
The Lycan King's Timid Mate
The Lycan King's Timid Mate
Author: Christine Black

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Jade Pinkerton pov

Growing up was difficult in the Waning Moon pack located in Alaska. I was the only child of the Alpha, my father Jax. It was evident that he wished for a male to inherit his role instead of me considering how much abuse and insult I'd endured growing up. It left me with a very bad feeling about males in general.

I was my parents' disappointment, a girl that had no wolf. I had all the rest of the attributes, long life, healing abilities, and the senses of one but that inner voice was all my own. No wolf's words of encouragement, just my timid subconscious greeted me.

Needless to say, I was told by my pack school counselors that I was just a late bloomer and I would shift when I grew older but my classmates continued to harass me for being without.

I turned eighteen, then nineteen, and on my twentieth birthday, I had sat naked in the woods underneath the full moon crying most of the night beseeching the Moon Goddess wishing to understand why I was cursed and couldn't shift.

A couple of years have passed since that fateful night.

Yesterday my father invited his dear friend Alpha Earl Phillips and his son Barron over to stay the night. Barron was a creep and has always tried to sneak into my room at night and last evening wasn't any different. I was lucky that his father had searched for him before he raped me. It had been too close and I had felt him at the entrance of my sex. I shuddered at the memory of him ripping my pajamas, covering my mouth with his large hand, and rutting between my legs.

Disgust filled my gut that I had come so close to losing my innocence like that.

“Jade, can you please take these after-dinner drinks to your father? He's trying to secure a big loan from his friend Earl,” my mother said quietly as I passed her in the kitchen.

Furrowing my brow I asked her if we were broke.

“Technically yes. The investments Alpha made fell through and the pack is bankrupt but he hasn't told them yet,” she sighed bitterly.

“Is there nothing that can be done?” I inquired and she simply shrugged as I collected the tray and went to my father's office.

Knocking on his office door my dad told me to enter and I made my way through the doorway and between the occupied chairs to place the tray full of liquor on the table.

“Tell your mom thanks for the drinks,” Alpha Earl said as his eyes raked over my body. He was also a pervert like his son. Nodding I felt Barron's eyes on me and then the words of his father.

“I will give you the loan for the union of our children.”

Side-eyeing the salacious grin on Barron's face I glared at my dad.

Seeing the relief of his features I swallowed uncomfortably and told him that I didn't think that was a good idea.

“Nonsense, Jade! We will have a wedding tomorrow. Call your pack and get them here while I inform mine,” he announced as he reached for the telephone. I rushed out of there in complete shambles.

That evening I prayed nonstop for the Goddess to save me and for the sham wedding to be ruined…

Sometimes your prayers get answered in ways not wanted.

Today was supposed to be the most important day of my she-wolf life, my handfasting. Only mine has been planned for mere hours and written in a contract. A loveless union to Barron Jacobs, son of my dad's Alpha buddy from the neighboring pack.

Hearing my door opening I stood in the simple white gown and ran my hands down the fabric to keep the wrinkles away. I watched my mom with a curious gaze as she scurried into my bedroom. She appeared worried and was wringing her hands.

“Both packs have arrived and are awaiting your presence. Please child don't mess this up or your father is going to turn into a raging beast,” she said softly.

I looked into my mom's eyes which were as green as my own and chewed on my bottom lip.

“Did he ever get around to telling them that I am not a shifter?”

Brushing my long black hair from my face she shook her head.

“Hush, we don't speak about that, and once the vows have been said it will be too late. Don't mess this up! Think of the pack, Jade. We all need this union and every pack member is counting on you to make the sacrifice, including Alpha, he has already deposited the money he got from Earl,” she answered sternly.

Exhaling deeply I nodded and said disparagingly, “The pack has never treated me kindly, only tolerated me because of who I am and nothing more, and certainly don't wish me well nor think of it as a sacrifice. I will do it to make Alpha proud.”

Oh how I wished to have a wolf, someone within me to guide me on my correct life path because at the moment I was lost and knew in my gut that this was oh so wrong.

My feelings didn't mean a thing to either of my parents or my pack.

Growing more sour I glanced at my reflection one last time before taking a step toward my predetermined future.

“Stand up straight and be sure to smile,” my mom warned.

“I know Mother,” I replied as I paused briefly to quiet my aching heart and descend the staircase.

As I made my way out the back of my home my terrified eyes scanned the crowd of onlookers. Their murmurs of wolfless could be heard from where I walked and Barron's father had stopped next to several of them to inquire about what they were speaking about.

I could feel their judgment and sense their dislike for me. Once my eyes landed on my intended I grew nauseous.

My mom had explained what I'd be expected to do on my wedding night and bile rose in the back of my throat seeing the perverted glint in Barron's amber eyes.

“Disgusting pig,” I murmured as I continued to the front where the officiant stood.

Lowering my eyes from Barron's I could see his father nearing him and tug on his arm. He whispered in his ear I noticed in my peripherals and saw the sudden scorn on both their faces.

“Is she without a wolf?!” Barron questioned my dad rather loudly and laughter erupted from the guests.

“Yeah, she can't shift,” one man I had graduated with shouted as the rest joined in expressing their agreement.

I looked past my groom to see my father's mottled face arguing with his Alpha friend.

Gasps could be heard from the crowd and I tensed hearing my dad's voice shouting out at me.

“You have betrayed me and the entire pack!”

Gobsmacked, I looked at him in disbelief.

“I have done nothing! I'm doing everything that was asked of me,” I responded aghast and when I was slapped across my face my mind retreated into itself to detach from what I knew was coming.

“You're hereby banned from this pack and no longer my child I am stripping you of your existence,” my dad roared out thoughtlessly. I saw my mom shaking her head and turning away from me as I continued to get throttled.

My father called out his guards and his friend's troops joined them. I was beaten severely and loaded into a vehicle where I was dumped on a gravel road far away from any of the known pack lands.

My broken body was kicked out of the moving truck door and I rolled like a slab of meat upon the hard dirt.

Sobbing uncontrollably I just wished for death to consume me as the afternoon sun shone brightly down on me.

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