All Chapters of Bloodmoon & Incubi Anthology: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
137 Chapters
Sicilian Holiday Chapter 1 - Fabulous Holiday
Darren POVIf I have learned anything in a year of being mated to André, it is always to expect the unexpected. Not in the same way I had to be prepared for anything while in the SEALs. My mate is spontaneous and always over the top, or as he would call it, always fabulous. And even more when a holiday is involved. So why am I surprised right now? Probably because it’s three in the morning, and our bedroom has been lit up like the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Because André is kneeling over me, leaning toward the headboard to hang more decorations, his erect penis bobbing in my face wearing only a mistletoe cock ring. Welcome to my life, people. “What are you even doing awake?” I questioned as I turned my head to confirm the time. Yep, three am. Two hours before my alarm would go off and at minimum four before André would wake up. So, his being awake is abnormal. I don’t count when he wakes up in the night horny. I looked back up at him to find him grinning down at me. “It’s
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Sicilian Holiday Chapter 2 - Innocent Holiday
Delilah POVLast year celebrating the holidays was hard. My sisters and I wanted to be happy and enjoy the season. Especially as Crista had been pregnant, but it was the first holiday without Papa and Mama. And even the pending additions of Crista and Alec’s twins could make us forget what was missing. Alec and his family had done their best to try and make the holiday special for us. And we were grateful for it, but it still couldn’t distract us from our loss. This year, things are different. Or a little different, better, as Gwen and Christina have joined the family. While no one could replace our parents and the hole in our hearts their sudden deaths left behind, it is hard not to smile and feel joy when I look at my nieces. This will be their first holiday, and I want it to be perfect. I want them to experience all the Fayte traditions. André wants the same thing as my sisters, to give Gwen and Christina the best first Christmas. As he and Darren will be hosting Christmas this ye
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Sicilian Holiday Chapter 3 - Single Holiday
Persephone POVI CANNOT unsee what I just saw! I was NOT mentally prepared to see Delilah in Alexander’s arms KISSING! I’d gone inside to see if Delilah needed any help. We had plenty of helpers outside, and my drones handled most of the tasks. So I thought maybe they’d help with indoor decorations as some areas have rather high ceilings. They both said it was innocent because of the mistletoe. I want to believe that. I know my sister, so I know she wouldn’t have initiated a kiss. And I could only hope Alexander likes living enough to know better than to mess with my sister. So, I could only take their word on it as I walked back outside. “Was everything okay inside? Did Delilah need help?” Zoe asked when she noticed me.“I…” I frowned, unsure what to tell her. “What happened? You look… well, somewhere between sick and murderous.” Zoe furrowed her brow as she handed a drone controller off to someone else. “That…that is pretty accurate.” I half-heartedly laughed. “So, want to tell
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Sicilian Holiday Chapter 4 - Family Holiday
Alec POVLife after having Gwen and Christina is different. I’m not saying it’s bad, but it’s different. And it should be different, especially when I think back twenty-one years ago when I struggled to cope with Lilian’s death and raising Katrina and André without her. I would probably have drowned in it all if Izzy wasn’t there. Everything this time around is different. For starters, Crista is with me and my mate. So I’m not alone in raising them or coping with grief. And our circle of support is larger. We still have Izzy. To a lesser extent, we had my children to help, but they had packs to run. And then we have Persephone and Delilah living with us.Having her sisters living with us is a catch-22. Delilah is a joy to have in my home and is always eager to help us with the girls. I know she will make an excellent mother when she becomes one. Persephone… well, I don’t doubt she loves her nieces. She is, however, more likely to hand them over if they start to fuss and especially ne
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Sicilian Holiday Chapter 5 - Surprise Holiday
Katrina POVI don’t like keeping secrets from Tiberius. It’s draining. I must be on guard so he doesn’t pick up on my secret. And I don’t just mean through the bond. He’s a werewolf. He’d probably hear the baby’s heartbeat if I weren’t using magic, especially when he goes down on me. It’s not easy to enjoy foreplay and sex, let alone get off when I must focus on keeping him from finding out. I know I could just tell him and save the surprise for my family. But I already had it all planned in my head, and I also don’t want the news to derail him from all the Alpha duties he has to handle during the holiday season, which we have in common. I have double the workload as I have Luna duties related to the holiday on top of my Crone duties. “Is your stomach bothering you, Luna? Or are you hungry?” Ilario asked from the driver’s seat. I hate being a passenger, but it is his truck, and I needed help hauling all this crap to the coven. My brother may have gone overboard helping me get decora
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Intro
The chapters will be for the short story The Quiet Giant's Mate from this point forward. Ivan Furlan: I haven't put much of any thought into finding a mate. I haven't put much thought into any sort of future from the moment I helped Ignazio's coup. I haven't felt worthy of one after what I did. My sister however feels differently. I didn't expect to find my mate at the masked mat ball Madonie was hosting. I certainly didn't expect her to be Regina Petridis behind that mask. Regina Petridis: I was disappointed that Valter wasn't my mate. The Goddess always has a plan. I just have to have faith in it. My siblings have been looking and waiting to find mates for years. So I held little hope as I attended the masked ball my cousin's pack was hosting. I was caught by surprise to find my mate is none other than the quiet giant of Madonie, Ivan Furlan.
