All Chapters of The dragons unidentified Mate: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
263 Chapters
The chef ignored the vessel on the floor and rushed towards the princess."Princess, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you? Is there anything wrong with the dishes served to you?" the chef asked politely.Nyra smiled at him."No, no, there is nothing wrong with your dishes. They are all perfect. I came to prepare some coffee" Nyra explained.The chef became confused.'A princess preparing her own coffee? It's unheard of. I never heard a princess preparing her coffee, let alone see one he thought."Princess, why do you trouble yourself? I will prepare your coffee. Please sit and relax" he offered.Nyra shook her head."No, I want to prepare it myself. Can you please show me where the coffee machine is?" Nyra asked politely.The chef cannot refuse her. So he led her to the coffee machine."Here it is" he showed her.The fae got used to so many inventions from the human world and this machine is one of them. Th
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After they are done drinking and eating, Drake and Dillon decided to go to the summer realm to survey the situation there."I will be back in a couple of hours" Drake whispered to Nyra, to which she nodded her head.Dale and Mason were just walking inside the dining room when they saw Drake and Dillon. They walked directly towards them.They too look tired, but not as bad as Dillon. They must have slept for a couple of hours."Hey Drake""Your highness" they both greeted Drake and politely nodded to Nyra."What happened to you?" Mason asked Dillon, eying him up and down.Drake's lips twitched at that question."Our Dillon here couldn't sleep at all" Drake supplied helpfully.Dillon glared at Drake, who look too happy at his miseryMason and dale chuckled."Why couldn't he sleep," Mason asked eagerly."Why are you so eager to find that out?" Dillon muttered."Man, if it's about you, then it's bound to be fu
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Fan fare
After Drake understood the importance of that vow, he understood Dhari tied himself with the winter realm instead of his clan. So he knows he would stay true to his words and protect Nyra and the throne no matter what."Dhari" Drake called loudly, much to the surprise of Dale, Dillon, Nyra, and Mason. Dale was about to tell Drake that he is not here, but suddenly Dhari appears in front of Drake.Everyone were surprised to see that. They don't know how Draka guessed that Dhari would appear if they call him. "What can I do your highness?" Dhari asked with a bow of his head."I am going to the summer realm. Protect Nyra until I could come back" Drake ordered Dhari."Ok, your highness" Dhari agreed politely.Drake nodded his head with satisfaction and gave one last look to Nyra and Shifted to the summer palace.The scene which they entered in to shocked them all."I can't believe I was about to bite my husband" Dillon's m
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Dragons misplaced mate
Hello guys,Thank you so much for reading my book 'Dragons unidentified Mate'. I now began to write another story about the second couple who were given the powers of the Relic. Hope you enjoy Blaze and Bella's story as much as you enjoy Drake and Nyra's.Blaze is the king of a sect of Dragons called the black Dragons. There is a third realm in fairy called the dark realm, which is dominated by Black dragons.Isabella is a human girl, who was kidnapped to replace her look alike Arabella. Isabella is confused and before she could understand where she is and what's happening, she is being claimed by Blaze.
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A huge crowd was formed in front of the summer palace. They wanted to know what happened to them last night and will it happen again.As a king, Dillon must assure them that it won't happen again. Whatever happened was because they were not expecting anyone to actually do such kind of a thing. Lack of knowledge on these kinds of things is one of the reasons behind it all. Now that they know about these mists, they would be more careful in the future to stop them from repeating again.Drake and the others came to assure the people of the summer realm, that if they are in trouble, no matter who they, summer fae or the winter fae, they will all become one to fight against the evil and protect them all.Dillon came out of the palace along with Drake and the others."Summer fae, your king is here to address you all now" Someone announced, and the people looked expectantly over to Dillon."Hello, you must all be worried about whatever happened las
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First chosen protector
"Come with me" Cedric led Drake, Dillon, and others inside his study. His study is situated on the main floor and is filled with different books on all the walls. There is a rectangular shaped table in the middle, with chairs around it to sit on them."Please sit down," Cedric said.They all sat down around the table and Cedric showed them the image of the Dragon Relic. He then showed them the hourglass, which to his surprise is moving."The second protector is together with his other half" he announced, making Drake frown with confusion.All these days, he was hoping that it should be false and he is not a part of any prophecy. But the look on Cedric's face is showing something else."What?" Mason asked with a frown. He eyed his best friend with a confused look.'What is he talking about?' Mason asked Drake through their mind link.'Something I prayed that shouldn't be true' Drake muttered.Cedric misunderstood Ma
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"Forget about being his friend, he will never accept me as his king" Drake declared as a matter of fact.Dillon and Cedric looked at Dale, who is still in shock. They shook their heads in disappointment.Mason on the other hand understood why Drake was always against the idea of being their king.He know this is what would happen. He know Fae people would never accept them as one of them, if they finds out.Just like Dale, who was with them since they stepped foot on the Fairy soil. But after finding out that Drake is not a human but a dragon, he paled and became speechless."I don't know what to say to this. But it was clearly written that both the protectors and their mate's would belong to both the world's. Not just to one world. They are to protect both Dragon and human interests" Cedric mumbled absently.Dillon looked at his father with a frown.He is not sure that would happen. They cannot forever hide that Drake is a dragon. If it com
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Drake couldn't believe what he just heard. 'Dale is accepting me as his king even after knowing that I am a Dragon?' he thought with shock."Dale?" Dillon said with a shocked look.Dale just smiled at Dillon's shocked expression."Yes, whichever race he belongs to, his highness is my king. It's not his race that is important, it's him. He is a very selfless person. He always considers others' safety before his. He readily helps whoever needs help. He is a very great man" Dale praised Drake.Mason looked at Drake for his reaction.He never considered staying in the fairy forever. They just came to take Nyra back with them. But everything began to change after they came here. Nyra forgot everything and they had to extend their stay until she could remember her past. Then someone constantly tried to kill her. And king Alvin was injured in the process, forcing Drake to step in and become a temporary king.Mason does
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A new plan
George shifted inside Christopher's house. He stood over Christopher's sleeping form and looked at the wolf, who is sleeping peacefully.'Not for long. You will feel as if your dreams would be coming true, but then again, they won't. Because that's how we work. We use people until we can, and kill them after we are done with them' George thought with a smirk."Wake up" George nudged Christopher.The latter groaned sleepily but didn't wake up.George rolled his eyes and kicked Christopher, who fell off the bed with a thud and groaned loudly with pain."Ouch, what the hell?" he cursed sleepily with confusion.That's when his eyes fell on a smirking George.He stood up from the ground hastily in shock and fear."Who are you? How did you come inside my house?" he demanded George."It's not important how I came inside. What's important is, what I can do for you" George said lazily.Christopher is now confused.H
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After listening to George, Christopher became hopeful and excited. 'So it is possible to drive him away from Nyra. That means she is all mine now. Once that dragon is out of the way, there is nothing that would stop me from claiming Nyra' he thought happily."So we are going to complain about him to dragon elders? Then they would kill him won't they?" Christopher asked like an idiot.George gritted his teeth, looking at the idiot in front of him."It's not that easy. He is not a normal dragon. He is Drake Hamilton, the most powerful orange dragon ever born. No one can kill him just like that. Not even the dragon elders. Even if we complain, he has a valid reason to be there in the fairy world. So not even the dragon elders could punish him for that" George pointed out.'He cannot believe how stupid and naive Christopher is. He is been living in the human world since he is born, but he doesn't know how the dragon system works. Drake is on the top o
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