All Chapters of THE RULER'S SCANDAL: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
Chapter 61
The bodyguard's big, firm muscles satisfy Jessi, even though it's not her first time. But this was her first time doing it in the name of love."Leon ...." Jessica whimpered while biting her lip, not from pain but from pleasure.The handsome bodyguard's jaw tightened, his face flushed with difficult breathing; he pounded her again and again until he reached the peak of his pleasure.Jessi loved every move her lover made. She enjoyed this romance. Jessi and Leon did it out of love, not compulsion or the need to satisfy a partner."Honey, thank you." Leon kissed Jessica's forehead after reaching climax."Don't call me honey, it reminds me of Alan and Jimmy who always called me that.""Well, Liebe, thank you for the happiness you give me." Leon patted the beautiful woman's chin. "From now on I will call you, Liebe."Jessi smiled at Leon's mention of you instead of you again. "Liebe?" she murmured."How about that nickname? Do you like it Miss?""I like it a lot and would like it even mor
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Chapter 62
"I promised not to interfere with your work. For that I will punish you if you don't want to work." Leon picked up his girlfriend and carried her to the bathroom."It's so nice to have a lover like you." Jessi wrapped her arms around the bodyguard's neck with a smile."Even without a shower you still look beautiful, but you smell a bit, Liebe." "That's good!" Jessi punched Leon in the chest, which made him laugh."But, your smell is intoxicating." Leon lowered Jessi under the shower. "Do you need me to bathe you?""No, you don't. That will make me even more late. Now go.""All right," Leon said. "Don't take too long in the shower!""Go already! You're the one who made me take so long.""Yes, I'm out."After leaving her bathroom, Leon went outside to call his assistant. "Daniel, delete all the videos of Miss Jessi. I will not destroy the woman I love!" Leon called outside the house so as not to be heard by her."All the videos you sent me have been secured from a few days ago because
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Chapter 63
"I've taken the car out." Leon wrapped his arms around his woman's waist. "Let's go!""This is the first time I'm go to work at this hour," she said as she walked over to look at the clock in her hand."I'm sorry, Miss. It's all because of me," Leon said regretfully.Leon was worried that his girlfriend would end the relationship because he had already made her late for work after only one day of dating.Jessi hugged the handsome bodyguard. "Why are you apologizing? This is the first day I feel happy apart from my work accomplishments.""Really?" Leon picked Jessica up and carried her outside. "We're going to be late if you keep hitting on me.""I guess I should thank you." Jessi draped her arms around her lover's neck, then gently crushed the handsome bodyguard's lips; they kissed in the car in front of her house."That's a nice way of saying thank you." Leon smiled after breaking the kiss, then dropped Jessi beside the car. "Get in, Boss! Before you get yelled at by a client because
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Chapter 64
"I'm in a hurry, Leon." Jessi kept walking, ignoring her bodyguard's exclamations."Leon pulled Jessica's hand until she fell into his arms, then whispered, "Your lipstick is still a mess.""What?" Jessi covered her mouth with the palm of her hand while darting left and right.She would be so embarrassed if anyone noticed her appearance. It's good that she wasn't wearing red lipstick, which would have looked like a conspicuous mess. "They must have seen my strange appearance," she said, annoyed. So careless was she with her appearance.Leon put his arm around Jessi's head to cover the CEO's beautiful face, which looked strange because of her makeup. He strolled so Jessi wouldn't fall. "Take it easy, Miss," Leon whispered, holding back a smile.The employees who saw the scene smiled to themselves. "They're so good together, beautiful and handsome," said one of the employees."Did I mention that Boss and Mr. Leon are dating. They're already openly dating," said another employee."Miss
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Chapter 65
"Why am I being blamed? You were the one who kissed me," Leon said with a laugh."Yeah, why didn't you tell me before getting out of the car!" Jessi sat her body on the sofa and then quickly adjusted her makeup. "I was going to tell you, but you didn't want to listen.""Never mind. I never win when I argue with you." Jessi said after re-polishing"Don't keep talking! You have five minutes left! Hurry up, Boss. You're already so perfect." Leon gave both thumbs up to his lover."You're absolutely right, my love." Jessi got up from her seat and patted the bodyguard's chin. "I've been talking too much lately. It's all because of you.""Why am I being blamed again? She's always right," Leon muttered as he followed her."Come on Julie! I'm ready." Jessi came out of her room, immediately calling Julie."Yes, Miss." Although she was surprised that her lady was fine, even though she looked sick a few minutes ago, she was grateful that her boss was okay."Are you alright, Miss?" asked Julie ag
