All Chapters of THE RULER'S SCANDAL: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
75 Chapters
Chapter 31
Jessi lives her days enthusiastically because her plan to captivate Mr. Hans can run smoothly because her leg has completely healed. One day before the party, Jessi contacted Alan and told him to wait for her at the party. Meanwhile, Jimmy, after the last few days since the incident involving Leon's beating, was never seen again and never contacted her. Jessi thought that the man had accepted her decision not to have any contact with her outside of work.Now, the night that the CEO of Beauty Corporation has been waiting for has arrived. Jessi is already dressed neatly. I am wearing the dress chosen by the bodyguard.The woman looked very elegant, wearing a red dress that had a high slit so that half of her smooth thighs were visible.Her sensual lips look even more seductive with lip polish the same color as her dress. Her long hair is tied in a simple bun but still looks elegant.Waiting in front of the lady's room, Leon widened his eyes when the beautiful woman came out. He was am
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Chapter 32
Jessi's words shocked the man, who was focused on driving until he braked suddenly."I'm sorry, Miss." Leon turned to the boss. "Are you hurt? Sorry for my carelessness.""I'm okay, Leon." Jessica smiled at the handsome man."Okay, let's continue, we'll be there soon." Leon drove the car back. "I'm sorry I surprised you," Jessi said sincerely."It's okay, Miss." Leon pretended to smile.'You think I'm a seed seller?' Leon thought."My parents want a successor for my family, but I don't want to get married. Will you give me a child? I won't demand anything from you.""I'm just a bodyguard, Miss. Mr. Jason definitely wants future grandchildren from superior seedsa successful man who has a bright future. Meanwhile, I'm just an ordinary guy."Leon tried to refuse politely. Even though he would do anything to achieve his goal, he didn't want to do that one thing.How could he impregnate a woman without marriage? It would be the same as committing suicide; if any media found out, it could
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Chapter 33
"Do you know where he is?"Leon nodded while pointing at the chair Mr. Hans was sitting in. "I spoke with his assistant and he allowed Miss to meet him."Jessi smiled as she watched the two men Leon had pointed out earlier."Come, Miss." Leon invited Jessica to walk first.Mr. Hans' assistant got up from his seat to greet Jessi. "Are you the leader of Beauty Corporation?" Daniel stretched out his hand to Jessi. Jessi smiled, then took the hand of someone she believed was the leader of her competing company."You're right. I'm Jessica Anastasya Moris, CEO of Beauty Corporation." Jessi smiled sweetly at the man.'So this is the loser,' said Jessi in her heart."It turns out you are prettier than I thought, Miss Jessica. Please join us here."Of course!" Jessi said while smiling. That was what she planned, to seduce the leader of D. R Corporation.Leon glared at Daniel when he heard his assistant's words.'Am I right? Sir has more feelings for Miss Jessica. It cannot be denied that Mr.
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Chapter 34
"I thought Miss Jessi was with you," Leon answered."She's been with you ever since. Besides, you are the bodyguard, you shouldn't leave your boss alone.""I'm sorry, sir." Leon bowed his head in apology to Alan."I've looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her. "She's not usually like this," said Alan. "Didn't Jessi want to meet Mr. Hans? Maybe she's with him.""Yes sir. When I lived, Miss Jessi was with Mr Hans, but now Miss has gone somewhere, Mr Hans doesn't even know where she is." "Quickly look for her! I've contacted her, but she didn't answer." Alan started to worry about his girlfriend because the bodyguard who was always by her side was not with her."Yes, sir."Leon immediately looked for the lady in the women's toilet but didn't find her. He started to worry about his boss's condition because Leon knew that Jessi's former employee wanted revenge on the CEO of Beauty Corporation.The man immediately called his assistant. "Help me find Miss Jessi!" Leon said when the p
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Chapter 35
"It's nothing, forget it!" Leon reached for his cell phone as the flat object vibrated in his jacket pocket.'Leon, quickly get me out of here!' was the content of Jessica's message to Leon.Leon showed the contents of the message to Daniel. "Quickly track my Miss's whereabouts!" Leon said to his assistant. "I mean Miss Jessi.""It's okay, sir, Miss Jessica is indeed your Miss." Daniel smiled while fiddling with his cell phone. A few seconds later, he found where Jessica was."You don't need to come, Miss Jessi will get suspicious!""Give it up, sir. I'll get your car ready."Daniel went outside, while Leon went to one of the rooms in the hotel where the party was being held.Leon looked for a room according to the instructions on his cell phone. When he found the room he was looking for, he immediately kicked the hotel room door very hard.He saw Jessica sitting on the sofa, groping her neck. He immediately approached the lady."Miss Jessi, what's wrong with you?""Leon, quickly tak
