All Chapters of THE RULER'S SCANDAL: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
75 Chapters
Chapter 21
"It's okay, Miss." Julie pulled the corners of her lips upwards. "Actually, I'm heartbroken," she said shyly, looking down."Gosh! Do you need a friend to share with? I'm ready to be your listener." Jessi was worried about her secretary.The beautiful woman took a deep breath and then exhaled. She looked up at her boss, who was in the arms of the man she loved."I'm okay, Miss. I will keep myself busy working to forget it. I won't fall in love again. I'll just work and work!" said Julie enthusiastically.Jessi gave Julie a thumbs-up. "That's good. It's best not to be enslaved to love if we want to be successful.""Ready, Miss!" Julie replied firmly. "Then I'll work first, Miss," she said after opening the door to the CEO's office. "Please!"Leon brought his boss in and sat her on the sofa. Then he reached into the ointment in his jacket pocket.Then Leon sat next to Jessi. "I'm sorry, Miss, if I'm being presumptuous, but I won't let you be in pain any longer." Leon lifted Jessi's legs
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Chapter 22
“Oh ... no, Miss. I don't want to fall in love again before being successful. For now my heart is completely closed.”'I am heartbroken because my one-sided love for Mr. Leon, Miss,' said Julie in her heart."Okay, I understand." Jessi nodded with a smile. “Please get back to work!”“Yes, Miss.” Julie immediately left her boss's room.Jessi leaned her body against the back of the chair while rocking her work chair after the secretary left the room. The woman massaged the bridge of her nose while closing her eyes. "How could I be so careless, that I sprained my foot," she muttered.Leon entered his boss's room. He walked while looking at the lady's beautiful face, which looked very wrinkled. “Please, Miss.” The bodyguard put hot coffee on the boss's desk. The aroma of the bodyguard's coffee hit her nose until Jessi straightened up in her seat and took the coffee cup. “Thank you, Leon. It smells really good.” Jessi inhaled deeply the aroma of the coffee, then smiled. “The smell of th
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Chapter 23
"I'm just kidding, Leon." Jessi laughed while shaking her head, then focused on her computer screen. After a few minutes, she still saw Leon standing before her. She looked back at the guard."Why are you still standing there. From this moment until I recover, you have to carry me, so your legs have to rest. I don't want to fall while in your arms. Now sit down!"Leon seemed to think his boss's words were valid, so he obeyed his lady's orders."Okay, Miss, I'll wait outside.""Just here. I don't want to scream when I need your help. You just sit there so I don't have trouble if I need your help," said Jessi, pointing to the sofa in the room."Yes, Miss." Leon immediately headed for the sofa. He deliberately sat with his back to his boss so he could use his cell phone.When he opened his cell phone, he saw an incoming message from his assistant.Daniel: Everything is ready, sir. Leon: Don't publish it now; wait for my orders! We will destroy her after their new product is released wh
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Chapter 24
Leon received a punch from Jimmy after the man carried his girlfriend. "How dare you touch my lover!" Jimmy hit Leon again.Leon staggered and was about to fall, but the tall man was able to balance his body."I'm sorry, sir. I just followed Miss Jessi's orders." Even though he was sick, Leon still bowed respectfully to Jimmy as a sign of apology.He could have retaliated against his boss's date, but Leon tried to restrain him because he didn't want any problems later."Jimmy ...!" Jessica screamed when she saw her date hit Leon. "Now get out and never see me again!" Jessi is very annoyed with Jimmy, who is very jealous."Are you more defensive of him?" asked Jimmy angrily, pointing at Leon. His face was already red with emotion seeing his lover being carried by another man in front of him. "You let him be rude to you. He's just a bodyguard, Jessi!"Jimmy became even more angry because Jessi defended his bodyguard more. The woman couldn't hold back her anger any longer. She was very
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Chapter 25
'Hopefully it's just nervousness being around a woman as beautiful as Boss,' said Leon in his heart as he closed his eyes.He didn't want to see that beautiful face because he feared she would deceive him."Your lips are bleeding, maybe a little torn," said Jessi, looking at her bodyguard's lips."It's okay, Miss. It doesn't hurt." Leon opened his eyes, then held the lady's hand. "Just let me, Miss.""You shut up!" Jessi cleaned the wound on the corner of Leon's lips very carefully.Being that close to the lady's face made Leon's chest pound wildly. 'Don't let my heart be deceived,' he thought as he looked at the lady's face."Leon, I'm sorry," said Jessi while applying antibiotic ointment to the wound on her bodyguard's lip. "Why are you sorry, Miss? This has become my obligation.""You're protecting me, Leon.""It's okay, Miss. Mr. Jimmy is like that because he really loves you.""That's not love," said Jessi. "He dated me just out of lust, I dated him just to take advantage of the
