All Chapters of Reclaiming my love- A that supurses time: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
106 Chapters
Chapter 77 - It's done anyway
"I came to tell you that I moved to Joburg."  She says and I stare at her confused. Why did she do that? She loves being in Cape Town, I didn't think she would move fo far from her parents. Especially when she hasn't been back home that long. "I din't want it to be weird when we run into each other at the hospital." She says and I nod. I don't think it would have been weird but I get why she wanted to give me a warning. She didn't want to come to work unprepared. "What did your mother say about you moving this side?" I ask and she smiles a little. "She hates it." She says and I nod already imagining the conversation they had. "She thinks I'm doing this because I want to convince you to tak
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Chapter 78 - A case of the exes
"I think I'm done with meeting exes." I say as I walk into our bedroom. Shalom is lying in bed looking a so beautiful. "I take it the meeting didn't go well." She says and I shake my head in answer. "She hates me." I say and she makes a face like in reaction. "I'm sorry." She says and I sigh. I feel drained and guilty.
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Chapter 79 - Down Time
"Shalom it's so good to see you." Farrow says when I walk in through her front door. She smiles and we hug"It's good to see you too." I say when we break the hug, "Is this one taking care of you?" She asks hugging Kane as they greet each other. "He does alright." I say smiling at Jay as he comes to the door to welcome us. "Just alright?" He Jay asks hugging Kane too. "You need to do better brother." He adds and Kane laughs. 
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Chapter 80 - Disaster
You need to come back now.  Farrow said as soon as I answered the phone. My heart jumped into my throat because the first thing I thought was that something very terrible happened to Shalom. I had all types of scenerios going on in my head.  What's wrong? I wasked trying to remain as calm as possible. I can't let my emotions make me lose my cool. I needed to listen to her and absorb whatever she had to tell me. She needs me to be calm as well. Olive is here and I don't think she came in peace. 
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Chapter 81 - Congratulations
Farrow comes back with three glasses of wine. An open wine bottle and another bottle of Alcohol-Free Sparkling Chardonnay, She places the bottles on the table and hands each of us a glass. She sits on the chair next to mine and she makes a sound that makes me look at her for a second. "Thank you so much." Olive says her voice a little too high pitched. I take a deep breath and thank Farrow as well. I take the Chardonnay bottle and pour myself a glass. I take a sip and smile at the taste. It's cold and taste perfect. "You're drinking?" Olive says and the joy I felt for a second disappears instantly. "I guess you're not breastfee
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Chapter 82 - Everyone
"Hi, guys," Caroline says looking from me to Olive. She smiles at me sympathetically and I smile back in response. Olive gets up a huge smile on her face and she hugs Caroline."Hi, girl." Olie says to Caroline cheerfully. Are you okay? Caroline mouths to me as Olive hugs her. "Wow!" Mathew exclaims as he walks into the room and he sees me sitting there and his cousin's ex-fiance hugging his wife."What's going on here?" He asks looking at Farrow. He walks to me and he hugs me hello. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned. I nod and he frowns. "I came to hang out with the gang. I live in Joburg now." Olive say
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Chapter 83 - Show time
30 Minutes Later  I walk through Jay's front door my heart in my throat. I don't know what Olive's deal is but she shouldn't be here. Neither Jay or Farrow invited her so she has to be some stupid game. I shouldn't have left Shalom here. I bet she's pissed at me. And I don't blame her. "There he is." Olive says when I enter the living room. There are about 10 of Farrow and Jay's friends and family in the house, and everyone is talking at the same time. Music&nbs
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Chapter 84 - Game plan?
Mathew pulls me aside when we're alone. "You're going to tell her to leave right?" He asks when he's sure no one can hear us. "I was thinking Shalom and I should leave. I can't throw her out of the party, she's going to cause a scene." I say and Mathew looks at me like I'm crazy.You can't leave." Jay says coming into the room."But we can't stay I don't want to put Shalom through anymore stress." I say and the both of them shakes their heads at me disapproving."I want you here not her. I'll ask her to leave." Jay says and he starts walking back to where Olive is. I grab his arm quickly to stop him."I don't want to create drama and I know Olive is going to act a fool once you ask her to leave." I say and he frowns."I don't see what we have to spare her feelings. The two of you are not together and she wasn't invited so she shouldn't be here." Jay says all of it tru but I feel bad for Olive. I c
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Chapter 89 - After the bliss
We're lying in bed. My muscles feel delicious after that hot bath and several orgasms. I stretch my body and moan in pleasure. My thigh touches Kane's and I make a happy sound. Life is beautiful right now. "How do you feel about today?" He asks turning his body towards me and he wraps one arm over my body. "Do you mean how do I feel about your ex's ambush," I say and he sighs. I smile and place my hand on his arm. He's getting tense with every passing second of me not answering his question."Yes. Are you mad at me?" He asks asking the real question."Should I be mad?  Is there something I should be mad about?" I ask and he moves uncomfortably. "There's nothing to be mad about." He says his voice steady. "You would tell me if there was something to be mad about right ? You wouldn't lie to me I hope."  I say and his arm gets firmer around me."Yes I would never lie to you." He says an
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Chapter 85 - Champagne and conversations
Mathew and Jay walk into the room looking like they were just told the worst news of their lives. Mathew gives me a look and I look back at him with a quizzical look.  it's amazing how Olive is all smiles and everone else around her looks miserable. "Thank you." Olive says smiling happily at Jay as he hands her a glass of champagne. "You're welcome." Jay says taking a seat. He looks at me weirdly as well. What are they expecting me to say? I can't do anything here. If I start acting badly towards her I'm going to be the bitch that took her man and got mad about it. She knows that she has the upper hand here and she's going to use it to her advantage.  I know she's pretending to be happy and she's acting like seeing Kane with someone else doesn't bother her but there's no way.  I don't want to be there when this act blows up but I'm not going to contribute to it. All I have to do is sit back and mind my own business.
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