All Chapters of THE RULER'S SCANDAL: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 Chapters
Chapter 41
"Of course you can, especially if you are a healthy man, Miss Jessica will definitely get pregnant quickly if you and Miss don't use protection," said Daniel."This isn't about me and Miss Jessi, I was just asking." Leon glared at his assistant. 'Why can't I lie to him,' thought Leon."Sorry Mister." Daniel looked down while holding back his smile.Daniel has been by Leon's side since he was a teenager because he is the son of his family's confidant. It was certain that he knew young Master Karl well."Get out there! Wake me up in an hour." Leon lay down, then closed his eyes. "Yes, sir." Daniel immediately left his master's room while muttering in his heart, 'You have fallen into Miss Jessica's trap. If only Miss knew that you were only pretending to be a bodyguard to destroy Miss Jessi. It's not only the leader of the Beauty Corporation who feels devastated but you too.'Daniel went to his room to secure the CCTV footage his master had given him. "I have to secure this; don't let t
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Chapter 42
Leon immediately went into his room to check the CCTV he had installed in her room. "Miss didn't do it," Leon muttered after watching the CCTV footage. "Did they do it in the living room? I have to make sure."The man in the black shirt was about to leave his room, but it was when he turned the doorknob that he realized what he had done. "Why do I care so much about something like this? The important thing is that I have some footage of her with her lovers. " Leon sat back down on the edge of the bed. "Am I being jealous? That can't be right?"Leon ruffled his hair, realizing his behavior would reflect badly on him. "I should keep my distance from Miss Jessi, but... what if she gets pregnant? A Hans Leonard Karl impregnating his own enemy, that's ridiculous," he muttered with a self-mocking grin.The bodyguard quickly organized his plan. He messaged his assistant to prepare a video of the Beauty Corporation's pervert. Leon: Prepare a video of Ms. Jessi and her date and write an ar
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Chapter 43
"Am I a special person in your heart?" Jessica smiled as she leaned her face toward Leon."Of course, Miss," Leon replied quickly. "I mean you're a special person that I have to take care of. You are the only one who is my priority right now." Leon corrected his words after realizing what he had said.'What's wrong with me?' Leon thought.Jessica sat down in front of the food. "You're not just a bodyguard, you're like my servant. Don't do this again, it's not your job.""Making you happy is my job outside of my job as a bodyguard."This time, Leon was not only guarding the beautiful woman, but he also wanted to look good in front of the woman who had taken away his virginity."Alright, you sit there! Let's eat together. Now that we're on vacation, think of me as your friend and not your boss.""Alright, Miss." Leon sat on the chair opposite the lady. Only a white dining table that was not too big separated them."It turns out you're a good cook. This food is very delicious. I can alre
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Chapter 44
Jessica gave her bodyguard a sharp look that made the man get up and bow apologetically."I'm sorry, Miss. I didn't mean it like that.""Leon you apologize to me too often. How much have you wronged me? Do you have something to hide, that you have apologized to me so many times in one day."Jessi folded her hands under her chest while looking at the tall man. He had a firm jaw and fine hair that filled his back cheeks to his chin."I'm sorry for doing that to you, Miss.""What was that?" Jessi pretended not to understand what her bodyguard meant.Having sex with a man she wasn't in love with was common for the young CEO. So, sleeping together with a bodyguard was no big deal to her."Just like last night, Miss."Jessica stood up and hugged her bodyguard. "If I don't get pregnant in one month, you have to do it again until I carry your child. I'm not angry that you did that to me, I'm just happy that I'll have an heir to succeed me without having to get married."Leon slowly raised his
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Chapter 45
"You mean you want me to do what I did last night?""But not now, Leon. I'm all sore today, I don't know what style you did last night, I didn't realize it, but last night was really great. Usually I'm the one who satisfies Alan and Jimmy, but last night I was so satisfied by your game. I felt loved instead of needed."Jessi got up from her seat, leaving Leon dumbfounded by her words.Leon also went into his room in confusion over his stupidity. 'Why did I agree when Miss Jessi asked me to do it again? Looks like you've fallen into your own trap, Leon.'Leon looked back at last night's CCTV footage of him making love to her. He smiled to himself at his behavior with her."Why was I so violent, when it was my first time doing something like that. It turns out there's a hidden talent in me when it comes to making love," he muttered with a smile.After a while, Leon came to his senses. "I can't go on like this. I need to focus on the original plan."He reached for his cell phone to send
