All Chapters of When the bully falls in love : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
152 Chapters
Twenty-OneNo matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t figure out why he would throw me out on a rainy night. Why would any father do that? I probably don’t know, because I’ve never been a father or mother and all kids suck, that I’m sure, not all at least most. And in guess I’m one of the kids who do.The window across the street had some light. The curtains flew open and the owner slid his window to take his head out. Vince. Across the street I could see him looking at me keenly, with a glare that I’m sure reeked anger, death and pure hatred. Whatever he hated in me, I wasn’t sure. He would probably be good for a boyfriend in such cold weather. Perhaps my prince charming to be sent down at such times of need to come and rescue me from everything. Kiss me in the rain, hug me like I did matter, breathe hot air on my neck. Love was only a big theory in my world. A theory that I hoped would be practical.The wind blew drops of rain towards me and I snapped back to oblivion to find that I
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Twenty-twoThe main door flew open and a few minutes passed before a careful image of Sandra trying to wear high heeled shoes came into view. Where was she going. It had stopped raining except for a few drops. I was now shivering like a stray cat with my lips dancing crazily.She walked down the stairs carefully trying not to make noise. The headlights of a car beamed and indicated once before going off. Her face brightened up a little before she hurried off, climbed the front seat, then they drove off.So, she had been sneaking out, it seemed this wasn’t the first time. But that wasn’t my business. Even if the whole family took a vacation to another country, and I had all the freedom laying carelessly in my hands, I wouldn’t have anywhere to go. Nowhere to go for a sleep over or a boyfriend to sneak around and do erotic scenes with.I was a hopeless romantic.I moved to the door and found it unlocked. Was she all over sudden doing me a favor? Or the angels confused and barred her rea
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The sound of my alarm woke me up with a jolt. I stretched my hand, picked it up and smashed it on the wall. I hated the sound of alarms but God knew if I didn’t set one, I could sleep for a century.The moment I tried to lift my head up, a sharp pain shot through my downside making me maintain my original position. I had a headache and severe stomach ache. This could probably cramp or menstrual pain. The one we had been told about more than a hundred times in school.Take pain killers, drink enough warm water, rest, eat fruits and exercise if possible. Do anything to boost your mood. That was the original drill. I covered my head with the sheets hoping the headache and pain would go away but they persisted and even got worse.I got up slowly trying o nurse my stomach ache and notice red stains all over the bedsheets.A good part of the beddings was full of blood and I didn’t even want to look at them. I didn’t want to be a girl anymore. My nightdress was also stained with dark red and
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Twenty-fourHell was here on earth and it was standing right next to me. The apocalypse had even begun.I covered my head with the duvet, trying to figure out what the problem was. Trying to find out why I’m always the problem, always in a problem or always causing problems. Whatever was happening today was way out of my league. What audacity did my best enemies possess and have enough to pose as my friends, did they miss me that bad? Wasn’t their any kid that they could bully in school today?Maybe this was all a dream and if I just counted one to ten everything would come back to normal, I would wake up and realize it was some bad dream, smile, go downstairs for breakfast and head to the terrible school.I breathed in and out again with my eyes closed tightly, hoping it was all some magic and fantasies created by my head. After counting, I pulled the duvet down again and looked around. Everything was the same. The same wicked faces that taunted me every day were lined up in my room,
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The signboard written Maslow High School always gave me the kind of bad butterflies that can make you pee on your pants. It wasn’t just a signboard to me. It signified entry into a warzone with the bullies, signified the beginning of my misery and doom.It marked the end of my problems at home and ushered me into bigger realer ones. Another Monday, another new day, a fresh week to wake up and suffer.‘‘Go hard or go home,’’ that was a signboard that appeared in many gym halls, including the one in our school. I fi went home it wasn’t better, if I stayed in school, it was worse, there was no middle, it was just awful and bad all over.‘‘Remember you bragged about moving to another planet, you even hit his brother,’’ my subconscious mind screamed at me. I was going to get killed, literally murdered by the bullies today.If one of the young boys I had pushed on the Road was his sibling, then he was planning something big, grand and memorable for payback.I was as walking dead corpse, at
