All Chapters of The dragons unidentified Mate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
263 Chapters
Drake looked at hundred of his winter warriors with pride."I know I could count on you. We need to save the summer realm. I need you to cover your body from head to toe in your armor. Don't get bitten by the victims. That would make you permanently into a mind-dead being. I want all of you safe. Protect yourself and protect the summer fae. Step aside, if some any one of you have the ability to illusion" Drake said.Immediately, 12 guards stepped aside from the formation.Drake nodded."Good, create an illusion of a wall around the villages that are not affected. The illusion seems to work on the" Drake instructed the 12."Yes, your highness" they understand what Drake is trying to tell them."Now step aside, if anyone if you can shift," Drake said.Immediately 9 guards stepped aside."Good, if you find that anyone is being surrounded by the victims, let it be your fellow winter warrior or most importantly, the innocent summer fae. Shi
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Ice blue fire
'What do you want from me princess' the core, which looked like ice blue colored fire, asked her.Nyra is thrilled when the core started talking to her. But curing this guy is important to save a realm. So kept her excitement under wraps for then.'I want you to help me cure this man in front of me' Nyra asked the fairy fire.'With pleasure princess. But you would be exhausted after this. As this is your first attempt to cure someone else, your physical energy would drain, leaving you exhausted the fire warned Nyra.'I will be fine. The lives of so many people are on the line here. Please help me heal this man' Nyra asked the fairy fire.'As you wish princess. But warning you is my responsibility ' the fire said.'Thank you for that, but I need your help now' Nyra urged.'Ok, let's start Unknown to Nyra, as she was closing her eyes, her palms started to glow with ice blue colored fire. The fire started to travel towards Dhari and
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The plant
Dhari shifted Drake and Mason onto the mountains, where the plant is usually found.They looked around their dark surroundings.Both Drake and Mason can see with their excellent eyesight. But Dhari has to work with his expertise.He visits these mountains often, so he knows where to find what."Now I understood why you need my help. It's dark and detecting that plant would be a challenge" Dhari understood.Drake and Mason can see better than Dhari, but it's dark and they can only see a little better than the others.They never saw the plant by themselves, so they would have struggled to identify it on their own. That's why Drake wanted Dhari's help. As he already saw the plant and has the experience of handling it several times, it would be easy for him and time-saving."Hmm" Drake agreed to Dhari's assessment.He then started searching for the plant, by touching other big trees. As it is a creeper, it generally snakes itself and suppo
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Finally cured
They sprinkled the water in every village that was affected and then into the villages where the victims invaded and tried to bite the healthy individuals.The process lasted till the afternoon of the following day, leaving everyone exhausted. Soon after the cure was sprinkled, the victims fell unconscious and the visible reduction and disappearance of red spots can be seen.They woke up 2 hours later, without knowing what happened last night. Only the people of the first village, where everything started know exactly what happened.  They started speaking among themselves and soon everyone came to know what happened.The people from the healthy villages, who saw the victims trying to kill them, spread the news of what happened after they became the victims of the fog and how the winter warriors and their king helped the summer king to protect the healthy individuals and save the infected villagers spread like wildfire.After helping the villa
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Nyra was pacing the courtyard anxiously for Drake. When he finally returned, she became relieved."Oh my God Drake" she rushed to check if he is alright.Drake gave her a tired smile. "I am fine. How are you?" he asked her, indicating that she fainted last night."I am fine. But I was worried about you" she confessed.Drake smiled softly at her."I am fine. You can relax now" he assured her.Nyra nodded her head with relief.Drake turned towards the winter warriors, who helped to get the summer Fae back to health from the effects of that fog."I am glad every one of you returned back without being injured. You should eat and you should relax now. You did well last night warriors. I am really proud of you" Drake praised his warriors.They all applauded loudly."Long live our king, Drake""Long live our king"They praised Drake.Soon they parted ways and Drake decided t
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Sour memories
Cedric was shocked with Alvin's confession."What do you mean by he tried to kill you?" he asked in shock.Alvin and Alpine exchanged glances.They cannot tell the entire truth. It's still forbidden to go to the human world. So they know they should avoid telling the entire truth here.The fact that Koni made them agree to go to the human world in itself is shameful. As the royal's, they cannot get carried away by anyone.But Alvin and Alpine were both young. Their father just passed away, leaving the throne under the care of the brother's.They appointed Koni as their royal advisor, as his father was their fathers advisor. Instead of giving good advises, Koni began to mislead them, since the very beginning.And they trusted him blindly. When Koni explained about the dragon Relic and its limitless power, they became greedy and decided to go find it in the human world.They hid in the ayur forest, well away from the human an
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A heavy silence hung in the air, after Alvin's confession. The three royals were lost in their own thoughts.Alvin and Alpine were reliving their bad memories, so does Cedric. No one shares good memories regarding Koni."He is dangerous" Cedric commented."He is" Alvin agreed."He should be captured and hung down to his death. As soon as my brother brought Nyra home, he even tried to kill her" Alpine fired angrily.Among the three, Alpine is the one who is feeling bitter. He trusted Koni too much and even considered him as his friend. But Visibly, Koni just used him for his personal gains. He remembered so many times when he caught Koni doing something strange. But everytime he covered it up with an exuse. As Alpine trusted him too much, he didn't question Koni's motiv.The betray stung and it hurts. It took Alpine 2 days to digest everything Drake told him. But Alvin is thinking something else. His mind is on something els
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Past return
Nyra, who was listening to everything was speechless too. She is confused as to what all this is. Dillon's father is talking about some prophesy and some powers. She doesn't understand that part completely.But what she did understand is that there is some powerful Relic, whose power was distributed to three people. And those three people have dragons as their protectors.When Nyra heard the word Dragon, she felt like, something at the back of her mind is trying to come out.'Drake' she heard that her voice is calling for Drake.'Douglas' she heard herself call a man named Douglas as well.'I usually mind my own business 'Mind your business? As far as I remember, you are paid to mind my business''Why are you sleeping beside me?' 'If I didn't, then you would have become an ice cube fresh out of the freezer 'I have a mate' 'I thought you are running away from your mate''Barabara? Why
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'You cannot judge him for his actions, because you are the one who confused him' Nyra remembered the conversation she always had about her mate with Drake.She was bitter and the fact that she still cares for him is a bitter pill to swallow. That's why whenever Drake asked about her mate she used to snap and give some negative remarks.How would she know that he is asking because he himself is her mate? 'It's a mess' she confessed.'It is the fairy fire agreed.But one thing the fairy fire said is true.If he didn't love her, then he wouldn't have come all the way from the human World to the fairy, searching for her.Nyra looked at Drake and a small gentle smile tugged at her lips.'I love you so much, Drake. I don't regret any moment spent along with you. I am lucky to have you like mine' she thought.She now remembers her being his maid in the human world.He used to live like a king there. But for her,
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Their time together
Drake and Nyra are lying on the bed, sweaty and naked. They both are breathing heavily. She is lying on top of him and he is holding her tightly to him.They both have a satisfied look on their faces.Slowly when their breathing came to normal, Drake realized he lost control over Drakos. He is worried that his dragon must have hurt Nyra."Are you alright? I didn't hurt you didn't I?" Drake asked with a concerned voice.Nyra smiled shyly at his words. "No, I am fine. You didn't hurt me" she whispered.Drake smiled with relief knowing that she is fine.But the fact which Nyra didn't tell him is that she is sore all over. But this soreness is giving tingles all over her skin.When she remembers everything they did just now, she is becoming wet again.Now that she knows he is a dragon, she knows he could smell her arousal. So she is trying hard not to think about her core which is right over his gradually hardening member.
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