All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 6961 - Chapter 6970
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Chapter 6961
Looking at the old man riding a crane, James frowned.“Who’s the old man?”Morgott replied, “He ranked third amongst the Five Path Emperors. He’s called Emperor Cosimeon and controls the Gate of Virtue.“Be careful, James. He is a cunning one. He talks about virtue and righteousness, but his heart is full of wickedness and deceit. He’s also very scheming. Don’t fall into his trap.”James showed a perplexed expression.The old man sitting atop the crane stroked his beard, looked at James and showed a kind smile. “James, or shall I call you Forty-nine?”James stared at him silently.The old man praised, “There’s a total of five Chosen Ones. Yet, you are the only one that has integrated the Three Treasures. You’ve exceeded our expectations and have made a name for yourself.”James remained indifferent to his words.The old man sighed, then raised a shining jade pendant.“Do you know what this is?”Morgott’s soul consciousness said telepathically, “That’s the Soul Pendant. I’m a
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Chapter 6962
Wesley clicked his tongue, “I know how stubborn you can be.”James smiled and said, “You’ve already paved the way for me. Did you foresee the current situation?”Wesley shook his head helplessly, No. We’ve been trying to prevent you from falling into such a calamity, but you’re a person, not a tool we control. We can’t manipulate you as we wish."James felt somewhat speechless. ‘Should I cry or laugh? Perhaps I’m supposed to thank them for their well-intentioned efforts?’Wesley stared at James and said, “I don’t have much time left. Let’s cut to the chase. To overcome this situation, you have three options.”James listened attentively, “Tell me.”Wesley explained, “The first is to make a bold move to sacrifice something insignificant for the bigger picture.”James squinted and asked, “Please elaborate.”Wesley said decisively, “With you and your wife’s strength, you two will be able to defeat all the evil forces in the Fortieth Heaven. Take action now to kill the orthodox sect
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Chapter 6963
After a long silence, Wesley flipped his hand, and a powerful Innate Energy poured into James’ body.James’ eyes widened and said, “What are you doing…”Wesley transmitted Innate Energy to James, saying, “I know I can’t change you, nor can I change the situation. However, I can still support you. I believe that besides you, there isn’t anyone else who can cleanse Zymurgy.”The Innate Energy in James’ body grew more concentrated.“Gray clouds and thousands of bells chiming. Above the Genesis Power is where you find the Marciais Combat Form. The Nirvana Golden Bones, the Quasar Second Body, the Dernaturae, and the Daeclon Mahayana.”After reciting the phrases, Wesley’s Innate Energy had almost completely been poured into James. James elevated into the void and sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.Meanwhile, Wesley gradually turned translucent, and even his handsome visage blurred.Meanwhile, perched atop a crane, Cosimeon observed the scene with wide eyes, a hint of helplessne
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Chapter 6964
James appeared to traverse into an alternate realm. Within this realm, boundless Innate Energy permeated the surroundings, an infinite reserve ready for absorption and utilization, capable of morphing into any shape or form.However, his first choice was to restore the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell.Effortlessly, shards of the bell converged from all directions within the space, melding under the influence of the Innate Energy. It slowly reformed and rotated, emitting a myriad of radiant colors.With a ponderous exhale, James muttered, “What’s with the colors? Did it become weaker?”His brow furrowed slightly as he manipulated the Innate Energy to enshroud the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell.The bell resonated with a melodic chime, multiplying exponentially until the sky was filled with the harmonious toll of thousands of bells.Gray clouds and thousands of bells chiming. Above the Genesis Power is where you find the Marciais Combat Form. The Nirvana Golden Bones, the Quasar Second Body, the Der
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Chapter 6965
James was even more astonished when Lesia appeared, multiplying into numerous replicas, scattering throughout the vast expanse, motionless and devoid of emotion, frozen in a lifelike yet static state.Unlike the vibrant hues of the bell, her replicas lacked vibrant light rays. Instead, only a crimson aura enveloped the infant, the primary form.However, as the scene unfolded, the aura surrounding Lesia transitioned from a single hue to a spectrum of two, then three colors before vanishing and reemerging anew.James discerned that it was when Lesia had been reborn after helping him during his venture into the third level of the Forladtt Land. Back then, he could not cross the Aquasoul to reach the golden palace and obtain the Nether Demonic Sword.Next, James’ golden bones appeared before him. They were forged by the two elderly men beneath the Aquasoul, composed of Marciais and Historial Power. Afterward, it was the acquisition of the Ultimate Golden Body.In the blink of an eye,