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Chapter 46
Leon rushed over to the lady and rubbed the sexy woman's back. "Eat carefully, Miss!"Leon thought Jessica was choking from eating in a hurry, but Jessi was surprised to hear her bodyguard's words."I'm fine, Leon," Jessi said when she felt better. "Thank you, this food is really good."Jessi got up from her seat and went to her room. Leon's change in demeanor confused her. 'What does cooked with love mean? Does he like me?' As she walked, Jessi wondered to herself about Leon's change in attitude after making love to her.The beautiful woman sat on the sofa in her room, thinking about what had happened to her bodyguard."I do want to have a child from him, but I don't intend to marry him. He is a good man, if I were told to choose between Alan and Leon, I would choose my bodyguard, but would Daddy approve? Leon is just a bodyguard, although Daddy and Mommy really want me to get married and have children, but it must be with someone who is equal to me."Leon immediately entered the ro
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Chapter 47
"What does that mean, Miss?" Leon was surprised to hear his boss's words."You're sleeping in my room, in case I can sleep with a friend. I've been having trouble closing my eyes."'Why is Miss experiencing the same thing as me? I can't sleep either,' he thought."You don't want to?""I do, Miss." Leon answered quickly. He had been trying to get her out of his mind, but when he got the offer to sleep together, he immediately agreed."Let's go to bed, it's late." Jessi held out her hand to Leon.However, instead of accepting the hand, Leon carried her. "Miss Jessi looks very tired, so I'll just carry her, is that okay?""What should I say? I'm already in your arms right now." Jessi draped her arms while looking at the bodyguard's handsome face.Leon seductively laid down the beautiful woman wearing a red transparent nightgown, but he tried to restrain his desire. He didn't want to do that again.His mind was already filled with Jessi, even though he only had intercourse once, especiall
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Chapter 48
"Your neck still looks red, let me cover it with this. If you go to the office like this, you'll be the center of attention." Jessi chuckled as she smeared the foundation to cover the red marks on her bodyguard's neck.'I thought Miss would do that but she didn't do anything last night. Turns out it's my brain that always thinks dirty,' Leon muttered to himself while holding back a smile."There, let's get to work!" Jessi picked up her bag from the dining table and quickly left the house.Arriving at the office, Jessi was immediately busy with the work that was waiting for her.'Do I like Miss Jessi?' thought Leon as he stole glances at the beautiful woman who was focused on her laptop. 'If I like her, what should I do?'A knock on the door interrupted the man standing behind the CEO's reverie. Julie arrived with a young male emissary from the Albert Group."Miss, Mr. Robert has come to represent Mr. Jimmy," Julie said. "Please Mr. Robert! Please excuse me." Julie came out after seein
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Chapter 49
"Send Leon in!" ordered Jessi when Julie was about to go out."Yes, Miss.""What if Leon really likes me?" muttered Jessi after Julie left the room. "He's a nice guy, but I don't want to commit. Alan and Jimmy alone are too much trouble."The bodyguard walked into the room and faced his boss. "Miss called me?""Sit down!" Jessi gave the bodyguard a sharp look.'Why am I having palpitations like this?' Leon thought as he sat down in front of her. 'Does it seem like Miss Jessi is angry with me?"Do you like me?" asked Jessi matter-of-factly."Yes." Leon answered quickly. "Miss is a good Boss, if I didn't like you I would have stopped working as a bodyguard." "Is that all?" Jessi narrowed her eyes. She was sure Leon had different feelings for her. The change in the man's attitude was very noticeable."Yes, Miss.""You just wait here, so you don't get suspicious when a male guest lingers in this room!" Jessi got up from her seat and returned to her desk to continue working.She didn't wa
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Chapter 50
"It means I need a sleeping partner, I don't want to sleep alone.""Sorry, Miss, I've been asking questions." Leon smiled in embarrassment."It's okay." Jessi smiled sweetly at Leon. "Let's go back to sleep!""Miss, you haven't eaten dinner yet. Eat something so your stomach doesn't hurt."Since Leon had been worrying about the beautiful woman, he couldn't sleep well until midnight when he woke up thinking about his boss."I'm not hungry, Leon. I just want to sleep, I'm tired, my body hurts all over.""Alright, let's get some rest." Leon laid back down on the bed. "Good night, Miss.""Night, Leon." Jessi slept on the bodyguard's arm while hugging the burly body."Miss, can I hug you too?" Leon asked softly."Why do you have to ask? You didn't see me hugging you without permission.""Miss is my boss, so I have to ask your permission first.""You can do anything to me." Jessi smiled as she closed her eyes."Go to sleep, Miss. You need a lot of rest." Leon stroked her hair, then landed a
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