All Chapters of THE RULER'S SCANDAL: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
75 Chapters
Chapter 51
The more Leon was unable to control his feelings, the more he forgot about his plan to destroy her."I forgot that you're a man," Jessi said with a smile. The woman quickly finished her breakfast before Leon could say anything else.After the food was finished, Jessica got up from her seat. "My handsome bodyguard, let's go!""Yes, pretty lady."Jessica walked first. Her smile never faded. These days, Leon always makes her smile to herself.'I've never felt this happy with Alan and Jimmy. Maybe it's because they only come when they want to enjoy my body, unlike Leon who always gives small, but sweet attention. It makes me feel loved. But, does Leon love me?'"Miss, please come in!" Leon watched the lady who was still standing and smiling to herself.Jessica blinked, then hurriedly got into the car."Be careful, Miss!" Leon put his hand on the beautiful woman's head to prevent bumping."Thank you, Leon." Jessica smiled sweetly, even sweeter than usual."You're welcome, Miss." Leon quick
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Chapter 52
"They're so cute," said a female employee wearing pink while biting her fingertips. "I envy them.""But, their status is so different, Miss is a CEO of a big company, but Mr. Leon is just a bodyguard," said the woman in black. "A woman as smart as Miss Jessica should have a partner equal to her.""Love doesn't look at status. If love has found its match, even if it is an enemy, it will not stand in the way of love itself.""Have you ever been in love?" sneered the woman in black."No, I just read a lot of romance novels, so I'm a bit poetic," the woman in pink replied with a smile."You talk like a very experienced person, but you're just imagining things," the woman mocked."Don't take your work too seriously. Read romance novels to make your life colorful even if you don't have a partner," she laughed."Never mind, let's get to work. Whoever the partner is, I wish Boss all the happiness in the world."CEO Leon sat on the sofa inside the room, looking at the beautiful woman who had m
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Chapter 53
"Forgive me for not knocking first." Julie lowered her gaze. "I'll come back later."The CEO's secretary was about to leave her boss's room again, but Jessi stopped her."What's wrong Julie? Why do you look sad?"Julie has been her secretary since she became the CEO of Beauty Corporation. She has never behaved like that before."Miss, I apologize for disturbing you." Julie did not dare to look at the boss, who was close to the man she liked.It wasn't because she was disappointed or jealous to see Leon with her boss, but she felt bad for disturbing them."You're not interrupting me. Say what's wrong?" Jessi was getting curious about what happened to Julie. She was sure something had caused her secretary to come in without permission."My mother is in the hospital, Miss. Can I go home now?"Julie had never asked permission to go home for half a day before, not even for permission or leave during her entire tenure with Jessica."I hope your mom is okay," Jessi said sincerely. You go hom
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Chapter 54
"If I knew the answer, why would I ask." The woman pretended not to know, even though she could already feel it."I'm doing this because I want to," Leon replied with a smile. "I'll finish the job while I wait for the food to arrive.Leon sat back on the sofa and did the CEO's secretarial work.Now Jessi was looking at the bodyguard who was seriously working. 'Leon, I know, your affection and care is not because I am your Boss, but because you have more feelings,' Jessi smiled.'I'm doing this because I love you, Miss. This mess is my doing, but I promise I'll help you, until the new product is released.'Leon forgot he was also preparing a new product to compete with Beauty Corporation's flagship product.The more Leon realized about his feelings, the more he felt guilty for cheating on the woman he loved.A knock on the door made Leon and Jessi turn their heads towards the sound."Come in!" Jessi ordered.A man came in with the food Leon had ordered. He was one of Leon's employees.
