All Chapters of Bloodmoon & Incubi Anthology: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
137 Chapters
The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 5 - Ivan
The Goddess has a very wicked sense of humor. She must to pair me with a Petridis. Not even the elder sister but the youngest. The one the older two and the entire D’Amore family is protective of. The only way this could have gone worse for me is if it was Delilah Fayte behind that mask. Beta Alexander already doesn’t like me, which being his baby sister’s mate, will move me higher up his shit list. To make matters worse, Regina inherited a form of her mother and sister’s gift. So I’m stuck in a sitting position because, from my knees down, my body is granite. I don’t have much choice but to agree to her terms. I still cannot fathom why she chased me down earlier if she knew who I was. I don’t get why she is insistent that I stay. As a member of the Incubi Beta family, she knows EVERYTHING that happened five years ago. And sure, five years ago, she, Delilah, and little Suzie Walterson had fun dancing circles around me at the pack ceremony after the party. However, dancing around me
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 6 - Regina
Does he seriously believe that? That my cousin only let him live for Amelia? That he’s STILL under house arrest? My cousin and I will be having one hell of a conversation later about that. He led Ivan to believe he was being monitored for FIVE years and his movements were restricted. That’s either malice on my cousin’s part or gross incompetence to never have told him that the terms were for TWO YEARS! Even I know that Ivan’s house arrest was for two years. As long as Ivan showed he was a loyal member of Madonie in those two years and held no ill will against André and his position as Alpha, his house arrest would be void. And if André never told him, why wouldn’t Amelia? She should have known his sentence was for two years with good behavior. And while I didn’t spend much time in Madonie in those first two years after the war, I know Ivan never stepped a toe out of line. So somewhere, somehow, someone in the Madonie chain of command fucked up, and I’ll see them pay for it. I can de
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 7 - Ivan
I listed all the reasons being with me would be a bad idea, and she shot down each one like targets at a shooting range. I don’t know what I expected her to do or how I expected her to react to my reasoning. But finding counters to them wasn’t something I’d accounted for. Sure, I at least figured she’d have a counter to the boyfriend thing, but given how the little shit acted on the dance floor, I get the feeling he didn’t get the memo. And that made me angry. If what she said was true and they ended things two years ago when they realized they weren’t mates, he needed to fuck off. And some part of me, okay, mostly Cain, but some part of me wanted to find the fuckwad and break his bones. ‘Embrace the jealousy and desire to protect what is ours.’ Cain laughed smugly. ‘Shut up.’ I grumbled at him as she kept giving counters to all my reasons. Some of her answers seemed more like a joke than her being serious, like talking about how she’s stronger than she looked with a wink. However,
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 8 - Regina
I knew what he was doing. I am not as naive as some people like to think. He changed the subject to his vineyard, so I’d not focus on how he’s been treated. I allowed the subject to change, but it doesn’t mean it is closed. Ivan may have accepted his share of the responsibility for not believing my brother or his sister, but that doesn’t put the ranked wolves in the clear. My brother might be in another country, but he will get an earful about decorum and professionalism. He should know better how to deliver such news; smirking or coming off like he was joking is NOT it. I won’t be as harsh on Amelia. I’m sure she has tried her best. But she is a young mama with responsibilities that keep her from visiting Ivan often. I’m sure she’d love to see more of him. I’m also sure of everyone she knows her brother the best, and I get the feeling that when he digs his heels in on something, you’re more likely to move an actual mountain. However, my cousin does not get a pass. It’s been three y
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 9 - Ivan
If Regina hadn’t been in my lap when that little shit dared to intrude, they’d be scraping him off the wall. And when I considered moving Regina to do just that, Delilah Fayte intervened. I watched in shock and confusion. I’m impressed with how the youngest Fayte turned out. I’ve heard plenty of the might of her older sisters, but I’ve not witnessed any of it. So seeing the soft-spoken Fayte, known as the sweet one taking Valter down with aggressive vines, complete with apple gag, was something. This was proof that you shouldn’t judge someone by what you see. Everyone has a depth you’d never know unless you look closer or provoke them. I froze when she recognized me. I was waiting for disapproval. I did commit unforgivable things during the war, including against Nebrodi. Alpha Tiberius, still weird to call him that, still won’t look at me. I won’t blame him. I was forced to kill the Nebrodi Delta couple to kill Tiberius’ parents. Even in death, I cannot forgive Gastone for killing
