All Chapters of The dragons unidentified Mate: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
263 Chapters
Nyra looked at her father sadly.Alvin too detected the sadness in his daughter's eyes."Nyra? What happened? You look sad. Did something happen?" Alvin asked his daughter with concern.Nyra told him everything the fairy goddess has told him. "He said he will go away once his work is done. I am scared that he would leave me too" Nyra confessed.Alvin and Avery shared worried looks."He will never leave you Nyra. You don't have to worry about that" Alvin assured her.Nyra furrowed her brows with confusion. Her father sounded very sure of himself. "You look very sure of the fact that he will not leave me. Why is that father?" Nyra asked Alvin.Alvin decided to tell her the truth. He did everything to protect her. But now that she is not happy, it's useless to keep everything from her any longer.Now, the truth is what will make her happy, he decided to tell her everything."Because he came here for you my da
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Drake, Mason, and Dillon decided to go and ask Dhari, about the paralysis that Dillon's father is suffering from and its cure."Do you think he will know how to cure my father?" Dillon expressed his doubts."If your suspicion is true, then Koni is the one who is responsible for your father's paralysis. Dhari and Koni seem to be acquaintances. If so, then it's possible that Dhari might know the reason behind your father's Paralysis and it's a cure" Drake explained his guess.Dillon and Mason nodded their agreement.Drake is desperate. If what the fairy goddess said is true, then he and Nyra are a part of a prophecy. Which they know nothing about. Two more couples were gifted with the power of the relic.One, who was gifted, and the other, who is the protector of the gifted.He wants to know about that Prophecy and find a way to break it and go away from the fairy. He came for Nyra, and he would take her away with him.Drake doesn't want to le
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'A King cannot be a king without the people fully accepting him' Dhari's mind kept repeating those words again and again.'He is right. If the Fae in the winter Realm doesn't accept him, then he cannot be a king. The Fae accepting a dragon is not possible. But, he wouldn't be the one among the three chosen protectors, if he is not capable to make the people around here love him' Dhari thought.He himself is impressed with the way Drake calmly explained about the possibilities of him being a Winter King to Dillon. He is being practical and is not getting carried away by the hype surrounding him. He is planning to go away before things started to become ugly.Dhari looked at Drake, with new eyes. The eyes are not filled with just fear but also respect for him.'If you could earn the same respect among the people of this realm, then it will be hard for them to hate you ' Dhari thought."You protected me from death when you don't have to. You he
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Initiation of a plague
"You ba*tard" Dillon made his presence shown.The guard who was not expecting anyone was startled by the sudden appearance of their king, who was supposed to be still in the winter realm.The guard made a run out of Cedric's room to escape from Dillon, who chased after him.They ran out of the Royal wing and towards the outside of the summer palace.When the other guards saw their king running after a summer guard, they were confused. But the look on Dillon's face is showing them that something is wrong. So as dutiful and loyal guards of the summer realm, they decided to help their king in catching that guard.Just within a few minutes, the culprit is chased by a dozen summer guards and Dillon. The culprit ran out of the palace easily, with his guard uniform, and into the middle of the village, where innocent people are milling about, and children are playing. Dillon made a few guards run from another direction, in that way, the
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Fast spreading
Nyra sighed at his words. He is right. They cannot do anything about it now. Everything will be known in time, she decided.She turned around to face Drake and pulled him to a kiss. Drake responded immediately and kissed her back. He kissed her with passion and love. Their tongues danced together with love.Soon their clothes touched the floor and Nyra is screaming with pleasure, and Drake lifted his mouth from between his legs.Nyra smiled sultrily and took his hardened member into her mouth.Drake groaned with pleasure and guided her moments, with a soft grip over her hair.His moments became jerky and he came with her name on his lips. Thick ropes of his come spread all over her breasts and down her stomach.He kissed her soundly on her lips and carried her towards the bathroom. They bathed and changed into their nightwear. They lay down on the bed under the covers peacefully.Near the palace gates, the summer far,
