                                                             

I was jerked out of my slumber by the smell of vinegar and the feeling of a hot liquid being poured over my broken body. White hot pain stained my vision and the wounds on my aging skin bled profusely. 

“Wake up, Vermin.”

The high-pitched voice of the woman before me hurt my soul more than the feel of vinegar against the wounds she inflicted on me and I raised my head to stare into the depths of her shallow brown eyes. Vivian Carter. The most materialistic bitch in the whole pack and the woman my mate chose over me. The pain that surged through me at the thought of him leaving me for someone like her almost broke my soul.“I, Alpha Micheal Green, reject Regina Shepard as my mate.”“Have you given up yet?”

Despite the agony I was in, I tilted my head at her question and I could only imagine it to be a cheeky grin but might be the smile of a toothless rat plastered itself across my face.

“And why would I do that?” 

Her thin lips broke into a stupid smirk and an insufferable twinkle filled her eyes. “Because I beat you.”I almost laughed at her failed attempt at a quip. Doesn't she think that she has what it takes to beat me? “But you didn't.”

“Yes, I did.”No, you didn't.”

“Yes, I didn't. Don't you see? I've won. I inflicted every wound you wear on your skin. I gave every drop of poison running through your veins and your ‘mate’ is about to make me his Luna.``Is That what makes you think you've won? You used trick's instead of doing it openly and that is how a loser acts. You are no different from a loser.“And?”

The smirk on her face dropped and her eyes darkened. Vivian walked into my cell with the anger bouncing off her in waves. But before she could touch a single hair on my head, the bell struck on the 7th and a half hour and my blood ran cold as the words I was about to say got stuck in my throat. The smirk on her face returned and she waltzed out of my cell with nothing but a sinister chuckle. Seven-thirty. It's seven–thirty am. Thirty minutes till the moment shit hits the fan. Thirty minutes till my execution.  


“Regina Shepard. You are being charged for plotting an assassination against your Alpha, what do you have to say?”

I stared blankly at the face of my ex-mate as he stood before me with his lips in a thin line and accusations spilling from his mouth. 

“Not guilty.”

Murmurs filled the field and a chorus of harsh words rained on me. Liar. Traitor. Bitch.“You still say you're innocent when we all know you're guilty.“Because I am not guilty.”

He sighed and with one snap of his fingers, the warriors I called my friends dragged me by the heavy chain wrapped around my body. 

They placed my head on the table of the guillotine and I looked to the people I protected with my life and healed with my gift. The families I've saved and the bondages I've broken. They looked at me with so much fear, disgust, and hate. Something I never expected to see from my people. I closed my eyes hoping that this was all a dream and when I opened them it was all the same and the pain was real. “Any last words?”

I turned to the man who was once the air that I breathed but was now the only thing left was hatred, my eyes turned red and I said if there was a second chance I would not let you go you would pay for every pain I received. I hoped that the moon goddess would give me a

second chance to make things right.

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