All Chapters of The dragons unidentified Mate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
263 Chapters
Drake heard everything the elderly vendor said. He too agrees with what the vendor said. "No one should be ever judged by their social status and the money they have. As farmers, you are the people who cultivate crops and provide food for all of us. In fact, you are the people who should be respected more than anyone else. Because none of us can do what you you can do. We don't know how to grow our own food. If it's not for you, all of us have go hungry. So you are not inferior to anyone else. You are the most important people in every kingdom. We respect you for what you give us" Drake announced loudly for everyone to hear.All the vendors clapped and cheered with happiness at this announcement."Thank you your highness, no one has ever treated us with so much respect. This is truly an honour to be treated like this" one of the elderly vendor expressed his happiness.Drake smiled at his words."I am not telling something new. Each and every word
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After reaching the palace, Drake found Alpine waiting for them.Alpine heard that protests were going on in the market and Drake got hurt in the process. He started to get worried for Drake. When he finally saw Drake with some bloodstains on his left forehead, he rushed towards him to check on his wound."Oh Drake, you are injured. Oh, dear fairy goddess, who is it that dared to hurt you?" Alpine started to fuss over Drake, mostly to his amusement."I am fine, old man. Don't worry" Drake assured Alpine.Alpine looked puzzled. He can still see blood and Drake is telling him he is fine. How can it be possible? he thought."But that blood?" Alpine asked with a frown.Drake looked around and noticed that Dale is a little farther away from them, talking to the guards.Only mason and Dillon are the ones present besides Alpine."You know my healing ability is fast right? The wound is already healed." Drake assured Alpine.Th
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Drake's help
"I will go report everything that happened today to King Alvin. He might want to know about Koni and the market issue" Drake told Alpine and the others."Ok, I will go check on our criminal in the dungeon. I will see if he knows something about where Koni might be" Mason informed Drake."Ok, don't let him know that Koni escaped. Be as discreet as possible" Drake advised Mason.Mason nodded his head in understanding."Ok," he agreed and left to do just that.Alpine is feeling heavy-hearted. He doesn't want to show his face to his brother so soon. "I can't face my brother now. I will go back to my quarters" Alpine excused himself and left with a sad face.Drake looked at Dillon, who is still standing beside him.Dillon turned to face Drake when he felt his eyes on him."What?" he asked Drake defensively."What are you still doing here? Don't you have a kingdom to run?" Drake asked Dillon with his eyebrows raised in a qu
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Nyra's confusion
Drake smiled at Nyra, who looked worried for him. Nyra gasped when she saw his injured forehead."What happened to you?" She asked him with shock and worry.Drake touched his wound lightly."Just a small injury" he muttered.Now he is in a state of confusion. How to hide his healed injury from her? he thought.Nyra lightly touched his wounded forehead.Unknowingly, her palm started to illuminate brightly and the blood vanished from his face.Nyra's eyes widened with shock.She looked at her glowing palm and his forehead, which doesn't have any traces of injury or blood on it. As if everything disappeared as soon as her palm touched his wound.Drake looked at her wide-eyed stare."What happened?" he asked her with concern.Nyra is looking pale and she keeps looking at her palm and his injured forehead.'Is it visible that my injury is healed?' He thought worriedly.Without remembering her past,
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On the other hand, when Dillon saw the princess waiting for Drake in the corridor, he was ashamed to face her again.When he remembers his behavior towards her yesterday, he couldn't force himself to face her. He acted like an asshole.He tried to force her against her will. So he silently slipped inside the King's quarters, to greet the king.His behavior towards the King is not good either. But he can at least meet him and apologize to him for the way he acted.He lightly knocked on the already open door, to alert them of his presence.King Alvin was not expecting Dillon. He was expecting Drake. But when he saw Dillon waiting near the threshold to be called inside, he is surprised."King Alvin" Dillon greeted Alvin politely."Summer King, what a pleasant surprise" Alvin greeted Dillon in a neutral tone.Dillon looked uncomfortable. "Yes, I wanted to come and see how you are doing, king Alvin" Dillon confessed.Avery
