All Chapters of Accidentally Yours: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
282 Chapters
Chapter 151
“Shall we?” Cole asks, holding his arm out to me with a charming smile. I slide my arm into his, and he leads me out of the apartment, down to the black limo waiting for us. The driver opens the door, and Cole helps me before he walks around getting in from the other side.He hands me a glass of champagne, and I take it. Our fingers brush, and I feel my insides go all gooey. “Thank you.” I utter, and we clink our glasses before we take a sip. Our eyes meet over the rim of our glasses, and I feel myself blush again. What the hell is wrong with me. I’m a grown arse woman. God damn it. Pull yourself together, Shayla. Fucking hell. It’s an arrangement. It’s just a game. It’s not real.Cole tells me about the ball we were attending. It was to support and raise money for a Children's hospital for kids who suffer from rare diseases. Cole was the primary benefactor, and they were going to name the wing after his family's name. That made my heart swell fondly. I love that he gi
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The Sequel: Love Me Again?
Dear reader,Thank you so much for purchasing and taking the time to read my book, ‘The Accidental Wife’ I truly hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I did writing it. If you loved this story and you want to know more about Shayla and Coles journey, be sure to check out the sequel, Love me Again.Shayla and Cole finally get married, and with the exciting news of a baby on the way, the happy couple couldn't be more ecstatic. However, as they blissfully await the arrival of their firstborn child, life throws another curve ball their way. They're forced to face the ultimate challenge when Cole has a tragic accident, and the last four years gets wiped from his memory. Will Shayla be able to make him remember the love he once had for her? Will they survive this test, or will their great love crash and burn?Thank you again for your support.Love always,Shayla Hart x
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Chapter 152
"Happy birthday!"I look up from my desk and see Shayla standing in the doorway to my home office--naked, a cupcake with a candle in her hand, looking all kinds of sumptuous. I grin and lean back in my chair and admire my wife. Four months pregnant with my baby, and she's absolutely glowing, literally the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on. She's got a cute baby bump where she's finally starting to show. "Lord, have mercy. Show me a more desirable birthday gift than you, baby. Get your sexy bum over here, Mrs Hoult." I tell her, and she smiles and saunters over to me."Make a wish, baby." She expresses, holding out the cupcake with the candle to me. I lift my gaze to hers over the flame and smile."Honey, what more can I possibly wish for? I have you. We have a baby on the way and all the success I can ever dream of." I tell her, and she smiles amorously and bites her lip."You forgot the most important thing—health. You can wish for health,
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Chapter 153
"Well, first, I'm going to make love to you." She whispers, running her hands over my chest. I groan and watch her excitedly. "And then..." She kisses my jaw softly. "We're going to have breakfast with your parents." She smiles and trails her lips along my jaw. "After that, I'm going to kidnap you, and we're going on a little trip to Amsterdam with Aimee, Jo, Josh, and Sam."I laugh and kiss her temple. "Boy, I've not been to Dam in an awfully long time. Last time Josh and I went, we got so baked we ended up on the blue light district." I tell her, and Shayla's eyes go wide, and she laughs."No!"I laugh, nodding, "Luckily, I realized, and I stopped Josh before he did something he would have needed a shit load of therapy for later." Shayla throws her head back and laughs hysterically."Well, as bummed as I am that I can't get 'baked' with you guys, I'll be sure to keep you all away from the blue light district." She promises, and I chuckle, shaking my hea
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Chapter 154
"Oh, hell yes," I moan as I pick up my caramel latte from the coffee machine. I bring the cup of delicious coffee to my lips, just as I'm about to take a sip, it gets taken out of my hand, "Hey, I was about to drink that," I complain and lift my gaze to my sexy husband who was scowling at me."No caffeine while you are pregnant." He scolds me, and I sulk, looking at him."But--""Ah!" Cole cuts me off, holding up a finger, silencing me. "Herbal tea," He smiles, handing me a hot mug of steaming crap. I glance down at the tea and back at him."What the hell is this?" I question, wrinkling my nose, and Cole smirks."Decaffeinated tea. It's camomile. It's relaxing." He informs me, and I stare at him blankly."Honey, if I wanted to relax, I would have stayed in bed. I got the coffee because I need to wake up." I argue, and Cole shrugs while he sips my latte and moans in delight."Mm, this is so good." I watch him, not amused in the slighte