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Chapter 6966
The stunning woman flicked her long hair and shot James a glance.“Well, have you never seen such a beautiful woman before? Don’t forget I’m your female version!”James pondered, ‘Is that Lesia?’She appeared entirely different from her former self. Now, she was a spitting image of him. James could not help but feel a little awkward despite her breathtaking beauty.After coughing twice to clear his throat, James embarrassedly said, “This isn’t necessary. I know you can assume various forms and don’t have to…”“I quite like it.” Lesia cast a haughty look at James, then zapped Fennec with a lightning bolt.“You fool! Don’t you even know how to cast a clone? Use your Zen and combine it with the Wuia Aura.”The bewildered Fennec furrowed his brow before complying with Lesia’s instruction.The next moment, a bright light emerged from his body, and hundreds of clones sprang forth.James was stunned by the sight. He said in disbelief, “Huh? Aren’t you my clone? How can you cast so ma
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Chapter 6967
Lesia suggested, “Let’s merge first. With your Daeclon Mahayana, the Three Treasures, and Morgott’s Five Spirits, you’d have a chance against Emperor Qadeer.James squinted at her remark. He wasted no time and immediately urged his Wuia Aura and blended it with his golden bones, golden body, and spiritual companions.With a swift motion of his hands, the golden bones seamlessly merged into the Ultimate Golden Body, followed by the immediate fusion of Lesia, Hemera, and Fennec.Suddenly, gray clouds swirled in the sky, and lightning crackled. The Yuraeceon Genesis Bell echoed throughout the sky.James’ golden body erupted into dazzling lights and illuminated the Fortieth Heaven with blinding lights.As the colors washed over, every being immediately dropped to their knees in reverence. Nobody dared to raise their head, bowing devoutly.The light reached the perimeter of the Foriteth Heaven and immediately clashed with the Wuinfinite Formation.The collision caused a loud explosio
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Chapter 6968
Hearing their mocking remarks, Cosimeon chuckled with frustration."Yiulia, Stavros. You two are Path Emperors and are showered with adoration from the Greater Realm’s living beings and devour their Spiritual Providence. So why the obsession with this personal vendetta?”Yulia and Stavros’s faces immediately sank at his words.Cosimeon raised his voice, “Is it simply because your Soremsia in the Greater Realms have some grudge against him?”Then, he pointed at Stavros and said, “I’ve already investigated and learned that your Soremsia in the Greater Realm is the Dark World’s Xayvion Yeftero. You were one of his biggest opponents in the Dark World.“You are vicious and narrow-minded. Even though you are talented, you are no different from the evil gods.“You were no match for him in the Dark World, and even after reaching the Tai Chi World, you’re still incomparable.“You tried to play dirty while the Dark Heavenly Path was merging but was burnt by her natal fires. That was the end of y
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Chapter 6969
After a brief pause, Qadeer suddenly said, “Strengthen the Wuinfinite Formation right away and exterminate all of these demons.”Stavros and Yiulia exchanged perplexed glances as they processed the abrupt change in strategy. Instead of containment, the focus now shifted to annihilation.Before they could voice their thoughts, Qadeer gestured, and a hundred thousand blinding lights erupted from his body, swiftly filling the Fortieth Heaven’s sky.In the blink of an eye, amidst the myriad hues, a deluge of meteorites, flames, lightning, fierce gales, and even torrents of blades cascaded from the heavens in a dense and expansive array.Witnessing this spectacle, Yiulia and Stavros promptly marshaled their powers, aligning with Qadeer's efforts.As the onslaught descended, the countless formidable beings within the Palace of Law were instantly engulfed.Screams, explosions, buzzing, wails, and curses filled the air, painting a scene of chaos. Those with lesser cultivation ranks fou
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Chapter 6970
Just when Thea was about to rest, she suddenly felt a stream of Innate Energy coming from the outside.Once again, she wielded the Xyloria Tai Chi Axe in her grasp and swung it a few times.A few phantom axes spread out, shattering the outermost barrier between the 81 Jade Blossoms and 45 Gold Blossoms.Suddenly, nine vibrant lotuses, 45 Golden Blossoms, and 81 Jade Blossoms spread across the sky. Gradually, they waved into a massive lotus and emitted a dazzling light.The Three Treasures purified the Taishi Power, then gradually surged above Thea’s head.James exclaimed It’s a success!”Unexpectedly, he faced a shower of Sword Lights descending from the sky, which caused some injuries to his body.Lesia cautioned, “We need to do something, Master. The Five Path Emperors each oversee a different sect. They hardly show themselves but can trigger tribulations within the formation to annihilate us.James furrowed his brow. He knew staying on defense against such a relentless onslaught wa
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