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Chapter 66
"Thank goodness. I feel relieved to hear that.""Juli, what's wrong with your mom?" Jessi turned her head briefly."My mother is not young anymore, Miss, she wants me to get married soon. She's too worried about not being able to watch me get married. ""Have I also burdened Mommy's mind by not wanting to get married." Jessi muttered."I hope not, Miss," Julie said."Then what are your plans?" asked Jessi again."I have to find a husband in the near future, otherwise I'll be set up with a man of my parents' choice." Julie laughed as she covered her mouth with the palm of her hand. She felt ashamed of what she had said."Do you want to marry someone you don't love?" Jessi stopped her steps and then turned to the secretary to wait for the woman's answer."I would if it would make my parents happy." Julie answered with conviction. Finding a future husband was very difficult for her. Let alone looking for a future husband, she couldn't even find a lover to date, let alone a serious relat
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Chapter 67
Jessi was busy working while Leon was busy watching his girlfriend. "She's such an ambitious woman, her willpower is so strong, unlike me who can't concentrate since falling in love with her," Leon muttered softly. "Why is she so calm? Isn't she just pretending to love me?"Ever since he realized his feelings, Leon couldn't think about work; all he could think about was the woman he loved.Until a few hours passed, Jessica was still struggling with work. When Leon was about to approach her, his footsteps stopped as the door to the CEO's office suddenly opened."Hello, darling, I'm here." A wide smile graced the AA Group CEO's face. The man walked over to Jessi and stood in front of her desk. "Honey, didn't you miss me? Why do you have that expression?"Jessi took her eyes off the computer screen and looked at the man who hadn't seen her for days. "I miss you too, but my work misses me more," Jessi replied. "I have a lot of work. You go home, don't bother me!" Jessi ordered firmly.Th
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Chapter 68
Jessi ate the food Leon brought without making a sound while the handsome bodyguard stood in front of the lady's desk to ensure she finished her meal."Why don't you eat?" asked Jessi after swallowing her food."I'm not busy like you, so I can eat whenever I want," Leon replied coldly.'It looks like he's really angry,' Jessi thought as she continued to chew her food. 'Is he angry because of Alan or is he offended by what I said?' Jessi was curious about Leon's sudden change in attitude towards her, but she was too proud to ask. Jessi put away the food box without a trace after her food was gone. She didn't want to talk to Leon because she was worried that it would disturb her concentration at work if she argued with him.After drinking, Jessi resumed her work. 'This job has to be finished tonight,' she thought.Leon cleaned up after her, then left the room with his food.The bodyguard looked like the CEO's assistant. He always prepared lunch for his boss, sometimes preparing others
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Chapter 69
"Miss, I'm so embarrassed." Julie blushed because it wasn't just her, the lady in the room, and her boss's loyal bodyguard. "Will you also be releasing your future husband on that day?""Future husband? I've never even dreamed of getting married." Jessi got up from her seat. "Let's go home Julie, I hope you find a husband soon.""I hope so, Miss," Julie said hopefully. "I'll get married if you do.""Do you want to marry me?" asked Jessi with a chuckle."No, Miss, I still like a man," replied Jessi with a quiet laugh. "Then you'll have to excuse me, I'm laughing too much, I'm afraid I'll get something bad.""Leon, let's go home!" Jesi slung her bag over her shoulder, then left her room with a smile that never faded. "I'm sure the results will be as satisfactory as I hoped," she said confidently.'She looks happy, even though she hasn't moved from her chair all day.' Leon smiled at the sight of his woman smiling happily."Julie, you're coming with me!" She asked her secretary."Thank yo
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Chapter 70
"Sir, I'm sorry," Julie lowered her gaze. "I want to go on a blind date with someone; I think it's you." Julie to tell the truth because she could no longer hide her face.The man didn't respond to Julie's words; he just tried to hold back his smile when he remembered the woman's attitude. 'How could she think I was her date,' thought the man in the white shirt.Julie glanced at the man who was her date. "She's so old; she looks like she's the same age as Dad." She muttered, which the handsome man in front of her heard.'Is this woman on a blind date with Dad?' the man wondered as he saw his father walk into the particular room at the café. Only a few tables were in the room, and only two, the one he was at and the one belonging to the couple."He's coming this way," Julie muttered as she exited her seat and moved beside the man. "Sir, please help me.""What can I do for you?" It was the first time the man opened his mouth, even if only to say a few words."Pretend to be my lover," s
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