
The banter


"Say it." Arlo urged with an urgent tone, joining the duo. His hawk-like eyes were fixed on Jamal, ready to put him in his place if he acted up. "Say the fucking words!"

"Just who I needed to see tonight. The infamous Arlo Cardell." Jamal let out a drunken laugh, staggering backward. His frosty breath reeked of alcohol. He's never been so blunt with the Lycan King, despite how much he loathed him. But alcohol makes you lose some good manners. Like right now.

"Just say the damn words, nit-wit!" Arlo yelled, attempting to grab him but getting pulled back by Jordy.

"Or what?!" Jamal snapped, eyes glistening with tears and fury. "You going to make my life more miserable than you already did?!"

"I've never laid a finger on your wretched life. Whatever mess you turned into is all on you. Don't you dare pin shit on me." Arlo pointed a warning finger at him.

"That's enough, please." Jordy tried to soothe him, as she brought his hand down. She was right in the middle of the t
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