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 10 - Regina
I didn’t buy for a second that the couple sincerely apologized. We only got it because of my rank and whom we were related to, which is bullshit. Being a Beta heir, being related to an Alpha, or in Ivan’s case, being related to a Gamma shouldn’t be why someone apologizes. They should apologize because what they did was cruel and unnecessary. But whatever, I’ll let it go. Ivan doesn’t want to hold a grudge about it, so I won’t either. Not like we’ll probably ever see them again. And now everyone at this ball knows what happens if they mess with me or my mate. That will save us trouble. And for those from Sicily, it will quickly get out that we are mates and to keep their mouths shut about my mate. I don’t think his sister was upset or offended that we are mates. I’d have to ask Ivan if she said anything in their link. I doubt she’d be displeased that he found his mate, no matter who she was. While it being me has the drawback of him having to change packs, he won’t be far. I’ve never
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The Quiet Giant's Mate -Chapter 11 - Ivan
I wondered if Amelia told André about her offer for us to take the old alpha suite. I wouldn’t put it past my little sister to do that. It’s also possible that André thought of the option on his own. It’s good that he’s my Alpha, and I can’t lash out at him. He is far too vocal and open with people about sex. Yes, I heard him mention climbing gear as an innuendo to us having sex. I can’t help feeling like it’s going to go wrong. I should feel relieved that Regina said nothing has to happen and that she wants to spend more time with me. I should certainly be happy about the latter. And I am. I want to spend more time with her as well. She will want to be physical, or at least things wate to that, and when it comes time, she will do the same thing Zelma did. Being turned down for sex by Zelma was a minor sting. Her rejecting me didn’t matter. She’s not my mate. Regina turning me down would be a heartbreaker for me. That will be my mate outright telling me we can’t be mates. Sex is part
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 12 - Regina
As happy as I am to know he never had sex with Zelma, I’m still pissed at that bitch. How dare she give him a complex about his size. To make him think no one could or would want or be able to handle him. Just because she’s a weak little bitch doesn’t mean the rest of us are. She wasn’t made to be with him, so it’s for the best that she couldn’t handle him. That doesn’t mean I won’t smack her or at least give her the evil eye if I find myself in Silverclaw visiting Isis. ‘Worry about his ex and the complex she gave him later. Focus on our mate and get him past this obstacle between us and the ride of our lives!’ Gioia encouraged. I know she’s right. We are totally on the same page. Before the sun rises, Ivan will understand that nothing about him could scare me away. I know it will probably take longer to get him past his issues. There is no magical way to erase self-confidence issues. Not even the mate bond has that kind of power. But I will spend every day fighting to shut down
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The Quite Giant's Mate Chapter 13 - Ivan
I didn’t think anything could be sexier or a bigger turn-on than her words and acceptance. I was wrong. Regina Petridis, practically naked, begging me to touch her, is the sexiest thing I’ve seen or heard. I knew if I touched her, I wouldn’t be able to stop. I’d stop if she told me to, but that should be a given. I saw how her legs trembled and decided to take this to the bedroom. I shouldn’t have been surprised to see the master bedroom was redecorated with an over-the-top opulence only Alpha André would dream up. It was very different from what had been in this room before. The massive room felt smaller with the oversized ornate white and gold canopy bed with matching nightstands, dresser, and vanity. The most I can say is that the bed is bigger and would hold up to me being in it and the activity I have in mind. I assume that Alpha André set this whole thing up. It’s the only explanation for all the candles lit up the room and the purple petals on the bed. I’m not sure how I fe
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 14 - Regina
‘My nose itches. I want to itch it so badly.’ A deep voice grumbled in my head. It sounded like they were far away or something. ‘You’ll wake her up.’ An equally deep voice answered. I twitched my nose, trying to place the voices. Neither belonged to Gioia. Was someone in the room? No, they didn’t sound like André or Darren, and if Valter had the nerve to come into the gist suit at the villa after last night, I’d stone him. Last night! As it all clicked, I heard Gioia laugh, and then a masculine laugh joined her. I didn’t go back to André’s villa last night. I went upstairs to the alpha suite with Ivan. The memory of last night hit me in vivid detail. I remembered stripping in the sitting room, him carrying me to the bed, coming twice on his fingers, sucking his dick, riding that monster dick… my pussy pulsed at that memory, and marking each other. I opened my eyes and realized I wasn’t on the mattress. I vaguely remember falling asleep and snuggling against Ivan. So how did I end
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