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Chapter 155
I scowl up at him. Eyes narrowed, "Is that why you keep feeding me?" I ask, affronted, and Cole shrugs sheepishly.The midwife laughs out loud. "You two are adorable. It's completely normal for her to get emotional from time to time as her body is currently going through many changes every day. You've got one job, daddy, keep mummy happy, so baby is happy."Cole sighs and smiles at me. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep my girls happy." He whispers, brushing a kiss on my lips and wiping away my tears of joy. The midwife gives us a video of the ultrasound and a couple of photos to take with us."Have you thought about any names?" Cole inquires as we get into the car. I shrug, pulling my seatbelt on."I have a couple of ideas. What about you?"Cole nods, grinning as he backs up out of the parking spot. "A couple.""Let's hear it then.""Well, I like the name, Sienna.""Sienna Hoult." I nod, grinning but frown suddenly. "Wait, is that
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Chapter 156
I close the door and lean against it with a heavy sigh. I look down at my stomach and press my hand against my baby bump. "Looks like it's just the two of us for a couple of days, baby girl." I sigh sullenly and smile when I feel her kick. I couldn't sleep the first night without Cole next to me. I missed him terribly, so I hugged his pillow and waited for him to call me. It was a nine-hour flight to Miami—he should have landed by now. It was past three in the morning in London. I jump when I hear my phone ring and answer it in a flurry. "Cole?""Hi baby." I sigh when I hear his voice. "I just got to the hotel. Please tell me you didn't stay up all night waiting.""I couldn't sleep without you," I tell him, and I hear him sigh on the other end. "I got worried when you didn't call.""I'm sorry, sweetheart, I wanted to call you as soon as I landed, but my phone signal is playing up over here." He explains, shuffling around. "You should get some sleep, honey."
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Chapter 157
"Noooo!" I scream, and Josh caught me as my legs give out as if someone just yanked the floor out from under me. Josh cradles me in his arms, and we both hit the floor. Aimee and Jo come running over to us. I keep screaming Cole's name over and over again.Cole wasn't gone. He wasn't.He promised me…he said he was coming back home. Cole wouldn't lie to me. "Josh…Josh, he wouldn't leave me, he wouldn't! Please say he's not gone. Please, tell me he's coming back. TELL ME!" I scream at him, sobbing, pushing at his chest. Josh cries, shaking his head."I wish I could, Shayla." He whispers, and I weep into his chest as he rocks me. Aimee and Jo both come closer, and they all hold me while I weep. Josh's phone rings and he reaches down to answer it. "What?" He snaps angrily at whoever it was on the other end.Josh looks down at me, sobbing in his arms. "Where? Okay....okay. Thanks." He heaves a sigh and nods before hanging up. "Shayla, hey, hey, they found him.
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Chapter 158
Hours went by with no word from anyone. My mother and brother came too as soon as Jo called him. Josh was pacing up and down the corridor anxiously while Sam leaned against the wall staring at the floor. My mother was comforting my mother-in-law, and I just sat there staring at my hands. "Shayla, let's go wash your hands and splash some water in your face," Jo suggests, and I shake my head numbly."Can we get you anything?" Aimee offers, and I sigh, closing my eyes. An endless stream of tears just kept rolling down my face."No." I untangle myself from the girls and stand up. My bladder was so full it was starting to hurt."Shayla, where are you going?" My mother questions and I tell her I have to use the bathroom, and she gestures to the girls to follow me. I stop outside the toilet and turn to face Aimee and Jo."Girls, give me a minute. Please?" I plead, and they nod in response. I needed to be alone for a bit. I walk into the bathroom and stroll into
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Chapter 159
"He's so broken," I whisper, tears of despair rolling down my face. "He doesn't...he doesn't look like... Cole." I look into Josh's blue eyes and sob. "He doesn't look like Cole!""Hey, listen to me." He lifts my gaze to him when I hang my head. "What did Cole hate more than anything when it came to you?""To see me cry," I whisper, and Josh nods."Exactly, so you're going to pull yourself together for him and your baby. Do you hear me? Because when he wakes up and sees the state of you, he's going to beat the shit out of me for not looking after you." I close my eyes and shake my head with a heavy sigh. "Let's go get you some air and something to drink. All right?""I'm not leaving him." I refuse, shaking my head. "I promised him I'll wait out here, and I am till he wakes up.""Shayla, Josh's right. Get some air. It will do you some good, Sis. We're all here, don't worry." Sam assures me. I look at Josh and the girls, who nod in response.I sig
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