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Chapter 26
Leon's heart fluttered even more when he heard the lady's words. 'Two months is not a long time to guard my heart from getting attached to a perfect woman like Miss Jessi because that could ruin all the plans I have made,' thought Leon. "Leon, why are you silent? How does it taste? It's delicious, isn't it?" Jessi looked at Leon, who was chewing his food from a very close distance. 'It turns out that Leon is very handsome, he even looks more attractive than Jimmy and Alan,' she muttered. "What's delicious, Miss?" asked Leon, who had not yet focused on the lady's question."Of course the food, what else?" Jessi seemed to smile when she saw Leon's innocent face."Oh ...." Leon just realized. "This food is very delicious, Miss. Thank you for giving me such delicious food,' said Leon after swallowing his food with difficulty.Not like usual, but today, Leon felt a different vibe when he was that close to his boss."I should be the one thanking you because you chose this delicious menu f
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Chapter 27
"Your words sound like a man seducing his girlfriend," said Jessi, laughing softly."Is it true?" Leon asked shyly. "Then I truly apologize for my impudence."The words came out of his mouth without him realizing it. For some reason, he spoke like that to Jessi."You apologize too much, Leon." Jessi smiled while shaking her head. "Please, take me to my desk, my work has been calling me for a long time.""Okay, Miss." Leon carried the beautiful woman and took her to the work desk, then sat her in the CEO's work chair. "Good job, Miss.""Thank you for always cheering me on.""You're welcome, Miss." Leon sat back on the sofa after the lady returned to focusing on her work.The man leaned his body against the back of the sofa while massaging the bridge of his nose. He felt strange about himself when he was close to the boss.'Don't let your heart become attached to Miss Jessi's beauty. I have to maintain my sanity. She's your biggest enemy. Leon, don't be hypnotized by that woman's beauty
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Chapter 28
"Leon, can you take me to the bathroom?" Jessi asked after the bodyguard sat her down on the bed."Yes, Miss," answered Leon quickly.The handsome man picked up Jessica again and took her to the bathroom. "Just put me down there!" Jessi said while pointing to the side of the bathtub.Leon nodded and took her to the place where the lady pointed. "Is there anything else I can help you with, Miss?" Leon asked after putting Jessi down."Please get a towel and put it there.""Good." Leon immediately did what his boss ordered."Thank you, Leon," said Jessi after her bodyguard took what she ordered. "I want to soak? You'll be here in half an hour!""Okay, Miss. I also want to take a shower first." Leon closed the bathroom door and then went to his room to clean himself.Before showering, Leon called his assistant. When the telephone line was connected, he ordered, "Send medicine to treat sprained legs!""Does your leg hurt, sir?" Daniel sounded very worried about his boss."Not for me, but
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Chapter 29
"I'm sorry, Miss. "I wasn't careful," said Leon after wiping his face."I'm the one who apologizes, Leon, because I spilled soap earlier and forgot to tell you," said the woman still on Leon's body."Sorry, Miss." Leon lowered Jessi from his body and got up from the bathtub. He would clean the floor first before helping the lady.After cleaning the floor, Leon got a new towel for the lady.Then, the man, still soaking wet, helped Jessi get out of the bathtub and gave the lady a new towel. "Change your towel, I'll turn around."The man with soft hair covering his lower jaw turned his back to the lady and stretched his hand behind her. "Hold my hand if you can't stand, Miss.""Thank you, Leon. I can still stand." Jessi immediately removed her wet towel and replaced it with a new one. "I've changed the towel; now you change your clothes with the towel. If you get wet like that, I'll get wet again.""Can I borrow your towel, Miss?"He was forced to use the lady's towel because if he went
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Chapter 30
"Why Leon?" Jessi asked when Leon immediately looked down after seeing her."Sorry Miss, why do you only wear clothes like that? Sorry if I'm presumptuous." Leon turned his face away from the woman. He couldn't hold back his lust because he saw the sexiness of the woman's body, which was visible. After all, the woman was wearing transparent clothes."Don't you like seeing me wearing clothes like this? I'm used to wearing clothes like this when I want to sleep. I was wearing a robe earlier because it was cold.""It's not like that, Miss, but if Mr. Alan or Mr. Jimmy saw me in this room and you were wearing that sexy outfit, they would definitely misunderstand.""There's no Alan or Jimmy here, you don't need to worry," answered Jessi. "If you're not comfortable being here, please just come out Leon, my feet are fine, tomorrow will be fine.""No, Miss. I'm sorry." Leon immediately applied massage oil to the woman's feet and started massaging them. "I'll massage first, and after I'm done
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