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Chapter 36
"Could it be that the old man put medicine in Miss's drink," muttered Leon. He increased the speed of his car so he could quickly reach his lady's house."How to cure it?" Leon didn't know how to wake the lady up. Finally, he stopped the car on the shoulder of the road and called his assistant. However, when the telephone line was connected, he disconnected it again. "If he finds out that Miss Jessi is under the influence of stimulants, he could think wrong things about me." he muttered. "I'd better find out for myself."Daniel called his master again because he worried the telephone connection would suddenly be cut off before he said anything."What's wrong, sir? Is there any problem?" Daniel asked when the telephone line was connected again."Nothing, I dialed the wrong number," Leon answered carelessly. He then hung up the phone without paying attention to the assistant's chatter. He returned to find out about the drug while watching the lady."Good grief!" Leon immediately put h
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Chapter 37
Leon and Jessi fell asleep after making love until the early morning hours. Luckily, today was a holiday so they could rest after that struggle.The cell phone ringing from the bag lying on the nightstand woke the beautiful woman.She held her head while squinting to clear her vision. "Leon," she muttered.The beautiful woman smiled when she saw Leon's handsome face. She felt happy to be able to sleep together with her bodyguard.Jessi immediately took her cell phone and replied to a message from Alan asking about her whereabouts. The sexy woman deactivated her phone and put it back in her bag.'This is the first time I feel very happy to have a man accompany me to sleep until noon,' said Jessi to herself, then lay down again and hugged Leon.Without realizing it, Leon also returned the lady's hug, which made the beautiful woman smile and close her eyes again.After several hours, Leon finally opened his eyes. How surprised he was to find his lady in his arms."Miss Jessi," he said.T
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Chapter 38
Leon and Jessica showered together after wrestling again. I wonder how many times they have reached the peak of their pleasure."Thank you, Miss Jessi," said Leon with a smile."You're welcome, Leon," replied the sexy woman who was standing on the doorpost while looking at the man who only used a towel to cover his lower body."I'll go in first, Miss." Leon became embarrassed when he was stared at by the boss like that.The man entered his room, fell onto the bed, and closed his eyes. Not long after, he sat down and wanted to see the CCTV footage in the lady's room.Leon smiled when he saw that he was like a hungry lion while enjoying his lady's supple mound."She's so hot, it's no wonder Mr. Jimmy and Mr. Alan are so crazy about her," Leon muttered as he watched the dirty video of himself and his lady."Never mind, I might get excited again if I see Miss Jessi's sexiness again."Leon got up from his seat and immediately got dressed. After getting dressed, the man who always smiled af
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Chapter 39
"Why are you silent? What is a paw print-""I'm allergic, sir," interrupted Leon, scratching his neck. "Oh allergies," he muttered."Yes sir." Leon scratched his neck so Alan wouldn't get suspicious.'Almost,' thought Leon."Get treatment there. Don't worry about Jessi, I'll stay here until you come home!" Alan said to his girlfriend's bodyguard, pretending to be attentive even though he had a specific purpose."Yes, sir. Thank you in advance." Leon couldn't do anything else but follow his lady lover's orders.Leon immediately went into his room to get a jacket. Then he went back to the lady. "Miss, I'll go for treatment first," said Leon, which made Jessi unable to hold back her laughter at Leon's behavior of pretending to be itchy due to allergies.'Why are you laughing, Miss? If Mr. Alan becomes suspicious, it could be dangerous,' Leon muttered as he scratched his neck."Why are you laughing?" Alan watched the facial expressions of his lover and bodyguard alternately. "What's goi
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Chapter 40
"Alan, you'd better go home. I want to rest." Jessi turned off the television and got up from her seat.The man wearing a white shirt grabbed his girlfriend's hand. "Jes, what's wrong with you? You've been acting strange ever since." "You're the strange one Alan, I laughed at Leon, wrong. Now I laugh at the television shows I watch too wrong. You'd better go home, I want to be alone."But Leon isn't at home; what if there are intruders?" I will stay with you until your bodyguard comes home.""You're my bother, Alan," said Jessi. "There's been a lot of work in my office lately, every day I come home late at night, so let me rest on this holiday.""Okay, I'm going home now. Maybe you are tired and need rest, but I didn't come at the right time. I'm sorry, Jes." Alan hugged Jessi and then kissed his lover's forehead tenderly. "Take it easy!""I'm going to rest." Jessi stretched her muscles. She looked very tired.""Take it easy. I'm home, darling." Alan rubbed Jessi's head, then left th
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