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Chapter 55
"Go ahead! Why do you have to ask first? You kissed me without asking first." Jessi rolled her eyes sarcastically."That's different, Miss," Leon replied with a chuckle. "If I ask first, you won't get permission.""I always lose when talking to you. Let's say what you want to say," Jessica asked irritably, but Leon smiled at her face.'I used to dare not look at her when she was angry, but now she looks so adorable when she's angry,' Leon muttered with a smile."Why are you smiling? Say it quickly!" Jessi became miserable as her bodyguard stared at her.Jessi was not a young woman new to love. Of all the men who flirted with her, only Leon could make her blush and smile."You're even more beautiful when you're angry." Leon never took his eyes off Jessica Anastasya's face. "You are so adorable Miss Jessi."The fake bodyguard was now the Beauty Corporation's ruler's love slave. He no longer remembered his evil plan. All that was in his heart and mind was how to make the woman he loved f
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Chapter 56
Jessi smiled to herself at the thought of Leon kissing her earlier. "What's wrong with me?" She realized, then continued her work.Meanwhile, Leon went to a place not far from her room. From where he stood, he kept an eye on her door.The strapping man pulled a cell phone from his coat pocket to call his assistant."Hello, sir, how can I help you?" Daniel asked from the other end of the line."I'm in love.""I'm sorry, sir. I honor you because I feel indebted to your family's kindness. I will serve the Karl family for the rest of my life. But... please forgive me, sir, I am still normal, I like women. I regretfully refuse your love," Daniel said at length."What do you mean, you think I'm in love with you?" Leon snapped a little."Thank goodness." Daniel felt very relieved. He sat back against the back of his work chair. "I thought you were in love with me.""I think I'm in love with Miss Jessi. I don't like it when men get close to her. Is this natural?""Falling in love is very nat
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Chapter 57
Leon stuffed his cell phone into his pants pocket after he finished talking to his assistant, then walked into his lady's room."Who are you calling? It's already three times ten minutes," Jessi scolded as Leon approached her."Three times ten minutes," Leon muttered as he looked at the clock on his hand. 'I forgot that I promised to only be gone ten minutes. This is all because Daniel talked too much,' Leon muttered to himself."I'm calling a friend, Miss," Leon said."Didn't you want to call your parents earlier?" Jessi narrowed her eyes. She suspected that Leon was lying."I meant that after calling my parents, I called a friend," Leon replied with a smile, then walked up to her. "Did you miss me or are you jealous?" he whispered."Who are you? Why would I be jealous?" Jessi moved her chair closer to her desk. Then, she went back to her work. 'Why am I talking like that,' Jessi thought. 'Do I like her too?'Does she like me too?' Leon thought as he watched her busy with her work. '
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Chapter 58
Jessi walked quickly away from the bodyguard; she did not want to deal with the bodyguard because many employees still had not left and were still passing by the office."Looks like Miss likes me too." Leon smiled as he walked quickly to open the car door."Please come in, my lady." Leon smiled flirtatiously at the woman he loved.Jessi flashed her eyes sarcastically at Leon, then quickly got into the car. 'He always makes me blush. What's the matter with me, why do I like him to act crazy like that?' she muttered while holding back a smile.The woman turned her face out the window to avoid the bodyguard. She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.Leon turned to the lady before driving off. 'She works too hard.Along the way, Leon considered how to express his feelings for her. He occasionally glanced at the beautiful woman and remembered the video she sent Daniel.'I haven't had a chance to talk to Daniel about deleting her video,' Leon muttered.Arriving in front of the lady's ho
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Chapter 59
"Leon...I...I like you too, but you also know I can't be in a relationship with anyone because it would hinder my career.""I won't demand that you get married, I just want you to be by my side." Leon kissed her fingers again. "I will do anything for you as long as you are with me.""Are you sure you won't demand anything from me?""One, only one thing I ask. Don't date Mr. Alan or anyone else. I just want you to be mine completely. I will grant all your requests, even if you want me to jump off a cliff, I will do it as long as you become my lover."Jessi looked thoughtful. If she refused, she worried Leon would stop being a bodyguard. She also liked Leon but was afraid to commit to it because it would interfere with her career."I will not interfere with your work. Remind me if I've unintentionally interfered with your career."Jessi took a deep breath and let it out. It may be time for her to find happiness outside of success in her career."Okay, I want to be your lover. But, as fo
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Chapter 60
Jessica brought her face closer, then scooped up the handsome bodyguard's lips and sipped passionately. Leon returned the kiss with passion.Occasionally, the two broke the kiss and then returned to each other's mouths after exchanging smiles. The sound of lips smacking could be heard faintly mingling with the sound of the television broadcast. They were really enjoying the loving kiss. Both closed their eyes to feel the warmth of the soft touch. They held each other's lips for a very long time.Meanwhile, Jessi's hand slipped under the t-shirt worn by the bodyguard. The throbbing of the man's chest was felt as Jessi's delicate fingers grazed the smooth, hair-covered chest.Jessi broke the kiss and then pulled Leon's T-shirt off. "I want you, Leon." She buried her lips in her new lover's neck while fondling the bodyguard's broad chest.Jessica did it again because she wanted to have a child with her lover as soon as possible. Even though she didn't want to get married yet, Jessi want
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