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After making sure Nyra is alright and is not panicking about her abilities, Drake relaxed a little.He never saw her getting this angry before. When she heard that some one injured him, she became furious.Drake knows it's the anger of Nyra combined with the fairy fire."I am alright. That boy was angry that some one from the palace slapped his father. So he did what he felt was right to avenge his father. I am not angry on him. But instead I like the courage of that boy. People needs guts to against an entire system" Drake tried to make Nyra understand.When he started explaining, Nyra relaxed a little and understood his point."I should go and meet your father. I should explain everything that happened today" Drake told Nyra, after some time.Nyra nodded her head and decided to accompany Drake.Drake and Nyra walked into the king and the queen's room. They are stunned to see Dillon already chatting with Alvin."What are you doing her
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Drake heard the water running in Nyra's bathroom. He smiled wickedly.He removed his sleep tracks and entered inside the bathroom and found Nyra under the shower, as naked as the day she was born.She is facing her back towards him. The water droplets sliding down the dips and valleys of her body made Drake hard.He walked towards her and under the showers. He snaked his arms around her naked waist and pulled her into him.Nyra gasped when his hardness touched her lower back, just above her butt cheeks."Drake" she moaned.He turned her to face him and feasted on her naked wet body.He kissed her neck and slowly slipped down to kiss the upper swells of her breasts. Nyra's breathing picked up and she buried her palms in his wet hair.Drake captured one of her breasts into his mouth and sucked his hard enough for her to become instantly wet.Her core clenched to be filled with her hardness."Drake" she moaned agai
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Fairy temple
The next morning, Drake and Nyra got ready to visit the fairy goddess. Mason, Dale, Dillon and a few guards tagged along, even though Drake would be fine on his own."I don't need so many guards" Drake protested."Protocol" Dale explained firmly.Drake rolled his eyes and let them be.He pointedly looked at Dillon and Mason."Why are you two coming?" he asked them.They both shrugged their shoulders in union."I am just curious" Mason replied.That Drake can understand. As they both are new to Fairy, it's normal to get curious."Ok" he nodded his head and looked at Dillon."I bored" Dillon said defensively.Drake sighed with resignation and let them all come with him.The winter realm is a beautiful place, with snow everywhere you look. It's not the coldness that will catch your attention, but the greenary.Green thick trees are everywhere to be seen. As if they got used to the cold and they like it here.&
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Fairy prophesy
Drake is in a state of shock. 'Who is this lady and what is she speaking? I am the winter King? It's my destiny? She doesn't make any sense. Why would I want to become a king in Fairy, when I am the king of my own kingdom in the human world? Hamilton group is my Kingdom, and I am it's king. All I want from Fairy is Nyra. As soon as she regains her memories, I will be off this world and in to mine' Drake thought."Who are you? I don't believe you. You might be some kind of a mind reader, but I am not ready to believe in your lies" Drake snapped angrily.His mind is a mess and a Choas of unanswered questions. "When the time comes, you will believe everything I am telling is true Winter King. You will come to me yourself, searching for answers. I am a mind reader, yes. Everything you ever think or tell me through your mind, I can read and understand everything you tell me. I am the fairy goddess" She declared proudly.Drake couldn't believe wha
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On edge
After searching the entire temple, Drake and his men came out empty. They couldn't find where the person who tried to kill Drake disappeared into. But they decided to leave, as it was getting late."Let's go, it's getting late. We searched the entire place. But we didn't find anyone. I think he must have escaped" Drake told his guards.They nodded their heads in agreement."Come" Drake took Nyra's hand and lead her out of the temple.No one but the priest heard the fairy goddess's words."Another story is unfolding elsewhere. Soon, they will meet each other. Very soon" she whispered softly.The priests didn't understand what she meant. But they understood something big is going on, which neither of them could see.In the carriage back to the palace, Drake is distracted, so is Nyra.Something about what the goddess told is repeating in her mind.'Three different people, who have gifted the powers of the Relic, and two of them woul
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