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The guard is shocked to see the summer fae lying unconsciously on the ground. No one is moving. The once chaotic village is now dead silent. Not a single soul is moving. There is no residential red fog anywhere around. As if it disappeared through the wind with great speed, leaving behind these unconscious people."What the hell" Drake muttered with shock."What happened here?" Mason muttered with confusion.The summer guard saw the red fog moving along with the wind and making the people sick in the process."King Dillon was chasing after a fellow summer guard. None of us understand why at first. But as he is our king, we thought it is our responsibility to help him with catching that guard. We later found out that he is the one who is making our old king Cedric paralyzed with some kind of drug. We chased him out of the palace to this village. We surrounded him. So to escape and make us suffer, he removed a vile and let it fall on the ground. But
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You came
"You came," Dillon said with surprise.Drake looked at his drawn and worried face."Of course I came. I can't leave you alone when you are in trouble. Can I?" Drake said and offered his palm for Dillon to take.Dillon took the offered hand and got himself up from the ground."It took more than a quarter of the summer fae with it," Dillon said, regarding the fog.Dillon is thinking that everyone in those villages is dead. He just assumed the fog is killing them. He didn't have time to stop and check their pulses. He was more worried about protecting them, rather than checking their pulses."It didn't. They are all still alive. Just sick because of whatever was there in that vile. We need to find a cure to make them better" Drake assured Dillon.When Dillon heard those words, he became hopeful."You checked their pulses?" Dillon asked.The fae and the humans almost have the same internal body functioning. They adapted differently t
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Red fog
"Don't tell me it's one of Koni's works" Dhari muttered.Mason snorted."It is" he confirmed.Dhari shook his head with disapproval."He is becoming too bold and ruthless these days," Dhari said mostly to himself.Mason and Dale looked at Dhari skeptically."Do you know anything about this red fog thing?" Mason asked.Dhari nodded his head."I know. But there would be different blends in this drug. The main drug used in these blends is the same. But the assisting drugs that are used with the main drug, would increase the potency and severity of the infection. By your words, I understood that the drug spread wildly through the wind. That means, it looks more potent. But I need to check the liquid or at least the vile that stored the liquid to suggest the antidote" Dhari said.Mason hesitated to give the broken pieces of the vile, that Drake collected to Dhari."This seems to affect all the Fae. This might affect you as well.
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Drake and Dillon were slowly walking back towards the palace, searching for anyone who must have been lucky enough to escape the fog. But till now, they found no one."I don't think there is anyone who is lucky enough to escape" Dillon mumbled, examining a Fae man, who is lying with his face facing up and eyes wide open.Drake snorted."I am walking with the lucky one who managed to escape the fog," he said indicating Dillon.Dillon smiled at his words, despite the situation."What kind of disease is this? Have you seen anything like this ever before?" Drake asked Dillon. Dillon shook his head.He never saw anything like this before. It's different and new."No, I never saw something like this before. It's new and confusing" Dillon murmured.Drake and Dillon simultaneously noticed everyone opening their eyes slowly."They are waking up," Drake said loudly."Yes, they are opening their eyes" Dillon agreed.
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Plan of action
Dillon looked like he wanted to cry any moment now."I don't want to become their snack," Dillon said in horror."What are these things?" Dillon's father asked in confusion."Dillon, create an illusion of a wall around us," Drake said hurriedly.It's chaos with everyone talking at once, and the noise of the victims coming for them.No one has time to answer the others. So Drake said one thing that would save them all.Dillon did exactly as Drake asked him to do.He erected a wall all around them.Now they stand in between an illusion of four walls, and the confused victims surrounding them from all sides.They can look past the illusion. But the victims cannot. They can feel the victim's angry breath on their faces.Drake looked at Cedric."Do you know how to shift?" he asked him.Cedric shook his head."No, it is an ability which would be granted only as long I am the summer king and wear that crown. It n
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