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I used to love school, you know, it used to be my sanctuary and safe place.I used to run to the school bus happily with my pigtail’s hair floating freely in the air. It was all pure magic and fun. Not anymore, its different, the air smells different, sometimes it even smells like death, danger always lurking in the air.Sometimes I missed having someone who I could love, someone who could just look at me like I matter. Anything that wanted to grow old with me even if it was just a mere flower.But it was useless missing something that you have never had. Something thatI continued spiting in the skin as I tried to rinse my mouth. The smell of soap kept on lingering even after rinsing it with water more than ten times. I blew some vapor in my hand and tried to smell it, to confirm if I had bad breath like rotten meat.I was standing inside the ladies’ washrooms, in front of the sink, facing the mirror. My eyes were tightly closed as I did everything. I couldn’t stand looking at me at
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27I stood still utterly dumbfounded by the new plot twist. Was this real, I couldn’t kiss her back. She stole my first kiss, not that I was mad. This was the biggest favor that anyone had ever done to me in the planet.Her breath was fresh, full of some substance that I didn’t know about. If this is what Vince meant when he said fresh breath then I was way below their line and grade cleanliness. This was the highest form of love that I have ever received in person, after watching Vince and his pretty girls do it every day.She pulled back and I looked sideways, too embarrassed, with my face flushing bright red, did I even have a face to boast of being bright red. I could feel energy buzzing in my veins everywhere, happiness soaking me inside, and it kept growing bigger and bigger, until I couldn’t handle it anymore and felt like screaming and bursting.I was holding back tears of joy, tears of happiness because this once, someone had done something that showed that I really mattered.
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28I wore my fake smile, the one that I had practiced oner million times in front of bathroom mirrors and at home. It was my armor, my defense to make it through the day.Deep down, I was burning with the desire to be better every day. I tried being someone else too. I just wanted to be a better person, to be a better version of me or someone else.But I guess I had failed miserably. I thought I was flying and soaring up and up, but deep down, I was crashing so hard and fast, pummeling to the ground. I tried not to feel, the pain that was stabbing my chest. It felt like my heart was being sliced by a razor bit by bit.The fact that my own mama had blocked my number. It was the kind of emotional pain that made your stomach ache and wriggle, it made all the sick butterflies fly around in your stomach, to remind you how sick and pathetic you were.God, I still loved my mama despite that. I did, she had always been my hero and superwoman ever since I was born. That would never change desp
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I had failed again, I was a failure. I felt small, pathetic and miserable. Vince always made me feel small, he made me want to stop living. He reminded me of how small and insignificant I was in this universe. “The sight of your big and ugly chubby cheeks, makes me sick,’’ that’s what he had reaffirmed. Used my biggest insecurity to strike his point home. Someone once said that the eyes never lies, no matter what the mouth says, the eye always makes it a point to tell the truth and never lie. I looked up at him and the lights came back to the elevator car before it started moving again. His eyes were full of contempt, hate and a burning rage that he planned to unleash on me without any kind of mercy whatsoever. “Just so you know, it’s only the pretty girls who fall in love and get kissed inside elevators,’’ he commented after realizing I was looking at him. “Who said I wanted to fall in love with a jerk or blockhead like you,’’ I inquired again careful to make my voice sound like
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My legs felt weak, and my vision was foggy. The next thing I knew I was down on the ground. As I tried to get a hold of reality and everything around me, I realized a heavy object was on top of me. I closed my eyes trying to figure out what was happening this round, what was lying on top of me? Was I in some realm again where the unreal and imagination ruled? The throbbing pain on my head was their reminding me that it needed to be acknowledged, that I should enjoy the pain, Enjoy the pain inflicted to me by the bully, the way I deserve. I tried to get up again and pushed the figure shaking on top of me. After some little struggles, the person finally stood up and I realized it was the teacher who had been laying over me. I was on the floor as Vince was struggling to mask his laughter on the sidelines. The man in overall came towards me and offered a hand clearly amused too. It was clear he had been laughing too. ‘‘Sorry, let me help you get up, sorry, are you okay,’’ the man in ove
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