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 1 - Ivan
“ZIO IVAN!” Grace’s small fairy-like voice called out. She gleefully raced through the rows of grapevines, having quickly spotted me out in the field. I’m easily spotted unless standing amongst a thick grove of trees. I was born and raised to be a Gamma. Too bad becoming Gamma, no matter how briefly I held the title, came at such a high price. If you’d told me five years ago that I would own my ex’s family winery rather than being the Madonie Gamma, I would say that you were out of your mind. The blood that stains my hands will never wash away. I will always be haunted by the cries of those I’ve killed, their faces caught in terror as I took their lives. Innocent lives were taken by my hand—all in the name of Ignazio, or more so in protecting Amelia from him. And given what he did to my sister, who could blame me for wanting to keep her from him? Even more so to have learned she was meant to be his fated mate. I may not have been thrilled at her taking a chosen mate, but Stephen is
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 2 - Regina
“Stop frowning, Delilah. It’s making it difficult to finish your makeup.” I sighed with the eyeliner held steady in my hand, inches from my best friend’s eye. “I’m sorry, Regina.” Delilah apologized and sat up straighter as she stopped frowning. “It’s just I don’t get the point of me going tonight.” Just as I was about to apply her eyeliner, she started talking and moved her head. I sighed and lowered the eyeliner to avoid stabbing her in the eye. I know how she feels. Not in a sense that I know because I think the same way. But I know how she feels because I’m her friend and she tells me everything. “You’re doing this because my cousin insisted. And he was right to insist.” I said. “But why? What’s the point? I’ve made up my mind, so why try to make me find a mate who wouldn’t change my mind but would cause unnecessary stress.” Delilah frowned. “We all know you’ve made up your mind. And what you are doing for my cousin is amazing and incredibly selfless. But you need to see it f
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 3 - Ivan
I feel ridiculous standing here. I stand out like a sore thumb, not just because I’m two feet taller than the next tallest man in the crowd. No, I stand out because I got put into a no-win situation regarding my attire. I was going to wear my simple black suit I have had for years for formal events. When I arrived at Amelia’s earlier today, I was told it wouldn’t do. I tried to protest that what I wore was more than acceptable for the event. Amelia made it very clear that I didn’t have a choice. She brought me to a guest room where a dark purple suit jacket, waistcoat, slacks, and tie with a black dress shirt hung from the closet door. The suit was custom tailored for me and ordered by Alpha André. So, despite feeling utterly foolish dressed like this, I am wearing the damned suit to avoid getting on our Alpha’s bad side. ‘You’re already going to stand out with your height. Let’s make you also stand out for being the best dressed. Alpha Andre sent this for you, so you are wearing it!
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The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 4 - Regina
If I didn’t have to chase after my mate, I would have turned Valter into a statue. How DARE he interfere in my first meeting with my mate! And to call me precious and pull me away from my mate, I will make him pay later. He will pay big time. Even more, if his stupidity made Ivan decide I wasn’t worth giving a chance. Yes, I said Ivan. I don’t need him to remove the mask to know it’s him. I may have been following the scent of black orchid, jasmine, and rich vanilla when I ran into him, but I knew when I looked up and saw the giant towering over me. I knew in an instant who it must be. Because under the tantalizing aroma of the mate smell was the scent of a Madonie wolf. And there is only one giant in all of Sicily, Ivan Furlan. I haven’t seen him in years. The last time I saw him was when my cousin had his Alpha ceremony here. We danced. Or rather, he stood there like a statue while Delilah, Suzie, and I danced around him like a maypole. I assumed that it was Amelia, or more likel
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